Sleeping giant' glacier may lift seas two metres: study


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
Sleeping giant' glacier may lift seas two metres: study

Source: yahoo new
Paris (AFP) - A rapidly melting glacier atop East Antarctica is on track to lift oceans at least two metres, and could soon pass a "tipping point" of no return, researchers said Wednesday.

To date, scientists have mostly worried about the Greenland and West Antarctic ice sheets as dangerous drivers of sea level rise.

But the new study, following up on earlier work by the same team, has identified a third major threat to hundreds of millions of people living in coastal areas around the world.

"I predict that before the end of the century the great global cities of our planet near the sea will have two- or three-metre (6.5 - 10 feet) high sea defences all around them," said Martin Siegert, co-director of the Grantham Institute and Department of Earth Science and Engineering at Imperial College London, and the study's senior author.

From the air, the contours of Totten Glacier -- roughly the size of France -- are invisible because the entire Antarctic continent is covered by a seamless, kilometres-thick blanket of snow and ice.

Geologically, however, it is a distinct -- and volatile -- beast.

- Disintegration accelerating -

Read more: 'Sleeping giant' glacier may lift seas two metres: study

Say good bye to southern Florida, LA and Boston. This is quite concerning.

Sleeping giant' glacier may lift seas two metres: study

Source: yahoo new
Paris (AFP) - A rapidly melting glacier atop East Antarctica is on track to lift oceans at least two metres, and could soon pass a "tipping point" of no return, researchers said Wednesday.

To date, scientists have mostly worried about the Greenland and West Antarctic ice sheets as dangerous drivers of sea level rise.

But the new study, following up on earlier work by the same team, has identified a third major threat to hundreds of millions of people living in coastal areas around the world.

"I predict that before the end of the century the great global cities of our planet near the sea will have two- or three-metre (6.5 - 10 feet) high sea defences all around them," said Martin Siegert, co-director of the Grantham Institute and Department of Earth Science and Engineering at Imperial College London, and the study's senior author.

From the air, the contours of Totten Glacier -- roughly the size of France -- are invisible because the entire Antarctic continent is covered by a seamless, kilometres-thick blanket of snow and ice.

Geologically, however, it is a distinct -- and volatile -- beast.

- Disintegration accelerating -

Read more: 'Sleeping giant' glacier may lift seas two metres: study

Say good bye to southern Florida, LA and Boston. This is quite concerning.

States one of our board idiots. Now a sane person would find something that indicated that the scientists interpretations of the data was erroneous.
Sleeping giant' glacier may lift seas two metres: study

Source: yahoo new
Paris (AFP) - A rapidly melting glacier atop East Antarctica is on track to lift oceans at least two metres, and could soon pass a "tipping point" of no return, researchers said Wednesday.

To date, scientists have mostly worried about the Greenland and West Antarctic ice sheets as dangerous drivers of sea level rise.

But the new study, following up on earlier work by the same team, has identified a third major threat to hundreds of millions of people living in coastal areas around the world.

"I predict that before the end of the century the great global cities of our planet near the sea will have two- or three-metre (6.5 - 10 feet) high sea defences all around them," said Martin Siegert, co-director of the Grantham Institute and Department of Earth Science and Engineering at Imperial College London, and the study's senior author.

From the air, the contours of Totten Glacier -- roughly the size of France -- are invisible because the entire Antarctic continent is covered by a seamless, kilometres-thick blanket of snow and ice.

Geologically, however, it is a distinct -- and volatile -- beast.

- Disintegration accelerating -

Read more: 'Sleeping giant' glacier may lift seas two metres: study

Say good bye to southern Florida, LA and Boston. This is quite concerning.

Yeah, I'm gonna sweat a lot because of this. But FIRST -- I think I want to see a DETAILED profile of this supposedly "warm water inversion" under a sea surface that hasn't really changed in temperature in 20 years or more.. And USUALLY the panic comes when several studies VALIDATE this "airplane flying" measurement or deep sea probes actually document these supposed "canyons"..
The problem is that science is unable to say when that might happen -- or if it has happened already.

I am not a quasi scientitist, but the predictions of gloom and doom haven't happened so far. None of us will be alive in 80 years to prove or disprove. Technology might learn to stabilize the glacier. There was no sat image for 50 years ago so you can't prove it will or prove it won't. On top of that it has melted before and sea level has risen 40 feet. Man will adjust if nukes don't wipe civilization out first. I just do t understand why you all are getting all up in arms about an unprovable hypothetical, talk about idiotic.
I predict before the end of the century.......blah blah blah. This is science?

Well, it is melting into the ocean and the job of the scientist is to predict what it will do in the future. So yes, it is science.

Not everything in science is the here and now.... need to search for something meaningful in your life!!:bye1:
Some people are just natural born chicken littles and feel like they need to get everyone else in on the fake panic with them so they don't have to feel so all alone.
The problem is that science is unable to say when that might happen -- or if it has happened already.

I am not a quasi scientitist, but the predictions of gloom and doom haven't happened so far. None of us will be alive in 80 years to prove or disprove. Technology might learn to stabilize the glacier. There was no sat image for 50 years ago so you can't prove it will or prove it won't. On top of that it has melted before and sea level has risen 40 feet. Man will adjust if nukes don't wipe civilization out first. I just do t understand why you all are getting all up in arms about an unprovable hypothetical, talk about idiotic.

Very astute post.......far more reasonable then anything postulated by the AGW community where everything is based upon emotion.

Technology may well be here by now but the powers that be in energy have far too much invested for it to be used now. We have weapons and computers now that would make peoples jaw hit the floor.......the government is always about 2 decades ahead in technology that the public isnt aware about!!

Technology will solve all these problems and the k00k know it too.........but the redistribution of wealth aspect of the global warming ruse is a means to an ends. These people don't give a rats ass about the environment.:bye1:
BTW........I would submit that this thread be up there for nomination in the ENVIRONMENT forums STOOPIDEST THREAD OF THE YEAR award.

We'll remember this one as "The Two Meters"!!!:2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

This dope falls for the first thing hysterical that comes across the wire each day
Man, you idiots just hate science.

How does a scientist observing a ice sheet = hating science? You're the one that hates science that wants it all to be defunded and won't Publish a fucking paper in a journal to show where or how this is wrong to begin with.
What is the volume of Totten Glacier in liquid state?
What is the volume of the oceans?
What is the volume of undersea volcanic land mass gained annually?
What is the annual undersea land mass change due to plate tectonics?

If you can't answer any of these questions without looking them up, you're just an unscientific lemming stooge who parrots BS.
There is no way that this is going to happen, because all the meteorologists in the world are actually secret members of the Illuminati, and working for CHOAS. Their goal is to destroy the world's economy, and to elevate Al Gore to Head Guru, at which point they will force everyone to watch the weather channel 24/7 with their eyes propped open with toothpicks. Anyone who can't see this is a deluded fool.
What is the volume of Totten Glacier in liquid state?
What is the volume of the oceans?
What is the volume of undersea volcanic land mass gained annually?
What is the annual undersea land mass change due to plate tectonics?

If you can't answer any of these questions without looking them up, you're just an unscientific lemming stooge who parrots BS.

Then please answer them for us. That is, if you're not a lemming stooge.

Dumb tactic on your part. Nobody knows every detail of every bit of science from memory. Everyone relies on experts. You do, on every topic but this one. Hence, it's hypocritical to demand a standard you won't apply to yourself.

So why that knee-jerk? Obviously, because your political party has deemed this topic to be un-PC, and wants to shut down all discussion on it. That's why all the righties here constantly try to shut down rational conversation by piling on with their hysterical red-herrings. Those who can talk about science, do. Righties don't. All they can do is spam and whine.

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