SNAP capitol is white and conservative

Ah, it burns, I am under your skin. :lol: Sux to be you.

You are racist because you immediately counter any white racism with comments about lack racism. Yes, you are racist, because your own words burn you.

Your segue into welfare corporatism is an interesting distraction, but a distraction nonetheless.
To whom are you responding.....Please use the quote feature.
You are not even in control of your own feelings, thus not in charge of yourself. Step along.
Feelings?.....Only you libs are guided by emotion.
Stop projecting Jake.
Your issues are deep.
I'm in complete control....In fact I control you....
The mere fact that you cannot persuade me to kowtow to your way, eats at you like rust on an old car...And you can't stand it. You must retort. That's how I control your postings...
I'll try to make this as simple as I can.

Not because you're not intelligent, but because the clearer I make it, the smaller the chance you'll try to pretend you don't get it.

Because you're a standard, obedient, predictable, transparent, intellectually dishonest hardcore partisan ideologue, and being obtuse is a primary tool of people like you.

Here's the (obvious) difference: You divide people by race, I point out how you divide people by race.

Okay buddy? :itsok:


Sure!! And with more words you can even convince someone thats the truth!! Good luck!
Oh, I don't try to convince people like you of anything.

It's like trying to communicate with a wild-eyed teenage Jihadist on the streets of the Middle East.

You're a true believer. No light gets in.


A good thing to...I'm not persuaded by justification or explanations. I've learned that when it quacks like a duck....well, you know. You're just a duck that tries to explain why he's an eagle.
The problem your 'duck' has is that it ignores factual material in lieu of talking points.

Actually no...his constant explanations of his bullshit doesnt make it less bullshit. Nice try tho
The facts are burying your argument. Again
Yurt, prove you always give links. I certainly did above, and that you don't get it is your problem. Prove you get it, or you proved yourself to be a liar again.
Wow...You have problems.
"prove you offer links"...
hey puddin, do you own homework. You can easily search yurt's posts to find where he posted links.
But you won't because you know God damned well you'll find them.
And yet poor whites will continue to vote against their own good...we really do need a 3rd party that's viable. Socially conservative an economically liberal. They would vote for that party. Poor whites as a majority don't and won't vote for democrats because democrats are socially liberal...I used to vote republican now I won't vote period.
If you don't vote, you have no right to an opinion.
Such a fool to write "So in other words the Democratic party gobbles up the vast majority of SNAP even in Red states...doesn't that basically destroy the OP's premise?"

The OP's premise is that socio-economic conditions, not race, cause poverty.

So what 'socio economic' conditions cause 39% of blacks to be on welfare? That 39% is living in large urban areas where jobs are everywhere and their counterparts that are living in the very same region are not suffering from 'socio economic' conditions? So what are these 'socio economic' conditions that seem to target some but not others that live right next door to each other.

All your op shows is that the targeted destruction of an industry by a person that is supposed to be leading this country has been very successful, Obama should be proud of his accomplishments. It shows that when a region is dependent on one industry and that industry is destroyed for political purposes, then they have to turn to the very same government that intentionally destroyed their livelihood in order to survive. So what is the reason for all of the people living in urban areas such as New York, Chicago, LA, etc... to be on government assistance? None of those geographical areas rely on only one industry to sustain them? Many other people living in those regions are very successful and have no issue with supporting themselves? So again, what are the 'socio economic' conditions hindering anyone's success in those areas?

What a pile of horse shit. WHAT don't you comprehend about the FACT coal counties have been impoverished for decades. Coal cartels puts NOTHING back into the communities they ravage, they just continue to suck the life out of the regions they touch.

And blaming Obama is ignorant.

The EPA Doesn't Kill Coal Jobs. Better Mining Does

In the two weeks since President Obama proposed new rules to regulate power-plant carbon emissions, legislators from from coal states have rallied around a cry to save jobs. But job-killing environmental regulation historically doesn't kill as many jobs as mechanization and low natural gas prices.

The U.S. has lost more coal jobs since 1978 than it has today, and climate policy isn't the reason. There wasn't any. Coal companies are in the business of producing coal, not jobs. Between 1978, when the U.S. Mine Safety and Health Administration started collecting data, and 2013, the U.S. shed more than 132,000 coal jobs, or nearly 52 percent of its workforce, according to MSHA data.


In the same period, U.S. coal production jumped almost 47 percent, to about 984 million short tons last year, 16 percent below its 2008 peak.


The U.S. shale gas bonanza made cheap coal look expensive. Coal's contribution to U.S. power generation slipped to 39 percent last year from more than 51 percent in 2004, while natural gas nearly doubled to 27 percent.


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To avoid using percentages is intellectually dishonest in the extreme and a perfect illustration of why partisan ideologues have zero (0) credibility, none.

It's also another example of how the PC Police deflect for blacks, further excusing, defending and enabling bad behaviors.

American Blacks continue to be victimized by the PC Police, what a goddamn shame.


One are a one trick pony, and a REAL asshole.
I make another sincere, reasonable point, sans personal insults and name-calling, and you...

Well, you do what you do.

Another constant.


To avoid using percentages is intellectually dishonest in the extreme and a perfect illustration of why partisan ideologues have zero (0) credibility, none.

It's also another example of how the PC Police deflect for blacks, further excusing, defending and enabling bad behaviors.

American Blacks continue to be victimized by the PC Police, what a goddamn shame.


One are a one trick pony, and a REAL asshole.
I make another sincere, reasonable point, sans personal insults and name-calling, and you...

Well, you do what you do.

Another constant.


This thread and topic has absolutely NOTHING to do with political correctness.

If there are any 'excuses' and 'deflecting' being thrown around on this thread, it is you and your beloved right wing turds making excuses for people who:
A) Lead the nation in food stamps
B) Vote Republican.

INONY...they are being portrayed as....V - I - C - T - I - M - S
If it is backwoods Kentucky and white, it is conservative.

So you're denigrating rural whites on welfare to show your opposition to denigrating blacks on welfare? Wow, that does give you the upper moral ground, Jake.

That your argument is stupid doesn't mean your conclusion is wrong. If I say I flipped my egg his morning and broke the yolk, therefore there are moderate Muslims in the world, my conclusion is true but my argument was still stupid.

To avoid using percentages is intellectually dishonest in the extreme and a perfect illustration of why partisan ideologues have zero (0) credibility, none.

It's also another example of how the PC Police deflect for blacks, further excusing, defending and enabling bad behaviors.

American Blacks continue to be victimized by the PC Police, what a goddamn shame.


One are a one trick pony, and a REAL asshole.
I make another sincere, reasonable point, sans personal insults and name-calling, and you...

Well, you do what you do.

Another constant.


This thread and topic has absolutely NOTHING to do with political correctness.

If there are any 'excuses' and 'deflecting' being thrown around on this thread, it is you and your beloved right wing turds making excuses for people who:
A) Lead the nation in food stamps
B) Vote Republican.

INONY...they are being portrayed as....V - I - C - T - I - M - S

Wow, your hatred of rural whites sure demonstrates your intolerance of bigotry.
And yet poor whites will continue to vote against their own good...we really do need a 3rd party that's viable. Socially conservative an economically liberal. They would vote for that party. Poor whites as a majority don't and won't vote for democrats because democrats are socially liberal...I used to vote republican now I won't vote period.
If you don't vote, you have no right to an opinion.
Yes I do. End of that story.
...If there are any 'excuses' and 'deflecting' being thrown around on this thread, it is you and your beloved right wing turds making excuses for people who: A) Lead the nation in food stamps B) Vote Republican...
Code-speak for Po' White Trash who don't support Nanny-statism, and who can see past their interim need for food stamp help?

Oh, and, as to 'leading the nation in food stamps'...

White Folk only lead the nation in the Raw Number of souls on food stamps...

No surprise there, considering that White Folk represent 72% of the total population; nearly a mathematical certainty, given the overwhelming size of that population segment.

White Folk trail the rest of the nation in the Percentage of souls on food stamps relative to their total population size...


Let's review those facts again, shall we? ...for the sake of clarity...

SNAP capitol is white and conservative Page 13 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Percentage of Whites on Food Stamps = 9%

Percentage of Blacks on Food Stamps = 39%

Percentage of Hispanics on Food Stamps = 17%


Thanks for the segue - the excuse to help clear that up again...
...something that bears repeating here, every so often.
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The Food Stamp Capital

In spite of the prevailing stereotypes and assumptions about who uses SNAP Food Stamp benefits the most in the United States, the highest usage is not in Compton, Queens, nor the South Side of Chicago. Instead, a city that is 99.22% white and 95% Republican comes in the lead. Owsley County, Kentucky is a community of about 5,000, residents earning the lowest median household income in the country outside of Puerto Rico, according to the U.S. Census.

The decline in the profits from coal, tobacco and lumber industries led to a harsh toll being taken on the community.

Cale Turner, county executive of Owsley County told ABC back in 2010 that economic hardships have led to a high incidence of drug addiction.

“Those with drug addictions end up in prison without effective treatment. And it happens over and over in this community. The drug problem continues to get worse every year.
So repeal policy negative to those industries. Problem solved. Next....

That's a fine one-line answer. Give us specifics.
Here's your probe
A good thing to...I'm not persuaded by justification or explanations. I've learned that when it quacks like a duck....well, you know. You're just a duck that tries to explain why he's an eagle.
Oh, so I'm a racist.

There it is.

You make this too easy.


Your words not mine bud. Good self reflection tho
Get this through your liberal skull. Call us racist. We don't give a fuck....The label no longer works.

Oh, when you are talking as a racist, as you do, it surely does work.
Here's the problem. I don't care about your labels. No effect.
I know the truth. You can't handle the facts. So you lash out with stupid labels.
You cannot impugn me. You have no effect.
You only insult yourself.
So you may continue to screech "you're a racist!!" all you like. Doesn't matter. Tough shit....
You are invested with immoral stubbornness, much like all criminal types.

Your diatribe means nothing, and when the law can deal with you, good people smile.
If it is backwoods Kentucky and white, it is conservative.

These are your stupid word, "So you're denigrating rural whites on welfare to show your opposition to denigrating blacks on welfare?" I made no moral judgement whatsoever based on race; only you racists do that.
If it is backwoods Kentucky and white, it is conservative.

These are your stupid word, "So you're denigrating rural whites on welfare to show your opposition to denigrating blacks on welfare?" I made no moral judgement whatsoever based on race; only you racists do that.

I didn't say anything about your conclusion, just your argument, dickhead
If it is backwoods Kentucky and white, it is conservative.

These are your stupid word, "So you're denigrating rural whites on welfare to show your opposition to denigrating blacks on welfare?" I made no moral judgement whatsoever based on race; only you racists do that.

I didn't say anything about your conclusion, just your argument, dickhead
Your immoral stubbornness is recognized.
If it is backwoods Kentucky and white, it is conservative.

These are your stupid word, "So you're denigrating rural whites on welfare to show your opposition to denigrating blacks on welfare?" I made no moral judgement whatsoever based on race; only you racists do that.

I didn't say anything about your conclusion, just your argument, dickhead
Your immoral stubbornness is recognized.

I'm stubborn? I haven't said a single negative thing about blacks in this thread, but you keep repeating your leftist drone of racist, racist, racist. Fuck you, seriously. Read what I am saying. I used to have personal respect for you. Now, not so much.
I have read carefully what you have written. When you falsely misrepresent the meaning of the OP in terms of race, yes, you are a racist.

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