So...How Was Your May Day?


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2011
Cleveland's May Day nearly began with a bang and an unknown toll of dead commuters who refused to take the day off work like OWS wanted them to.

Seattle had the usual mayhem and attacks on places of business.

Here, there was a protest to allow illegal aliens to get drivers licenses, and to allow them to be charged the in-state tuition rate at state colleges instead of out of state tuition.

Now, that last bit really puzzles me.

In order to get in-state tuition you have to prove you have lived here for at least one full year.

So what you would have is an illegal alien actually going out of his way to PROVE he has been living here illegally for over year!

To get a DISCOUNT on his college classes in which he is taking a seat that should be filled by a US citizen of this state.

What the ever loving FUCK?!?!?
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You're out, smart guy! We have too many white people in our school. We need to accept more illegal aliens or we are going to lose federal aid for not being diverse enough.
Uneventful except for the closing of the I-40 east at peak rush hour to allow the First Lady's motorcade to cruise through. Guess she was heading back to Kirtland AFB to hop on a plane back to DC.

Of course they had to do this during rush hour lest she miss her flight I suppose...
Uneventful. Everyone already looking forward do Cinco De Mayo drinking this weekend?

Left wingers, your movement failed. Me so sorry!
Pretty much the same.
Went to work,came home...
Wasn't there supposed to be some kind of
public statement made by those OWS dumb asses?,,,
Cleveland's May Day nearly began with a bang and an unknown toll of dead commuters who refused to take the day off work like OWS wanted them to.

Seattle had the usual mayhem and attacks on places of business.

Here, there was a protest to allow illegal aliens to get drivers licenses, and to allow them to be charged the in-state tuition rate at state colleges instead of out of state tuition.

Now, that last bit really puzzles me.

In order to get in-state tuition you have to prove you have lived here for at least one full year.

So what you would have is an illegal alien actually going out of his way to PROVE he has been living here illegally for over year!

To get a DISCOUNT on his college classes in which he is taking a seat that should be filled by a US citizen of this state.

What the ever loving FUCK?!?!?

Pretty much your average day in the Big Apple.....
Uneventful. Everyone already looking forward do Cinco De Mayo drinking this weekend?

Left wingers, your movement failed. Me so sorry!

All things being relative, mine was great because I wasn't living in Oakland or San Francisco, that day.

"A day after thousands protested in San Francisco and Oakland, clashing with police in May Day demonstrations, officials were regrouping and assessing damage.

"In San Francisco, police arrested 26 people early Wednesday morning while clearing protesters from a building they had occupied at Turk and Gough streets on Tuesday.

"The protesters occupied a building at 888 Turk St. on Tuesday afternoon after marching to the property from a May Day rally at Market and Montgomery streets downtown.

"Officers in riot gear assembled around the building around 5 a.m. and made the arrests without incident."

more: Oakland regroups after May Day protests; 26 arrested in San Francisco - San Jose Mercury News
Cleveland's May Day nearly began with a bang and an unknown toll of dead commuters who refused to take the day off work like OWS wanted them to.

Seattle had the usual mayhem and attacks on places of business.

Here, there was a protest to allow illegal aliens to get drivers licenses, and to allow them to be charged the in-state tuition rate at state colleges instead of out of state tuition.

Now, that last bit really puzzles me.

In order to get in-state tuition you have to prove you have lived here for at least one full year.

So what you would have is an illegal alien actually going out of his way to PROVE he has been living here illegally for over year!

To get a DISCOUNT on his college classes in which he is taking a seat that should be filled by a US citizen of this state.

What the ever loving FUCK?!?!?

I worked. Just like everyone else who has both a job and some sense.
Uneventful. Everyone already looking forward do Cinco De Mayo drinking this weekend?

Left wingers, your movement failed. Me so sorry!

Its anything bur a failure but that's hardly the point.

The real point is that unless you are one of the 1%, you're an blithering idiot to wish failure on this true grassroots movement that aims to give a voice back the middle, poor and working class.

There is nothing about the OWS movement that hurts the USA, whereas, everything about the war on the peons does hurt our country. Even you know that.
May Day is a communist "holiday." Only an idiot would waste their time on something so destructive.
Uneventful. Everyone already looking forward do Cinco De Mayo drinking this weekend?

Left wingers, your movement failed. Me so sorry!

Its anything bur a failure but that's hardly the point.

The real point is that unless you are one of the 1%, you're an blithering idiot to wish failure on this true grassroots movement that aims to give a voice back the middle, poor and working class.

There is nothing about the OWS movement that hurts the USA, whereas, everything about the war on the peons does hurt our country. Even you know that.

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