Slava Ukraine

America for America and fuck everyone else?

I think we just found the poster girl for MAGA Black white nationalism. :laughing0301:
Not really

Stunning and Brave Black Woman wins Internet

Wait for it:p

1) Ukrainian women are beautiful.
2) This war has been a disaster for the Ukrainian people: millions of refugees, 100s of 1000s killed, Russia occupies the SE corner of Ukraine, military stalemate, wrecked infrastructure, economic collapse.
3) On the other hand neocons and Raytheon executives and Xi Jin Ping are happy. And isn’t that what’s important?

Another catastrophe from the Biden administration. The war could have been avoided. Why are we wasting billions fueling an un-winnable war?
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1) Ukrainian women are beautiful.
2) This war has been a disaster for the Ukrainian people: millions of refugees, 100s of 1000s killed, Russia occupies the SE corner of Ukraine, military stalemate, wrecked infrastructure, economic collapse.
3) On the other hand neocons and Raytheon executives and Xi Jin Ping are happy. And isn’t that what’s important?

Another catastrophe from the Biden administration. The war could have been avoided. Why are we wasting billions fueling an un-winnable war?

The war could only have been avoided if Biden hadn't been put in the White House. It was his family's corrupt dealings with Ukraine, his influence peddling, and his incompetence in foreign policy and energy policies that allowed the Ukraine War to happen. Now we're in for a dime, in for billions of dollars.

This shit would have never happened under a Trump presidency.

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