Since 99% of voters support drone strikes on innocent brown people...


Silver Member
Jul 8, 2009
...does it count as an abortion if the government uses a drone to drop a bomb on a pregnant woman? Libs/Cons feel free to chime in.
No one supports the deaths of innocent people, dipshit.

When we bombed the shit out of Germany in WWII, there were far more civilian casualties.

No one supports the deaths of innocent people, dipshit.

When we bombed the shit out of Germany in WWII, there were far more civilian casualties.


Oh, please explain how voting for Romney or Obama was not a vote for innocent deaths. This ought to be good.
...does it count as an abortion if the government uses a drone to drop a bomb on a pregnant woman? Libs/Cons feel free to chime in.

Well, it depends on who drops the bomb on her. If it is a random govt employee or another brown person, the GOP will absolutely hate it.

BUT...if it is a military drone, then the GOP LOVES it!! Because they hate excessive govt spending and govt employees...UNLESS its miltary govt spending and govt employees. They love spending on war and warriors.
...does it count as an abortion if the government uses a drone to drop a bomb on a pregnant woman? Libs/Cons feel free to chime in.

Did you have a stroke just prior to making this thread?
...does it count as an abortion if the government uses a drone to drop a bomb on a pregnant woman? Libs/Cons feel free to chime in.

As long as it's brown people, Republicans are probably not all that concerned.
No one supports the deaths of innocent people, dipshit.

When we bombed the shit out of Germany in WWII, there were far more civilian casualties.


Oh, please explain how voting for Romney or Obama was not a vote for innocent deaths. This ought to be good.

how about you explain how a vote for either WAS a vote for innocent deaths.
I'm listening
Lotta brown "freedom fighters" in Gaza getting what they deserve....I am betting you boys and girls don't mind that they build their launch sites next to schools, playgrounds and hospitals.
...does it count as an abortion if the government uses a drone to drop a bomb on a pregnant woman? Libs/Cons feel free to chime in.

As long as it's brown people, Republicans are probably not all that concerned.

You know...this guy doesn't look "brown" to me. Please let me know the "brown" people being killed by the drone strikes.


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...does it count as an abortion if the government uses a drone to drop a bomb on a pregnant woman? Libs/Cons feel free to chime in.

As long as it's brown people, Republicans are probably not all that concerned.

You know...this guy doesn't look "brown" to me. Please let me know the "brown" people being killed by the drone strikes.

There are many different shades of brown, retard.
...does it count as an abortion if the government uses a drone to drop a bomb on a pregnant woman? Libs/Cons feel free to chime in.

It’s clear where you’re confused: unlike drone strikes, abortion is not sanctioned by government; government merely recognizes the right to privacy and doesn’t interfere with citizens’ decisions concerning personal matters.

If the right of privacy means anything, it is the right of the individual, married or single, to be free from unwarranted governmental intrusion into matters so fundamentally affecting a person as the decision whether to bear or beget a child. Eisenstadt v. Baird (1972).
As long as it's brown people, Republicans are probably not all that concerned.

You know...this guy doesn't look "brown" to me. Please let me know the "brown" people being killed by the drone strikes.

There are many different shades of brown, retard.

Yeah? Well this terrorist is white. Most terrorists are "white" nimrod. The claim that we only bomb brown people is assinine. Make the point you wish without resorting to the tired old canard of racism. The Republican Party gave you remember him idiot? He's the one that freed the slaves, not the Democrats.

Learn some history moron.

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