So Now That Trump Has Seemingly Separated Himself from Bannon Who Are You With?

When It Comes to Trump vs. Bannon

  • I'm With Trump

    Votes: 4 26.7%
  • I'm With Bannon

    Votes: 2 13.3%
  • Well, it depends on the issue

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Actually, I don't expect to agree with either of them

    Votes: 9 60.0%

  • Total voters


Diamond Member
Aug 12, 2009
It is inevitable, these two are going to differ at some point, probably sooner than later, on policy or political strategy. Yes, Steve Bannon is gone, but now he can lob missiles at Trump from a safe distance and cause considerable damage.

So who will you side with when they differ, Bannon, or stick with Trump?

Clearly, this question is directed to the Trump supporters of USMB.
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I just don't see Bannon lobbing bombs at Trump. Trump is the closest thing to an alt-right President that Bannon will ever see, and he knows it.

For Bannon and the psuedocons, life is a false dichotomy. You are either for Trump or you are a Hillary voter.
It is inevitable, these two are going to differ at some point, probably sooner than later, on policy or political strategy. Yes, Steve Bannon is gone, but now he can lob missiles at Trump from a safe distance and cause considerable damage.

So who will you side with when they differ, Bannon, or stick with Trump?

Clearly, this question is directed to the Trump supporters of USMB.
Now that you know your idol in your avatar called you a chump and a traitor to your own race that you are, who are you with?

Doesn't this make you all upset?

Poor little you.
I just don't see Bannon lobbing bombs at Trump. Trump is the closest thing to an alt-right President that Bannon will ever see, and he knows it.

For Bannon and the psuedocons, life is a false dichotomy. You are either for Trump or you are a Hillary voter.
I suspect Bannon will want to go more far right, more White Nationalist and more White Surpremecist than Trump wants to, or can get away with.

On such issues, they'll differ.

He's going back to BriteBart, so watch the tone of the articles from next week forward.
It is inevitable, these two are going to differ at some point, probably sooner than later, on policy or political strategy. Yes, Steve Bannon is gone, but now he can lob missiles at Trump from a safe distance and cause considerable damage.

So who will you side with when they differ, Bannon, or stick with Trump?

Clearly, this question is directed to the Trump supporters of USMB.

Trump, all the way.
What does Bannon have to do with anything?

Trump can better use him now that his restraints are removed and if Trump needs advice Bannon is a mere phone call away.
It is inevitable, these two are going to differ at some point, probably sooner than later, on policy or political strategy. Yes, Steve Bannon is gone, but now he can lob missiles at Trump from a safe distance and cause considerable damage.

So who will you side with when they differ, Bannon, or stick with Trump?

Clearly, this question is directed to the Trump supporters of USMB.
Now that you know your idol in your avatar called you a chump and a traitor to your own race that you are, who are you with?

Malcolm X was speaking several months before the passage of the Civil Rights Act. And it was a political fact that JFK was not able to get anywhere with civil rights legislation because he did not understand the political realities of the conservative Democratic bloc in the Senate.

Johnson, having been the master of the Senate who lived and breathed in those realities, tried to teach JFK how to get civil rights legislation passed, but JFK ignored him. But once Johnson became President, he put his plan into action and was able to achieve what JFK could not.

Malcolm was upset that a lot of other legislation was passed first, but that was precisely what had to be done. It sucks, but that's just the way it was.

There were certain "gets" each faction wanted before they would tolerate Johnson's civil rights slate.

Doesn't this make you all upset?

Poor little you.

Only 8 percent of blacks voted for Trump. 92 percent voted against him. What the fuck are you gloating about, retard?
I will side with those that are right and stay away from those that are wrong. Pretty easy.

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I will side with those that are right and stay away from those that are wrong. Pretty easy.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Considering your track record...I'll believe it when I see it.
It is inevitable, these two are going to differ at some point, probably sooner than later, on policy or political strategy. Yes, Steve Bannon is gone, but now he can lob missiles at Trump from a safe distance and cause considerable damage.

So who will you side with when they differ, Bannon, or stick with Trump?

Clearly, this question is directed to the Trump supporters of USMB.

You want to know what's really weird?
I voted for Trump...not Bannon.
It is inevitable, these two are going to differ at some point, probably sooner than later, on policy or political strategy. Yes, Steve Bannon is gone, but now he can lob missiles at Trump from a safe distance and cause considerable damage.

So who will you side with when they differ, Bannon, or stick with Trump?

Clearly, this question is directed to the Trump supporters of USMB.

I am lucky to have a few friends who are much smarter than me and they think Bannon will push Breitbart to the center and go for establishment Republicans. If Trump then veers toward the establishment Bannon will crucify him. Could be. Bannon is much smarter than Trump. Trump is extremely narrow in his range of knowledge and intellect.
I voted for you, Don, because I was fed up with liberalism. I will skip the derisive polemics. But I am seeing that Trump is a posturing empty fool . I gave him the benefit of doubt, even though I gave him the benefit of the doubt Well, liberals need to realize they are so antagonistic and hateful, they aren't helping heal hate, they are opening wounds and pouring salt into it.

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