Snowflakes Succeed In Shutting Down Free Speech AGAIN


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015

Ann Coulter cancels Berkeley event amid protests, says decision 'a dark day for free speech in America'

"The hecklers used their veto.

Conservative commentator Ann Coulter told Fox News on Wednesday she would no longer give a planned speech at UC Berkeley after Young America’s Foundation pulled its support for the event amid threats of violence, calling her decision "a dark day for free speech in America."

NO, Fox News - the 'HECKLERS' did not use their 'Veto'. The rioters, looters, arsonists, destroyers of public property, and those snowflakes who engage In un-controlled violence used their 'Veto' power.

Liberals have sunk to a new low....
NO, Fox News - the 'HECKLERS' did not use their 'Veto'. The rioters, looters, arsonists, destroyers of public property, and those snowflakes who engage In un-controlled violence used their 'Veto' power.

Liberals have sunk to a new low....
I think we are witnessing a major news network self destruct right before our eyes. What has happened to Fox News?
you misspelled hate speech
I am assuming you meant when I wrote 'Free Speech'?!

Hey 'Howard Dean', Fake WooWoo Warren says you're a 'snowflake' and that if you don't like the speaker don't go to the speech!

what about the Snowflake-In-Chief?

that load is trying to muffle the press, along with Flynn, Nunes and Burr of course

catch a clue
Alumni need to organize and punish these colleges and universities with a withdrawal of monetary support. That's the only way this problem will be solved.

Ann Coulter cancels Berkeley event amid protests, says decision 'a dark day for free speech in America'

"The hecklers used their veto.

Conservative commentator Ann Coulter told Fox News on Wednesday she would no longer give a planned speech at UC Berkeley after Young America’s Foundation pulled its support for the event amid threats of violence, calling her decision "a dark day for free speech in America."

NO, Fox News - the 'HECKLERS' did not use their 'Veto'. The rioters, looters, arsonists, destroyers of public property, and those snowflakes who engage In un-controlled violence used their 'Veto' power.

Liberals have sunk to a new low....
Damn Fox News always sticking up for those dirty Liberals!!!
what about the Snowflake-In-Chief?
Let me explain this one more time to you, snowflake, so YOU can 'catch a clue'.

The term 'snowflake' is a term adopted by DEMOCRATS to describe DEMOCRATS to make fun of those DEMOCRATS who are hyper-sensitive, easily offended, and who can't accept reality.

The term does not apply to Conservatives....however, the way snowflakes parrot everything they hear from their handlers, incapable of being original, I understand why you are using the term.
Alumni need to organize and punish these colleges and universities with a withdrawal of monetary support. That's the only way this problem will be solved.
That's the way its working at the University of Missouri. Half the campus is shut down.

It will take more than that. These aren't protesters, these are communists who think they have a chance at bringing the country down.
I'm not sure if this is english... but are you saying Elizabeth warren and Howard dean think she should be allowed to speak?
No, snowflake. This was in reference to Warren commenting on how ignorant Dean's comment was and declaring how snowflakes too 'fragile' and / or intolerant to hear opposing views should just stay home and not attend rather than using violence to shut down Free Speech.
Here's what happened.The conservative group YAF backed out after finding out that the cops were given an order to "Stand Down" protecting Ann and her conservative supporters and would only take action unless a death happened. In other words, they'll stand back and let antifa attack with impunity causing injury to innocent people and property until someone is killed.

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