Slush fund to hide how bad ObamaCare is

Quantum Windbag

Gold Member
May 9, 2010
Don't worry though,m it will save money, or so they tell me. Magic always comes through in the end.

In a blow to the Obama administration on Medicare, government auditors Monday called for the cancellation of a costly bonus program for private health plans that congressional Republicans have criticized as a wasteful political ploy. The nonpartisan Government Accountability Office said it’s not clear that the $8.3 billion Medicare Advantage bonus program will improve quality because most of the money is going to plans just rated average. The auditors did find, however, that the bonuses would temporarily ease the pain of unpopular cuts to insurance plans under President Barack Obama’s health care overhaul law.
Ahead of presidential and congressional elections in which seniors are a key group of swing voters, the administration has been working hard to portray itself as a good steward of Medicare, by cracking down on waste and fraud, improving benefits, and keeping costs under control. The GAO report could become a blemish on its record.
The administration defended the program, saying without bonuses many plans would not have an incentive to improve.
But Sen. Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, said the GAO report suggests that the administration abused its authority, pumping money to the plans to avoid more criticism over the cuts.

Gov’t auditors call on Obama administration to cancel Medicare bonuses GOP sees as political - The Washington Post
Don't worry though,m it will save money, or so they tell me. Magic always comes through in the end.

In a blow to the Obama administration on Medicare, government auditors Monday called for the cancellation of a costly bonus program for private health plans that congressional Republicans have criticized as a wasteful political ploy. The nonpartisan Government Accountability Office said it’s not clear that the $8.3 billion Medicare Advantage bonus program will improve quality because most of the money is going to plans just rated average. The auditors did find, however, that the bonuses would temporarily ease the pain of unpopular cuts to insurance plans under President Barack Obama’s health care overhaul law.
Ahead of presidential and congressional elections in which seniors are a key group of swing voters, the administration has been working hard to portray itself as a good steward of Medicare, by cracking down on waste and fraud, improving benefits, and keeping costs under control. The GAO report could become a blemish on its record.
The administration defended the program, saying without bonuses many plans would not have an incentive to improve.
But Sen. Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, said the GAO report suggests that the administration abused its authority, pumping money to the plans to avoid more criticism over the cuts.

Gov’t auditors call on Obama administration to cancel Medicare bonuses GOP sees as political - The Washington Post

Magic tricks and smoke and mirrors. This admin has a buttload of scams that will make you believe.
Don't worry though,m it will save money, or so they tell me. Magic always comes through in the end.

In a blow to the Obama administration on Medicare, government auditors Monday called for the cancellation of a costly bonus program for private health plans that congressional Republicans have criticized as a wasteful political ploy. The nonpartisan Government Accountability Office said it’s not clear that the $8.3 billion Medicare Advantage bonus program will improve quality because most of the money is going to plans just rated average. The auditors did find, however, that the bonuses would temporarily ease the pain of unpopular cuts to insurance plans under President Barack Obama’s health care overhaul law.
Ahead of presidential and congressional elections in which seniors are a key group of swing voters, the administration has been working hard to portray itself as a good steward of Medicare, by cracking down on waste and fraud, improving benefits, and keeping costs under control. The GAO report could become a blemish on its record.
The administration defended the program, saying without bonuses many plans would not have an incentive to improve.
But Sen. Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, said the GAO report suggests that the administration abused its authority, pumping money to the plans to avoid more criticism over the cuts.

Gov’t auditors call on Obama administration to cancel Medicare bonuses GOP sees as political - The Washington Post

Magic tricks and smoke and mirrors. This admin has a buttload of scams that will make you believe.

Just falling back on his union past and playing the game he knows.
Don't worry though,m it will save money, or so they tell me. Magic always comes through in the end.

In a blow to the Obama administration on Medicare, government auditors Monday called for the cancellation of a costly bonus program for private health plans that congressional Republicans have criticized as a wasteful political ploy. The nonpartisan Government Accountability Office said it’s not clear that the $8.3 billion Medicare Advantage bonus program will improve quality because most of the money is going to plans just rated average. The auditors did find, however, that the bonuses would temporarily ease the pain of unpopular cuts to insurance plans under President Barack Obama’s health care overhaul law.
Ahead of presidential and congressional elections in which seniors are a key group of swing voters, the administration has been working hard to portray itself as a good steward of Medicare, by cracking down on waste and fraud, improving benefits, and keeping costs under control. The GAO report could become a blemish on its record.
The administration defended the program, saying without bonuses many plans would not have an incentive to improve.
But Sen. Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, said the GAO report suggests that the administration abused its authority, pumping money to the plans to avoid more criticism over the cuts.

Gov’t auditors call on Obama administration to cancel Medicare bonuses GOP sees as political - The Washington Post

ROTFL so according to people calling for cuts to Medicare advantage of which whose funding was slashed by Obama and whose funding cuts where objected by republicans because MA is a wasteful is a blow to Obamacare which slashed MA funding.
You have reached a new level of brain dead.
Don't worry though,m it will save money, or so they tell me. Magic always comes through in the end.

In a blow to the Obama administration on Medicare, government auditors Monday called for the cancellation of a costly bonus program for private health plans that congressional Republicans have criticized as a wasteful political ploy. The nonpartisan Government Accountability Office said it’s not clear that the $8.3 billion Medicare Advantage bonus program will improve quality because most of the money is going to plans just rated average. The auditors did find, however, that the bonuses would temporarily ease the pain of unpopular cuts to insurance plans under President Barack Obama’s health care overhaul law.
Ahead of presidential and congressional elections in which seniors are a key group of swing voters, the administration has been working hard to portray itself as a good steward of Medicare, by cracking down on waste and fraud, improving benefits, and keeping costs under control. The GAO report could become a blemish on its record.
The administration defended the program, saying without bonuses many plans would not have an incentive to improve.
But Sen. Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, said the GAO report suggests that the administration abused its authority, pumping money to the plans to avoid more criticism over the cuts.
Gov’t auditors call on Obama administration to cancel Medicare bonuses GOP sees as political - The Washington Post

ROTFL so according to people calling for cuts to Medicare advantage of which whose funding was slashed by Obama and whose funding cuts where objected by republicans because MA is a wasteful is a blow to Obamacare which slashed MA funding.
You have reached a new level of brain dead.

Do you realize you just managed to make yourself look even dumber than I thought you were? The problem here is not Obama cutting wasteful spending, it is him using bonuses designed to reward cutting spending to keep companies that have not done so viable.
Don't worry though,m it will save money, or so they tell me. Magic always comes through in the end.

Gov’t auditors call on Obama administration to cancel Medicare bonuses GOP sees as political - The Washington Post

ROTFL so according to people calling for cuts to Medicare advantage of which whose funding was slashed by Obama and whose funding cuts where objected by republicans because MA is a wasteful is a blow to Obamacare which slashed MA funding.
You have reached a new level of brain dead.

Do you realize you just managed to make yourself look even dumber than I thought you were? The problem here is not Obama cutting wasteful spending, it is him using bonuses designed to reward cutting spending to keep companies that have not done so viable.
Yes you tihnking Obamacare cutting wastful spending is a blow to Obamacare means other people are stupid
ROTFL so according to people calling for cuts to Medicare advantage of which whose funding was slashed by Obama and whose funding cuts where objected by republicans because MA is a wasteful is a blow to Obamacare which slashed MA funding.
You have reached a new level of brain dead.

Do you realize you just managed to make yourself look even dumber than I thought you were? The problem here is not Obama cutting wasteful spending, it is him using bonuses designed to reward cutting spending to keep companies that have not done so viable.
Yes you tihnking Obamacare cutting wastful spending is a blow to Obamacare means other people are stupid

Cut Wasteful spending?

Don't worry though,m it will save money, or so they tell me. Magic always comes through in the end.

In a blow to the Obama administration on Medicare, government auditors Monday called for the cancellation of a costly bonus program for private health plans that congressional Republicans have criticized as a wasteful political ploy. The nonpartisan Government Accountability Office said it’s not clear that the $8.3 billion Medicare Advantage bonus program will improve quality because most of the money is going to plans just rated average. The auditors did find, however, that the bonuses would temporarily ease the pain of unpopular cuts to insurance plans under President Barack Obama’s health care overhaul law.
Ahead of presidential and congressional elections in which seniors are a key group of swing voters, the administration has been working hard to portray itself as a good steward of Medicare, by cracking down on waste and fraud, improving benefits, and keeping costs under control. The GAO report could become a blemish on its record.
The administration defended the program, saying without bonuses many plans would not have an incentive to improve.
But Sen. Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, said the GAO report suggests that the administration abused its authority, pumping money to the plans to avoid more criticism over the cuts.

Gov’t auditors call on Obama administration to cancel Medicare bonuses GOP sees as political - The Washington Post
Is this like Bush not putting the cost of his two wars in the budget, to hide the deficits he was adding up?
Don't worry though,m it will save money, or so they tell me. Magic always comes through in the end.

In a blow to the Obama administration on Medicare, government auditors Monday called for the cancellation of a costly bonus program for private health plans that congressional Republicans have criticized as a wasteful political ploy. The nonpartisan Government Accountability Office said it’s not clear that the $8.3 billion Medicare Advantage bonus program will improve quality because most of the money is going to plans just rated average. The auditors did find, however, that the bonuses would temporarily ease the pain of unpopular cuts to insurance plans under President Barack Obama’s health care overhaul law.
Ahead of presidential and congressional elections in which seniors are a key group of swing voters, the administration has been working hard to portray itself as a good steward of Medicare, by cracking down on waste and fraud, improving benefits, and keeping costs under control. The GAO report could become a blemish on its record.
The administration defended the program, saying without bonuses many plans would not have an incentive to improve.
But Sen. Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, said the GAO report suggests that the administration abused its authority, pumping money to the plans to avoid more criticism over the cuts.
Gov’t auditors call on Obama administration to cancel Medicare bonuses GOP sees as political - The Washington Post
Is this like Bush not putting the cost of his two wars in the budget, to hide the deficits he was adding up?


I don't know why Bush didn't put the cost of the wars in the budget, but it didn't hide anything from anyone with more than half a brain cell. The proof of this is pretty simple, you keep pointing out that he did it. What Obama is doing is spending money to hide a negative affect of his signature legislation until after the election. It will also increase the debt.
What is stupid is that people like you think wasteful spending is a good thing just because democrat proposed cutting it

You just don't understand the point other posters were making. Not our fault your not comprehending the subject.
yes you not knowing anything about obamcare means I dont comprehend the subject

I know it will generate huge deficit spending. I know it is under review by the Supreme Court and will most likely have portions rules unconstitutional. I must admit though, you are right you don't comprehend the subject. Thanks for admitting it.

Office Visit: $8B slush fund

By David Holden

A slush fund is a sum of money used for illicit or corrupt political purposes like buying influence. The New York Post used the same definition in its description of President Barack Obama’s political slush fund at the Health and Human Services Department, or HHS. The Post also made it clear that the money was from taxpayers, being used to re-elect the president.

The administration is temporarily restoring $8 billion to the Medicare Advantage program, so seniors do not lose coverage before the Nov. 6 election. Under a 1967 statute, the HHS secretary can spend money without specific approval by Congress on so-called demonstration projects aimed at increasing the efficiency and economy of health services.

It is the loophole of all loopholes for an administration that practices Chicago politics and routinely dismisses the needs of the American people. Demonstration projects are created to not affect the deficit. The Constitution protects this notion by only allowing Congress the authority to spend taxpayers’ money. However, under Medicare law, HHS is allowed to conduct projects to test reforms to Medicare and make recommendations. No demonstration projects are in play, so no money should be spent. The Government Accounting Office declared that there were no projects conducted, just the allocation of money.

Medicare Advantage will be eviscerated after Nov. 6 thanks to “Obamacare.” Twelve million seniors rely on Medicare Advantage to fill gaps in coverage, so the timing of the HHS bonus money is questionable. Why isn’t Congress involved to eliminate the slush fund? The Oklahoma delegation is asking questions and trying to move the issue to the forefront, but Obama and Democratic U.S. Sen. Harry Reid are trying to sweep the issue under the election rug.


Office Visit: $8B slush fund | The Journal Record
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ROTFL so according to individuals contacting for reduces to Medical health insurance benefits of which whose financing was reduced by Obama and whose financing reduces where objected by conservatives because MA is a inefficient is a strike to Obamacare which reduced MA financing.

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