So much for "Affordable"

Just once I'd love to see the federal government be honest about a bill. There was nothing ever "affordable" about the AHCA and Obama knows it. The bill should have been accurately named the Government Takeover of Healthcare in Order to Buy Power From The Parasites Willing To Trade Freedoms For Entitlements Act.
Surely you're not suggesting that Owe Bama would lie to the American public? ROFLMAO.
I don't feel a damn bit sorry for them, they voted for it, they got it. enjoy it middle class america.
When the Bill was passed and Obama signed it, Vice PresiDufus Joe Biden whispered to His Majesty: "This is a big FUCKING deal!"

What he meant, but he was messed up as usual, and should have whispered: "This is a BIG FUCKED UP deal".
I don't feel a damn bit sorry for them, they voted for it, they got it. enjoy it middle class america.

Well, not everybody supported it.

I think the same people who say that Conservatives are hypocrites for accepting Social Security and Medicare (for which they have paid taxes), should support everyone who is opposed to ObamaCare to be granted a Permanent Waiver.

If Waivers are good enough for unions that supported the passage of ObamaCare, they should be good enough for those who opposed it.
I don't feel a damn bit sorry for them, they voted for it, they got it. enjoy it middle class america.

Well, not everybody supported it.

I think the same people who say that Conservatives are hypocrites for accepting Social Security and Medicare (for which they have paid taxes), should support everyone who is opposed to ObamaCare to be granted a Permanent Waiver.

If Waivers are good enough for unions that supported the passage of ObamaCare, they should be good enough for those who opposed it.

enough did that he got a second term, I have no sympathy.
The linked article has more to say that haven't been brought up. Such as,,,,
"The one-time jump in rates also includes increases in costs that would come even without the law, Bertolini said.

“That just seems silly,” said Gary Claxton, a vice president at Kaiser Family Foundation, a Menlo Park, California- based nonprofit that studies health issues. “I can’t imagine anything going on in the small-group market that would change the average premium that much. On the individual market, there’s arguments for things changing, but those magnitudes seem high.”

And that's the whole thing, the healthcare industry does what it wants, when it wants to do it and hasn't ever let prices that rise faster than the CPI and wages get in the way. And that's where the healthcare reform was misdirected from the beginning.
People and businesses pay more than the rest of the world by almost double. Between 1999-2009 insurance premiums went up 131%, while wages went up a meager 38%!
Obamacare should be terminated and our leaders should look at the facts why healthcare is so expensive in the US compared with the rest of the world and then do something about it. Of course the healthcare industry owns Washington thanks to hundreds of millions of dollars it pours into Washington to protect it's ability to rape the US.
Neither party has gone to bat for the American people and our business sector. They just cower in the corner with their hands out taking in the healthcare industry's cold cash.


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Affordable means Americans can afford to pay more; this is how Obama uses words!
The linked article has more to say that haven't been brought up. Such as,,,,
"The one-time jump in rates also includes increases in costs that would come even without the law, Bertolini said.

“That just seems silly,” said Gary Claxton, a vice president at Kaiser Family Foundation, a Menlo Park, California- based nonprofit that studies health issues. “I can’t imagine anything going on in the small-group market that would change the average premium that much. On the individual market, there’s arguments for things changing, but those magnitudes seem high.”

And that's the whole thing, the healthcare industry does what it wants, when it wants to do it and hasn't ever let prices that rise faster than the CPI and wages get in the way. And that's where the healthcare reform was misdirected from the beginning.
People and businesses pay more than the rest of the world by almost double. Between 1999-2009 insurance premiums went up 131%, while wages went up a meager 38%!
Obamacare should be terminated and our leaders should look at the facts why healthcare is so expensive in the US compared with the rest of the world and then do something about it. Of course the healthcare industry owns Washington thanks to hundreds of millions of dollars it pours into Washington to protect it's ability to rape the US.
Neither party has gone to bat for the American people and our business sector. They just cower in the corner with their hands out taking in the healthcare industry's cold cash.

First of all, everybody knows why costs are what they are - because hospitals are forced to provide service to people who can't or won't pay. They have to make up those costs by passing it on to those who can.

Second, it's not the governments job to set and/or regulate prices on anything. If they hadn't unconstitutionally gotten their damn noses involved in the first place, then costs wouldn't be what they are today.
“That just seems silly,” said Gary Claxton, a vice president at Kaiser Family Foundation, a Menlo Park, California- based nonprofit that studies health issues. “I can’t imagine anything going on in the small-group market that would change the average premium that much. On the individual market, there’s arguments for things changing, but those magnitudes seem high.”

Well, yeah.
The linked article has more to say that haven't been brought up. Such as,,,,
"The one-time jump in rates also includes increases in costs that would come even without the law, Bertolini said.

“That just seems silly,” said Gary Claxton, a vice president at Kaiser Family Foundation, a Menlo Park, California- based nonprofit that studies health issues. “I can’t imagine anything going on in the small-group market that would change the average premium that much. On the individual market, there’s arguments for things changing, but those magnitudes seem high.”

And that's the whole thing, the healthcare industry does what it wants, when it wants to do it and hasn't ever let prices that rise faster than the CPI and wages get in the way. And that's where the healthcare reform was misdirected from the beginning.
People and businesses pay more than the rest of the world by almost double. Between 1999-2009 insurance premiums went up 131%, while wages went up a meager 38%!
Obamacare should be terminated and our leaders should look at the facts why healthcare is so expensive in the US compared with the rest of the world and then do something about it. Of course the healthcare industry owns Washington thanks to hundreds of millions of dollars it pours into Washington to protect it's ability to rape the US.
Neither party has gone to bat for the American people and our business sector. They just cower in the corner with their hands out taking in the healthcare industry's cold cash.

First of all, everybody knows why costs are what they are - because hospitals are forced to provide service to people who can't or won't pay. They have to make up those costs by passing it on to those who can.

Second, it's not the governments job to set and/or regulate prices on anything. If they hadn't unconstitutionally gotten their damn noses involved in the first place, then costs wouldn't be what they are today.

That-a boy, it's not the healthcare industry's fault, it's everyone else's fault. In the rest of the world where healthcare is twice as affordable versus the US, government controls more than the US government does, they control the price.

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