SNAP capitol is white and conservative

Because you make it about race when in fact the OP demonstrates that poverty and its casuses is not about race. When you reject that, you are racist.
Because you make it about race when in fact the OP demonstrates that poverty and its casuses is not about race. When you reject that, you are racist.

I've said repeatedly I am not addressing the conclusion, only the argument. You are one stupid mother fucker.
Because you make it about race when in fact the OP demonstrates that poverty and its casuses is not about race. When you reject that, you are racist.

I've said repeatedly I am not addressing the conclusion, only the argument. You are one stupid mother fucker.
Doesn't matter what you do to avoid it. If you attack the OP on any ground of race, you become a racist.
Because you make it about race when in fact the OP demonstrates that poverty and its casuses is not about race. When you reject that, you are racist.

I've said repeatedly I am not addressing the conclusion, only the argument. You are one stupid mother fucker.
Doesn't matter what you do to avoid it. If you attack the OP on any ground of race, you become a racist.

That's stupid, I didn't attack the OP on any ground of race, I blamed it on being a ridiculous logical argument.

How stupid are you? I've explained this to you a half dozen times.
if anyone had any doubt jake is a far left liberal, this thread should end those doubts...

if you disagree with him he immediately calls you a racist...typical far left wing nutter argument and really jake takes it over the top here. he makes a thread about race, but if you mention race, you are the racist.

that doesn't even make sense. only jake is allowed to bring up race....:rolleyes:
Here's your probe
Oh, so I'm a racist.

There it is.

You make this too easy.


Your words not mine bud. Good self reflection tho
Get this through your liberal skull. Call us racist. We don't give a fuck....The label no longer works.

Oh, when you are talking as a racist, as you do, it surely does work.
Here's the problem. I don't care about your labels. No effect.
I know the truth. You can't handle the facts. So you lash out with stupid labels.
You cannot impugn me. You have no effect.
You only insult yourself.
So you may continue to screech "you're a racist!!" all you like. Doesn't matter. Tough shit....
You are invested with immoral stubbornness, much like all criminal types.

Your diatribe means nothing, and when the law can deal with you, good people smile.

What unlawful thing has he done?
So in other words the Democratic party gobbles up the vast majority of SNAP even in Red states...doesn't that basically destroy the OP's premise?
This is beyond stupid. Led Zeppelin wants their avatar back.

You mad bro? I realize this destroys one of the lying puke left's favorite talking points, sucks to be you.
There's nothing on here worth getting mad about but it does show an interesting slice of American stupidity.

Yeah yeah we get it, liberal playbook page 1 when confronted with facts that destroy the liberal talking point counter with personal insults. Again blacks and Hispanics largely vote Democrat and they consume the lions share of SNAP even in red states, hence this liberal talking point is busted.


Again for those libs who can't get this through their thick Neanderthal skulls, how many red state divorces, teen pregnancies, and the rest of the slop you just posted are really attributed to red state Democrats? OH SNAP that's gonna leave a mark.
It's pretty funny that Fakey has to cite an impoverished hamlet of 5,000 white people in Kentucky to prove his case. I haven't studied the specifics, but can't help but wondering what EPA or other government regulations destroyed the economic activity upon which these people once supported themselves.
Just as I suspected: Government Induced Poverty. They are victims of the Governments War on Fossil Fuels and Tobacco. Thanks Government!

Natural resources
Though deep mines in thin coal seams once provided jobs and income for local residents, this is not the case in present-day Owsley County. There are some surface coal mining sites in the county—one notable strip mine is visible from the road and presently operating 3 miles north of Booneville on Kentucky Route 11.

Gas and oil wells are particularly dense on the north side of the county, though few are in operation.

Timber is an integral part of the local economy. There is a sawmill located in the Lerose community on Kentucky Route 30 East. Several log-yards are visible where timber is staged for further processing.

Tobacco farming was a popular trend until the government "buy-out" reduced the number of tobacco farms in the early 2000s. Subsistence farming has for a considerable time, been an integral part of local culture. Larger scale commercial farms are few and far between. Marijuana is a substantial cash crop. This has become increasingly more appealing for local residents since income from tobacco has greatly been reduced in recent years....

Owsley County Kentucky - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

To avoid using percentages is intellectually dishonest in the extreme and a perfect illustration of why partisan ideologues have zero (0) credibility, none.

It's also another example of how the PC Police deflect for blacks, further excusing, defending and enabling bad behaviors.

American Blacks continue to be victimized by the PC Police, what a goddamn shame.


One are a one trick pony, and a REAL asshole.
I make another sincere, reasonable point, sans personal insults and name-calling, and you...

Well, you do what you do.

Another constant.


This thread and topic has absolutely NOTHING to do with political correctness.

If there are any 'excuses' and 'deflecting' being thrown around on this thread, it is you and your beloved right wing turds making excuses for people who:
A) Lead the nation in food stamps
B) Vote Republican.

INONY...they are being portrayed as....V - I - C - T - I - M - S

Wow, your hatred of rural whites sure demonstrates your intolerance of bigotry.

Yea, I am very INtolerant of bigotry. I don't 'hate' rural whites. The causes of poverty are colorblind, don't neatly fit any race, demographics or stereotypes.

WHY do you ignore the wisdom of Hayek, a libertarian icon?

"There is no reason why, in a society which has reached the general level of wealth ours has, (the certainty of a given minimum of sustenance) should not be guaranteed to all without endangering general freedom; that is: some minimum of food, shelter and clothing, sufficient to preserve health. Nor is there any reason why the state should not help to organize a comprehensive system of social insurance in providing for those common hazards of life against which few can make adequate provision."
Friedrich August von Hayek-The Road to Serfdom

Or great liberals?

If a free society cannot help the many who are poor, it cannot save the few who are rich.
President John F. Kennedy

"The simplest description of the War on Poverty is that it is a means of making life available for any and all pursuers. It does not try to make men good -- because that is moralizing. It does not try to give men what they want -- because that is catering. It does not try to give men false hopes -- because that is deception. Instead, the War on Poverty tries only to create the conditions by which the good life can be lived -- and that is humanism."
Robert Sargent "Sarge" Shriver, Jr.

To avoid using percentages is intellectually dishonest in the extreme and a perfect illustration of why partisan ideologues have zero (0) credibility, none.

It's also another example of how the PC Police deflect for blacks, further excusing, defending and enabling bad behaviors.

American Blacks continue to be victimized by the PC Police, what a goddamn shame.


One are a one trick pony, and a REAL asshole.
I make another sincere, reasonable point, sans personal insults and name-calling, and you...

Well, you do what you do.

Another constant.


This thread and topic has absolutely NOTHING to do with political correctness.

If there are any 'excuses' and 'deflecting' being thrown around on this thread, it is you and your beloved right wing turds making excuses for people who:
A) Lead the nation in food stamps
B) Vote Republican.

INONY...they are being portrayed as....V - I - C - T - I - M - S

Wow, your hatred of rural whites sure demonstrates your intolerance of bigotry.

Yea, I am very INtolerant of bigotry. I don't 'hate' rural whites. The causes of poverty are colorblind, don't neatly fit any race, demographics or stereotypes.

WHY do you ignore the wisdom of Hayek, a libertarian icon?

"There is no reason why, in a society which has reached the general level of wealth ours has, (the certainty of a given minimum of sustenance) should not be guaranteed to all without endangering general freedom; that is: some minimum of food, shelter and clothing, sufficient to preserve health. Nor is there any reason why the state should not help to organize a comprehensive system of social insurance in providing for those common hazards of life against which few can make adequate provision."
Friedrich August von Hayek-The Road to Serfdom

Or great liberals?

If a free society cannot help the many who are poor, it cannot save the few who are rich.
President John F. Kennedy

"The simplest description of the War on Poverty is that it is a means of making life available for any and all pursuers. It does not try to make men good -- because that is moralizing. It does not try to give men what they want -- because that is catering. It does not try to give men false hopes -- because that is deception. Instead, the War on Poverty tries only to create the conditions by which the good life can be lived -- and that is humanism."
Robert Sargent "Sarge" Shriver, Jr.

Strawman. I didn't disagree with the conclusion, I stated that drawing the conclusion from one data point was preposterous. I was a math major and I'm a Six Sigma Blackbelt, I approach conclusions from data with a critical mind. You are a hysterical schoolgirl who likes to get on your high horse and call people racists who don't even make arguments about race. Not the same thing.
Just as I suspected: Government Induced Poverty. They are victims of the Governments War on Fossil Fuels and Tobacco. Thanks Government!

Natural resources
Though deep mines in thin coal seams once provided jobs and income for local residents, this is not the case in present-day Owsley County. There are some surface coal mining sites in the county—one notable strip mine is visible from the road and presently operating 3 miles north of Booneville on Kentucky Route 11.

Gas and oil wells are particularly dense on the north side of the county, though few are in operation.

Timber is an integral part of the local economy. There is a sawmill located in the Lerose community on Kentucky Route 30 East. Several log-yards are visible where timber is staged for further processing.

Tobacco farming was a popular trend until the government "buy-out" reduced the number of tobacco farms in the early 2000s. Subsistence farming has for a considerable time, been an integral part of local culture. Larger scale commercial farms are few and far between. Marijuana is a substantial cash crop. This has become increasingly more appealing for local residents since income from tobacco has greatly been reduced in recent years....

Owsley County Kentucky - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

WOW, you found some words that cause a right wing parrot response. Do you KNOW what the "government buy-out" was? WHO signed the bill? What was the ideology behind the bill??

In October, 2004, as part of the Jobs Creation Act of 2004, the Fair and Equitable Tobacco Reform Act of 2004 was signed into law. The Act is commonly referred to as the “tobacco quota buyout”. The bill ended the 66 years of federal control of the U.S. tobacco production and sales. Beginning in 2005, there are no federal restrictions on where and how much tobacco can be produced. Price supports and quotas no longer exist. To help the farmers’ transition to the free market, the buyout bill also provided approximately 10 billion dollars to eligible quota owners and producers. Payment is made over ten years and in ten equal annual payments. There are roughly 436,000 quota owners who would receive $7 per pound on their basis marketing quotas (totaling about $6.7 billion) and 57,000 producers would receive $3 per pound on their marketing quotas (totaling $2.9 billion). The buyout is funded through the assessments of tobacco product manufactures and importers who are required to pay a quarterly assessment to a Tobacco Trust Fund for ten years.

Since the end of the federal tobacco program, the industry has seen many changes. Tobacco prices have plummeted, only to rebound so its prices are close to what they were before the tobacco quota buyout. For example, flue-cured tobacco, which accounts for 63% of U.S. total tobacco production, saw its price decline from $1.80 to $1.50 in 2005, but increased to about $1.75 in 2010. The same is not true with the production level. The production level for flue cured tobacco was 521.5 million pounds in 2004, decreasing to 380.8 million pounds in 2005 and increasing to only 453.1million pounds in 2010, still 13% below the 2004 level. The number of tobacco farms and farm acreage has also decreased substantially. Many small farmers exited the tobacco industry; while some have made the transition to farming other crops. The larger farms have expanded their operations to achieve better production efficiencies. The larger farms have used the tobacco buyout payments to invest in equipment, land and operations.

Just as I suspected: Government Induced Poverty. They are victims of the Governments War on Fossil Fuels and Tobacco. Thanks Government!

Natural resources
Though deep mines in thin coal seams once provided jobs and income for local residents, this is not the case in present-day Owsley County. There are some surface coal mining sites in the county—one notable strip mine is visible from the road and presently operating 3 miles north of Booneville on Kentucky Route 11.

Gas and oil wells are particularly dense on the north side of the county, though few are in operation.

Timber is an integral part of the local economy. There is a sawmill located in the Lerose community on Kentucky Route 30 East. Several log-yards are visible where timber is staged for further processing.

Tobacco farming was a popular trend until the government "buy-out" reduced the number of tobacco farms in the early 2000s. Subsistence farming has for a considerable time, been an integral part of local culture. Larger scale commercial farms are few and far between. Marijuana is a substantial cash crop. This has become increasingly more appealing for local residents since income from tobacco has greatly been reduced in recent years....

Owsley County Kentucky - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

WOW, you found some words that cause a right wing parrot response. Do you KNOW what the "government buy-out" was? WHO signed the bill? What was the ideology behind the bill??

In October, 2004, as part of the Jobs Creation Act of 2004, the Fair and Equitable Tobacco Reform Act of 2004 was signed into law. The Act is commonly referred to as the “tobacco quota buyout”. The bill ended the 66 years of federal control of the U.S. tobacco production and sales. Beginning in 2005, there are no federal restrictions on where and how much tobacco can be produced. Price supports and quotas no longer exist. To help the farmers’ transition to the free market, the buyout bill also provided approximately 10 billion dollars to eligible quota owners and producers. Payment is made over ten years and in ten equal annual payments. There are roughly 436,000 quota owners who would receive $7 per pound on their basis marketing quotas (totaling about $6.7 billion) and 57,000 producers would receive $3 per pound on their marketing quotas (totaling $2.9 billion). The buyout is funded through the assessments of tobacco product manufactures and importers who are required to pay a quarterly assessment to a Tobacco Trust Fund for ten years.

Since the end of the federal tobacco program, the industry has seen many changes. Tobacco prices have plummeted, only to rebound so its prices are close to what they were before the tobacco quota buyout. For example, flue-cured tobacco, which accounts for 63% of U.S. total tobacco production, saw its price decline from $1.80 to $1.50 in 2005, but increased to about $1.75 in 2010. The same is not true with the production level. The production level for flue cured tobacco was 521.5 million pounds in 2004, decreasing to 380.8 million pounds in 2005 and increasing to only 453.1million pounds in 2010, still 13% below the 2004 level. The number of tobacco farms and farm acreage has also decreased substantially. Many small farmers exited the tobacco industry; while some have made the transition to farming other crops. The larger farms have expanded their operations to achieve better production efficiencies. The larger farms have used the tobacco buyout payments to invest in equipment, land and operations.


Oh blah blah blah.

Any thinking person knows that the effect of massive government regulations is to squeeze out small producers. That's what happened in KY.
One are a one trick pony, and a REAL asshole.
I make another sincere, reasonable point, sans personal insults and name-calling, and you...

Well, you do what you do.

Another constant.


This thread and topic has absolutely NOTHING to do with political correctness.

If there are any 'excuses' and 'deflecting' being thrown around on this thread, it is you and your beloved right wing turds making excuses for people who:
A) Lead the nation in food stamps
B) Vote Republican.

INONY...they are being portrayed as....V - I - C - T - I - M - S

Wow, your hatred of rural whites sure demonstrates your intolerance of bigotry.

Yea, I am very INtolerant of bigotry. I don't 'hate' rural whites. The causes of poverty are colorblind, don't neatly fit any race, demographics or stereotypes.

WHY do you ignore the wisdom of Hayek, a libertarian icon?

"There is no reason why, in a society which has reached the general level of wealth ours has, (the certainty of a given minimum of sustenance) should not be guaranteed to all without endangering general freedom; that is: some minimum of food, shelter and clothing, sufficient to preserve health. Nor is there any reason why the state should not help to organize a comprehensive system of social insurance in providing for those common hazards of life against which few can make adequate provision."
Friedrich August von Hayek-The Road to Serfdom

Or great liberals?

If a free society cannot help the many who are poor, it cannot save the few who are rich.
President John F. Kennedy

"The simplest description of the War on Poverty is that it is a means of making life available for any and all pursuers. It does not try to make men good -- because that is moralizing. It does not try to give men what they want -- because that is catering. It does not try to give men false hopes -- because that is deception. Instead, the War on Poverty tries only to create the conditions by which the good life can be lived -- and that is humanism."
Robert Sargent "Sarge" Shriver, Jr.

Strawman. I didn't disagree with the conclusion, I stated that drawing the conclusion from one data point was preposterous. I was a math major and I'm a Six Sigma Blackbelt, I approach conclusions from data with a critical mind. You are a hysterical schoolgirl who likes to get on your high horse and call people racists who don't even make arguments about race. Not the same thing.

Critical minds don't jump to false conclusions. I didn't call anyone a 'racist'...

Karate chop your own throat for being a pea brain.
Just as I suspected: Government Induced Poverty. They are victims of the Governments War on Fossil Fuels and Tobacco. Thanks Government!

Natural resources
Though deep mines in thin coal seams once provided jobs and income for local residents, this is not the case in present-day Owsley County. There are some surface coal mining sites in the county—one notable strip mine is visible from the road and presently operating 3 miles north of Booneville on Kentucky Route 11.

Gas and oil wells are particularly dense on the north side of the county, though few are in operation.

Timber is an integral part of the local economy. There is a sawmill located in the Lerose community on Kentucky Route 30 East. Several log-yards are visible where timber is staged for further processing.

Tobacco farming was a popular trend until the government "buy-out" reduced the number of tobacco farms in the early 2000s. Subsistence farming has for a considerable time, been an integral part of local culture. Larger scale commercial farms are few and far between. Marijuana is a substantial cash crop. This has become increasingly more appealing for local residents since income from tobacco has greatly been reduced in recent years....

Owsley County Kentucky - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

WOW, you found some words that cause a right wing parrot response. Do you KNOW what the "government buy-out" was? WHO signed the bill? What was the ideology behind the bill??

In October, 2004, as part of the Jobs Creation Act of 2004, the Fair and Equitable Tobacco Reform Act of 2004 was signed into law. The Act is commonly referred to as the “tobacco quota buyout”. The bill ended the 66 years of federal control of the U.S. tobacco production and sales. Beginning in 2005, there are no federal restrictions on where and how much tobacco can be produced. Price supports and quotas no longer exist. To help the farmers’ transition to the free market, the buyout bill also provided approximately 10 billion dollars to eligible quota owners and producers. Payment is made over ten years and in ten equal annual payments. There are roughly 436,000 quota owners who would receive $7 per pound on their basis marketing quotas (totaling about $6.7 billion) and 57,000 producers would receive $3 per pound on their marketing quotas (totaling $2.9 billion). The buyout is funded through the assessments of tobacco product manufactures and importers who are required to pay a quarterly assessment to a Tobacco Trust Fund for ten years.

Since the end of the federal tobacco program, the industry has seen many changes. Tobacco prices have plummeted, only to rebound so its prices are close to what they were before the tobacco quota buyout. For example, flue-cured tobacco, which accounts for 63% of U.S. total tobacco production, saw its price decline from $1.80 to $1.50 in 2005, but increased to about $1.75 in 2010. The same is not true with the production level. The production level for flue cured tobacco was 521.5 million pounds in 2004, decreasing to 380.8 million pounds in 2005 and increasing to only 453.1million pounds in 2010, still 13% below the 2004 level. The number of tobacco farms and farm acreage has also decreased substantially. Many small farmers exited the tobacco industry; while some have made the transition to farming other crops. The larger farms have expanded their operations to achieve better production efficiencies. The larger farms have used the tobacco buyout payments to invest in equipment, land and operations.


Oh blah blah blah.

Any thinking person knows that the effect of massive government regulations is to squeeze out small producers. That's what happened in KY.

"blah, blah blah"....translation. I, boedicca, am a right wing parrot. I don't think, I mimic. I have a pea for a brain and don't understand adult stuff...

The Fair and Equitable Tobacco Reform Act of 2004 ENDED government regulation, blah, blah blah pea brain.
I make another sincere, reasonable point, sans personal insults and name-calling, and you...

Well, you do what you do.

Another constant.


This thread and topic has absolutely NOTHING to do with political correctness.

If there are any 'excuses' and 'deflecting' being thrown around on this thread, it is you and your beloved right wing turds making excuses for people who:
A) Lead the nation in food stamps
B) Vote Republican.

INONY...they are being portrayed as....V - I - C - T - I - M - S

Wow, your hatred of rural whites sure demonstrates your intolerance of bigotry.

Yea, I am very INtolerant of bigotry. I don't 'hate' rural whites. The causes of poverty are colorblind, don't neatly fit any race, demographics or stereotypes.

WHY do you ignore the wisdom of Hayek, a libertarian icon?

"There is no reason why, in a society which has reached the general level of wealth ours has, (the certainty of a given minimum of sustenance) should not be guaranteed to all without endangering general freedom; that is: some minimum of food, shelter and clothing, sufficient to preserve health. Nor is there any reason why the state should not help to organize a comprehensive system of social insurance in providing for those common hazards of life against which few can make adequate provision."
Friedrich August von Hayek-The Road to Serfdom

Or great liberals?

If a free society cannot help the many who are poor, it cannot save the few who are rich.
President John F. Kennedy

"The simplest description of the War on Poverty is that it is a means of making life available for any and all pursuers. It does not try to make men good -- because that is moralizing. It does not try to give men what they want -- because that is catering. It does not try to give men false hopes -- because that is deception. Instead, the War on Poverty tries only to create the conditions by which the good life can be lived -- and that is humanism."
Robert Sargent "Sarge" Shriver, Jr.

Strawman. I didn't disagree with the conclusion, I stated that drawing the conclusion from one data point was preposterous. I was a math major and I'm a Six Sigma Blackbelt, I approach conclusions from data with a critical mind. You are a hysterical schoolgirl who likes to get on your high horse and call people racists who don't even make arguments about race. Not the same thing.

Critical minds don't jump to false conclusions. I didn't call anyone a 'racist'...

Karate chop your own throat for being a pea brain.

On the calling anyone a racist, fair enough, I didn't see that in the last two pages of your posts at least.

However, on the jumping to false conclusions, of that my friend you are guilty. All I argued is that the OPs conclusion was not supported by one data point. You jumped in with things like I was ignoring Hayek and others, which is a non-sequitur from my actual argument.
The Food Stamp Capital

In spite of the prevailing stereotypes and assumptions about who uses SNAP Food Stamp benefits the most in the United States, the highest usage is not in Compton, Queens, nor the South Side of Chicago. Instead, a city that is 99.22% white and 95% Republican comes in the lead. Owsley County, Kentucky is a community of about 5,000, residents earning the lowest median household income in the country outside of Puerto Rico, according to the U.S. Census.

The decline in the profits from coal, tobacco and lumber industries led to a harsh toll being taken on the community.

Cale Turner, county executive of Owsley County told ABC back in 2010 that economic hardships have led to a high incidence of drug addiction.

“Those with drug addictions end up in prison without effective treatment. And it happens over and over in this community. The drug problem continues to get worse every year.
So repeal policy negative to those industries. Problem solved. Next....

That's a fine one-line answer. Give us specifics.
Is this the clean debate zone? I honestly can't tell while using Tapatalk. If not then there's no point.
The Food Stamp Capital

In spite of the prevailing stereotypes and assumptions about who uses SNAP Food Stamp benefits the most in the United States, the highest usage is not in Compton, Queens, nor the South Side of Chicago. Instead, a city that is 99.22% white and 95% Republican comes in the lead. Owsley County, Kentucky is a community of about 5,000, residents earning the lowest median household income in the country outside of Puerto Rico, according to the U.S. Census.

The decline in the profits from coal, tobacco and lumber industries led to a harsh toll being taken on the community.

Cale Turner, county executive of Owsley County told ABC back in 2010 that economic hardships have led to a high incidence of drug addiction.

“Those with drug addictions end up in prison without effective treatment. And it happens over and over in this community. The drug problem continues to get worse every year.

Thank Obama for killing the coal industry
The Food Stamp Capital

In spite of the prevailing stereotypes and assumptions about who uses SNAP Food Stamp benefits the most in the United States, the highest usage is not in Compton, Queens, nor the South Side of Chicago. Instead, a city that is 99.22% white and 95% Republican comes in the lead. Owsley County, Kentucky is a community of about 5,000, residents earning the lowest median household income in the country outside of Puerto Rico, according to the U.S. Census.

The decline in the profits from coal, tobacco and lumber industries led to a harsh toll being taken on the community.

Cale Turner, county executive of Owsley County told ABC back in 2010 that economic hardships have led to a high incidence of drug addiction.

“Those with drug addictions end up in prison without effective treatment. And it happens over and over in this community. The drug problem continues to get worse every year.

Thank Obama for killing the coal industry
That is a lie, but you can offer evidence if you wish.

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