So has ONE SINGLE Democrat Been Sent to Jail for their Well Documented Misbehavior?


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
No, of course not.

Not Adam Schiff who repeatedly leaks classified info to the press, not any of the FBI miscreants who have abused the FISA process, not a single member of Hillary Clintons staff who totally bungled the storage of classified data.

I dont care if Hillary Clinton has not gone to jail for her obvious crimes, BUT WHAT DEMOCRAT HAS? None!

Meanwhile Paul Manafort rots in jail, Roger Stone is under a cloud of legal horse shit, and General Flynn is still being prosecuted for lies he never told.

Wouldnt it be wonderful if the Republicans in the DOJ could find a pair of testicles somewhere? I know they have been Democrat lapdogs for decades and their spines have gone into atrophy, but JEEBUS you would think that they might accidentally win one from time to time.

Is their one single DOJ Republican who can take a shit without Democrat permission?
No, of course not.

Not Adam Schiff who repeatedly leaks classified info to the press, not any of the FBI miscreants who have abused the FISA process, not a single member of Hillary Clintons staff who totally bungled the storage of classified data.

I dont care if Hillary Clinton has not gone to jail for her obvious crimes, BUT WHAT DEMOCRAT HAS? None!

Meanwhile Paul Manafort rots in jail, Roger Stone is under a cloud of legal horse shit, and General Flynn is still being prosecuted for lies he never told.

Wouldnt it be wonderful if the Republicans in the DOJ could find a pair of testicles somewhere? I know they have been Democrat lapdogs for decades and their spines have gone into atrophy, but JEEBUS you would think that they might accidentally win one from time to time.

Is their one single DOJ Republican who can take a shit without Democrat permission?

They did nothing wrong.
No, of course not.

Not Adam Schiff who repeatedly leaks classified info to the press, not any of the FBI miscreants who have abused the FISA process, not a single member of Hillary Clintons staff who totally bungled the storage of classified data.

I dont care if Hillary Clinton has not gone to jail for her obvious crimes, BUT WHAT DEMOCRAT HAS? None!

Meanwhile Paul Manafort rots in jail, Roger Stone is under a cloud of legal horse shit, and General Flynn is still being prosecuted for lies he never told.

Wouldnt it be wonderful if the Republicans in the DOJ could find a pair of testicles somewhere? I know they have been Democrat lapdogs for decades and their spines have gone into atrophy, but JEEBUS you would think that they might accidentally win one from time to time.

Is their one single DOJ Republican who can take a shit without Democrat permission?

That's because no Democrat has broken the law, no matter how much poo the monkeys on the right fling at the wall.
Sorry that nothings sticking. Abuse of power is something that no DOJ employee wants branded on their resume.
No, of course not.

Not Adam Schiff who repeatedly leaks classified info to the press, not any of the FBI miscreants who have abused the FISA process, not a single member of Hillary Clintons staff who totally bungled the storage of classified data.

I dont care if Hillary Clinton has not gone to jail for her obvious crimes, BUT WHAT DEMOCRAT HAS? None!

Meanwhile Paul Manafort rots in jail, Roger Stone is under a cloud of legal horse shit, and General Flynn is still being prosecuted for lies he never told.

Wouldnt it be wonderful if the Republicans in the DOJ could find a pair of testicles somewhere? I know they have been Democrat lapdogs for decades and their spines have gone into atrophy, but JEEBUS you would think that they might accidentally win one from time to time.

Is their one single DOJ Republican who can take a shit without Democrat permission?
Maybe their "Well Documented Misbehavior" was fake news and you've been taken in?
Just wait for Trump's second term. When this virus is over, he'll get back to putting those shitheads behind bars where they belong.

100% agree. Trump is, for all practical purposes, running unopposed, but let's get the election formality over with and then let the perp walks begin. Trump has already proven - he's not to be fucked with. He's playing 6D chess while the marxist shitstains are playing pull-my-finger. Looking forward to it!
Maybe their "Well Documented Misbehavior" was fake news and you've been taken in?
I have worked in the intel community off and on for about 15 of my 24 years in IT and h ave had training for each new job I took as a contractor for various agencies and departments.

I *know* this shit so well I can quote it in my sleep.

I know without a single doubt that if I had copied any of my emails, with or without classified information to a private off site server and THEN DESTROYED IT AFTER GETTING A SUBPEONA FROM THE DOJ, I would have been locked away for so long in the depths of the DOD that my physical remains would have been lost in the aether for fucking all Eternity.

We have a two tiered legal system.

One for Democrats and another for all of the rest of us peons.
And I hate it and all the pukes that defend it by any rhetorical means necessary.
Maybe you buttholes need another Ben Ghazi investigation? :D

Just wait for Trump's second term. When this virus is over, he'll get back to putting those shitheads behind bars where they belong.

100% agree. Trump is, for all practical purposes, running unopposed, but let's get the election formality over with and then let the perp walks begin. Trump has already proven - he's not to be fucked with. He's playing 6D chess while the marxist shitstains are playing pull-my-finger. Looking forward to it!

LoL - No, Trump is playing Hungry Hippo. :lol:

No, of course not.

Not Adam Schiff who repeatedly leaks classified info to the press, not any of the FBI miscreants who have abused the FISA process, not a single member of Hillary Clintons staff who totally bungled the storage of classified data.

I dont care if Hillary Clinton has not gone to jail for her obvious crimes, BUT WHAT DEMOCRAT HAS? None!

Meanwhile Paul Manafort rots in jail, Roger Stone is under a cloud of legal horse shit, and General Flynn is still being prosecuted for lies he never told.

Wouldnt it be wonderful if the Republicans in the DOJ could find a pair of testicles somewhere? I know they have been Democrat lapdogs for decades and their spines have gone into atrophy, but JEEBUS you would think that they might accidentally win one from time to time.

Is their one single DOJ Republican who can take a shit without Democrat permission?
Have any charging documents been filed by either of Trump's Attorney General's or the DOJ at large against the Democrats you pointed at above and vilified? What the fuck is wrong with the Orange Clown's DOJ if all these Democrats are committing so many crimes AS YOU CLAIM and they are not being charged and convicted by the SAME SYSTEM that LAWFULLY NAILED Manafort, Stone, Flynn, et al?

Your PROBLEM is you believe that BLIND JUSTICE should be politicized with singular loyalty to whomever sits at the top of the pyramid of power. That is anathema to our Constitution, fool!
No, of course not.

Not Adam Schiff who repeatedly leaks classified info to the press, not any of the FBI miscreants who have abused the FISA process, not a single member of Hillary Clintons staff who totally bungled the storage of classified data.

I dont care if Hillary Clinton has not gone to jail for her obvious crimes, BUT WHAT DEMOCRAT HAS? None!

Meanwhile Paul Manafort rots in jail, Roger Stone is under a cloud of legal horse shit, and General Flynn is still being prosecuted for lies he never told.

Wouldnt it be wonderful if the Republicans in the DOJ could find a pair of testicles somewhere? I know they have been Democrat lapdogs for decades and their spines have gone into atrophy, but JEEBUS you would think that they might accidentally win one from time to time.

Is their one single DOJ Republican who can take a shit without Democrat permission?
Trump even lied about locking up Hillary. I feels sooooooooo cheated. LOL
Maybe their "Well Documented Misbehavior" was fake news and you've been taken in?
I have worked in the intel community off and on for about 15 of my 24 years in IT and h ave had training for each new job I took as a contractor for various agencies and departments.

I *know* this shit so well I can quote it in my sleep.

I know without a single doubt that if I had copied any of my emails, with or without classified information to a private off site server and THEN DESTROYED IT AFTER GETTING A SUBPEONA FROM THE DOJ, I would have been locked away for so long in the depths of the DOD that my physical remains would have been lost in the aether for fucking all Eternity.

We have a two tiered legal system.

One for Democrats and another for all of the rest of us peons.
And I hate it and all the pukes that defend it by any rhetorical means necessary.
I've been told that the State dep't IT system was so secure it was unusable. I don't think she was the first to take shortcuts to get her job done, it was wrong but do you think her intent was to betray the US?

You're 1/2 right, we have a two tiered, national security system. Most people in it can create classified products from classified info, but only a few people can declassify classified material (or so I'm told). I'm sure the Sec of State is one of the few. Trump revealed classified material to the Russians but he's still around.
Maybe you buttholes need another Ben Ghazi investigation? :D


What does that meme tell you?

The Republicans still have a long way to go to play catch up with the democrat machine of dirty politics

Or maybe it just means that your Orange Overlord is a fucking mob boss who hires unsavory sleazebag criminals? Hmmm :wink:
Maybe their "Well Documented Misbehavior" was fake news and you've been taken in?
I have worked in the intel community off and on for about 15 of my 24 years in IT and h ave had training for each new job I took as a contractor for various agencies and departments.

I *know* this shit so well I can quote it in my sleep.

I know without a single doubt that if I had copied any of my emails, with or without classified information to a private off site server and THEN DESTROYED IT AFTER GETTING A SUBPEONA FROM THE DOJ, I would have been locked away for so long in the depths of the DOD that my physical remains would have been lost in the aether for fucking all Eternity.

We have a two tiered legal system.

One for Democrats and another for all of the rest of us peons.
And I hate it and all the pukes that defend it by any rhetorical means necessary.

I have worked in Federal IT for years myself. I could not believe Hillary Clinton set up her own EMAIL SERVER that was unmanaged by the state department. That is beyond a private email account (eg Gmail Account) or a rogue device like a usb thumb drive. An unmanaged piece of infrastructure out in the wild storing state department data. Yet, Liberals have no problem with that.
I have worked in Federal IT for years myself. I could not believe Hillary Clinton set up her own EMAIL SERVER that was unmanaged by the state department. That is beyond a private email account (eg Gmail Account) or a rogue device like a usb thumb drive. An unmanaged piece of infrastructure out in the wild storing state department data. Yet, Liberals have no problem with that.
More proof that the Deep State is part of the swamp that Trump needs to remove.

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