So how about them kneelers?


Gold Member
Sep 29, 2017
Pittsburgh, PA
I read an article the other day about a Tennessee Titans player, Delanie Walker, Had 1 word for up-set fans "bye"
He pretty much saying he don't care about the fans. He said if fans don't want to watch the game no more "bye". How does he think he gets paid? There are people who bust their ass everyday to survive and make a whole hell of a lot less then these football players and have to do things everyday they might not agree with. If the fans stopped going to the stadiums to watch the game live, stopped buying NFL merchandise, and everything else fans do, NFL players would see a major decrease in salary. These football players are nothing but uneducated babies now a days who get paid way to much to play a sport that is turning into a non contact flag football sport. They could not compete with older generation football players. He said the protesting and not standing for national anthem isn't meant to disrespect the people who served its about equal rights? What does that have anything to do with standing for a few moments to respect the people who fought and died for this country? I think its childish and disrespectful." hey guys I'm not going to stand for our national anthem because other players aren't either." disrespecting our nation for equal rights? They think they look tough because they kneel and not stand I bet half of the players don't even know why they are kneeling. I don't care if you are from America or not, if you have an issue with the country or not, I don't care if you are trying to prove something or not has nothing to do with standing for our national anthem for a few moments to honor and respect the human beings that fought and died for us. If you mad for some reason and have the need to prove something. Make sure you know what you are doing and talking about, and be a mature adult and know that theres other ways then disrespecting human beings that aren't alive and having nothing to do why you mad. So many kids look up to athletes, set an example, don't act like a child yourself. one more thing. the players say its their amendment right to kneel if they want but the league fines them for making themselves look stupid in the endzone? so its ok to disrespect our nation but not ok to act a fool after scoring a touch down? smh
Not when I'm posting on a website forum, no I don't. But you can see how well I like paragraphs when my novel gets released. I will send you a copy.
I take it you don't believe in paragraphs.
I take it you are one of them people that gets bored and spends hours browsing through these posts and have nothing of value to say and/or no valid opinions or points of your own. So you just like to bother people and reply to peoples postings and have nothing nice to say or any constructive criticism.
Not when I'm posting on a website forum, no I don't. But you can see how well I like paragraphs when my novel gets released. I will send you a copy.

How to Muddle a Subject Till Nobody Can Tell What You Are Trying to Say Using 1 Loooooooong Paragraph. I saw your pre-release brochure at Books-a-Million
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I'm sorry you have trouble with reading and comprehension. I have a lot of discussions going on and your the only one that cant understand. Try Khan Academy its an free online education program.

Damn, I wasn't expecting that. I might have to pout a little.
I take it you don't believe in paragraphs.
I take it you are one of them people that gets bored and spends hours browsing through these posts and have nothing of value to say and/or no valid opinions or points of your own. So you just like to bother people and reply to peoples postings and have nothing nice to say or any constructive criticism.
You just described me on a good drinking night damnit

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