Small-Firm Lawyer Tells Biglaw Team To ‘Eat Bowl Of Dicks’ During Settlement Negotiations


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011
Generally, when opposing counsel tells you to “eat a bowl of dicks,” you know that your settlement talks are going nowhere fast. When opposing counsel later informs you that he’s going to “let the long dick of the law f*ck [your client],” then you know that something may be amiss. When opposing counsel then begins to refer to you as a “cumstain” and a “limp dick mother f*cker,” you may realize that your settlement talks have gone completely off the rails. When opposing counsel threatens to “water board each one of [your client’s] trolls who show up for depo without any mercy whatsoever,” and claims that he “know where you live,” you know it’s time to file ex parte with a judge to get some much-needed relief.
Small-Firm Lawyer Tells Biglaw Team To ‘Eat Bowl Of Dicks’ During Settlement Negotiations

Dooood. Wow. Just wow.

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