Six prison guards beat a mentally ill man to death in Ontario, OPP doesn't lay charges because "impossible to know who did what"...


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
Remember the warnings from some of us. THIS is the system you will have as some want to be "like Canada" and eliminate your Constitution. 6 Guards beat a guy to death, over 50 blunt injuries to his body, and the excuse the provincial police use for not charging them is they couldn't figure out who laid the fatal blow!?

Can you imagine such a case being thrown out of court, if 6 guys on the street attack and killed someone? "Hey, we don't know who actually killed him, so we will charge NO ONE"

The police in Canada represent a National Security threat, of this I am absolutely certain. Our allies don't trust us, for a reason. We are worst than East Germany, and the world learns more and more about us every day.

Three and half years after a mentally ill man was pepper-sprayed, shackled and found lifeless on the floor of an Ontario jail cell, a new investigation into his death has reached the same conclusion as the first: No one will be held criminally responsible.

Ontario Provincial Police have chosen not to lay charges against any of the six or more guards who restrained and allegedly beat 30-year-old Soleiman Faqiri inside a segregation unit at the Central East Correctional Centre on Dec. 15, 2016.

That, despite the more than 50 signs of "blunt impact trauma" found on Faqiri's body following his death, including bruises to his neck, most of which a coroner's report found were likely the result of restraint.

It's a development that's left the Faqiris stunned after a years-long nightmare they hoped would end with someone being held accountable for the death of their "Soli."

"The fact that they did not charge them with anything — that broke everyone in my family," Soleiman's younger brother Sam said in an exclusive interview at the family's home.

"My brother's dead, and I know who killed him. That's probably the worst feeling in the world."
It is pretty sad to understand that Canada is as bad as the United States in this way.

We have a Constitution and it still happens.
It is pretty sad to understand that Canada is as bad as the United States in this way.

"As bad"? No, try "worse".

You have to understand, these issues have been going on for a century, but it was impossible to know because the media was controlled and rarely reported on these issues. Now police abuse, in particular, is getting the spotlight. Not just the deaths that have been too frequent and never tried in court, but, the creepy covert abuses.

I've openly stated that CSIS should have a hands on approach of dealing with police agencies in Canada as they represent a National Security threat to our nation. Most in uniform do a good job, the bad ones who do, always get a pass. Some literally charged with a crime, convicted, and they stay on full $125k+ a year salary from the taxpayer while the appeal continues. They remain cops, some as long as 10 years after suspension.

We are having our citizens taken in other nations, our reputation is not one we can hang our hat on. CSIS has to know that this risk is much higher due to our reputation, it is their agents and sources who are at most risk overseas.
It is pretty sad to understand that Canada is as bad as the United States in this way.

"As bad"? No, try "worse".

You have to understand, these issues have been going on for a century, but it was impossible to know because the media was controlled and rarely reported on these issues. Now police abuse, in particular, is getting the spotlight. Not just the deaths that have been too frequent and never tried in court, but, the creepy covert abuses.

I've openly stated that CSIS should have a hands on approach of dealing with police agencies in Canada as they represent a National Security threat to our nation. Most in uniform do a good job, the bad ones who do, always get a pass. Some literally charged with a crime, convicted, and they stay on full $125k+ a year salary from the taxpayer while the appeal continues. They remain cops, some as long as 10 years after suspension.

We are having our citizens taken in other nations, our reputation is not one we can hang our hat on. CSIS has to know that this risk is much higher due to our reputation, it is their agents and sources who are at most risk overseas.

It's the same here. They only reason we are making some inroads is because of the proliferation of video exposing the corrupt system.
It is pretty sad to understand that Canada is as bad as the United States in this way.

"As bad"? No, try "worse".

You have to understand, these issues have been going on for a century, but it was impossible to know because the media was controlled and rarely reported on these issues. Now police abuse, in particular, is getting the spotlight. Not just the deaths that have been too frequent and never tried in court, but, the creepy covert abuses.

I've openly stated that CSIS should have a hands on approach of dealing with police agencies in Canada as they represent a National Security threat to our nation. Most in uniform do a good job, the bad ones who do, always get a pass. Some literally charged with a crime, convicted, and they stay on full $125k+ a year salary from the taxpayer while the appeal continues. They remain cops, some as long as 10 years after suspension.

We are having our citizens taken in other nations, our reputation is not one we can hang our hat on. CSIS has to know that this risk is much higher due to our reputation, it is their agents and sources who are at most risk overseas.

It's the same here. They only reason we are making some inroads is because of the proliferation of video exposing the corrupt system.

Yes, that's the same everywhere. However, do you have undercovers in your high schools who LIE about someone without accountability? How about having a creepy RCMP?

We are about as creepy as any nation on earth, and the PR campaigns that used to run the show are now short on funds, control (thanks to youtube and the internet), and, naive believers.
It is pretty sad to understand that Canada is as bad as the United States in this way.

"As bad"? No, try "worse".

You have to understand, these issues have been going on for a century, but it was impossible to know because the media was controlled and rarely reported on these issues. Now police abuse, in particular, is getting the spotlight. Not just the deaths that have been too frequent and never tried in court, but, the creepy covert abuses.

I've openly stated that CSIS should have a hands on approach of dealing with police agencies in Canada as they represent a National Security threat to our nation. Most in uniform do a good job, the bad ones who do, always get a pass. Some literally charged with a crime, convicted, and they stay on full $125k+ a year salary from the taxpayer while the appeal continues. They remain cops, some as long as 10 years after suspension.

We are having our citizens taken in other nations, our reputation is not one we can hang our hat on. CSIS has to know that this risk is much higher due to our reputation, it is their agents and sources who are at most risk overseas.

It's the same here. They only reason we are making some inroads is because of the proliferation of video exposing the corrupt system.

Yes, that's the same everywhere. However, do you have undercovers in your high schools who LIE about someone without accountability? How about having a creepy RCMP?

We are about as creepy as any nation on earth, and the PR campaigns that used to run the show are now short on funds, control (thanks to youtube and the internet), and, naive believers.

I do not know what all goes on in Canada. I have enough to worry about here.
It is pretty sad to understand that Canada is as bad as the United States in this way.

"As bad"? No, try "worse".

You have to understand, these issues have been going on for a century, but it was impossible to know because the media was controlled and rarely reported on these issues. Now police abuse, in particular, is getting the spotlight. Not just the deaths that have been too frequent and never tried in court, but, the creepy covert abuses.

I've openly stated that CSIS should have a hands on approach of dealing with police agencies in Canada as they represent a National Security threat to our nation. Most in uniform do a good job, the bad ones who do, always get a pass. Some literally charged with a crime, convicted, and they stay on full $125k+ a year salary from the taxpayer while the appeal continues. They remain cops, some as long as 10 years after suspension.

We are having our citizens taken in other nations, our reputation is not one we can hang our hat on. CSIS has to know that this risk is much higher due to our reputation, it is their agents and sources who are at most risk overseas.

It's the same here. They only reason we are making some inroads is because of the proliferation of video exposing the corrupt system.

Yes, that's the same everywhere. However, do you have undercovers in your high schools who LIE about someone without accountability? How about having a creepy RCMP?

We are about as creepy as any nation on earth, and the PR campaigns that used to run the show are now short on funds, control (thanks to youtube and the internet), and, naive believers.

I do not know what all goes on in Canada. I have enough to worry about here.

All the more reason for Americans to pay attention. Some have designs of importing our system to America. You will then have ALOT more to worry about...
It is pretty sad to understand that Canada is as bad as the United States in this way.

"As bad"? No, try "worse".

You have to understand, these issues have been going on for a century, but it was impossible to know because the media was controlled and rarely reported on these issues. Now police abuse, in particular, is getting the spotlight. Not just the deaths that have been too frequent and never tried in court, but, the creepy covert abuses.

I've openly stated that CSIS should have a hands on approach of dealing with police agencies in Canada as they represent a National Security threat to our nation. Most in uniform do a good job, the bad ones who do, always get a pass. Some literally charged with a crime, convicted, and they stay on full $125k+ a year salary from the taxpayer while the appeal continues. They remain cops, some as long as 10 years after suspension.

We are having our citizens taken in other nations, our reputation is not one we can hang our hat on. CSIS has to know that this risk is much higher due to our reputation, it is their agents and sources who are at most risk overseas.

It's the same here. They only reason we are making some inroads is because of the proliferation of video exposing the corrupt system.

Yes, that's the same everywhere. However, do you have undercovers in your high schools who LIE about someone without accountability? How about having a creepy RCMP?

We are about as creepy as any nation on earth, and the PR campaigns that used to run the show are now short on funds, control (thanks to youtube and the internet), and, naive believers.

I do not know what all goes on in Canada. I have enough to worry about here.

All the more reason for Americans to pay attention. Some have designs of importing our system to America. You will then have ALOT more to worry about...

Our system is no better.

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