
Gold Member
Jan 10, 2009
Big news in Moscow, but Americans forget true heroes quickly. Gary Powers, captured by the Soviets, and a lasting part if of US history, was awarded the Silver Star:

The NYT reported this of course, FoxNews may have been busy with "John Mayer" updates, I saw nothing from Fox. It brought to mind another hero from my area of Florida, rarely mentioned, honored only locally: PRIVATE ROBERT H. JENKINS, Jr.:

Robert Henry Jenkins, Jr (1948 - 1969) - Find A Grave Memorial

Ariux might deride his sacrifice, I will not forget the tiny park in Interlachen. His bravery is remembered by all the men whose lives he saved:
Americans quickly forget their heroes? Do we? And your evidence for that would be?

No mention here of Powers being awarded the Silver Star(.) I note also no comment on Jenkins; he gave his life saving the 11 men trapped by the Vietcong with him.
Big news in Moscow, but Americans forget true heroes quickly. Gary Powers, captured by the Soviets, and a lasting part if of US history, was awarded the Silver Star:

The NYT reported this of course, FoxNews may have been busy with "John Mayer" updates, I saw nothing from Fox. It brought to mind another hero from my area of Florida, rarely mentioned, honored only locally: PRIVATE ROBERT H. JENKINS, Jr.:

Robert Henry Jenkins, Jr (1948 - 1969) - Find A Grave Memorial

Ariux might deride his sacrifice, I will not forget the tiny park in Interlachen. His bravery is remembered by all the men whose lives he saved:

You must have missed this. Here it is for your enjoyment.

US pilot honored posthumously for 1960s Soviet spy mission
Americans quickly forget their heroes? Do we? And your evidence for that would be?

No mention here of Powers being awarded the Silver Star(.)

So that automatically means we've 'forgotten'? How odd. I read about it... I'm not really sure how starting a thread about it means you're better than your fellow Americans. It's not adding up to me.

I found it strange there were no posts about such a well known American. I saw several stories elsewhere. I do not expect anyone posting here to know about Jenkins, except for one poster, or previous poster, who I believe is from Jax. Jenkins has not been honored, to speak of, outside Putnam, and a few surrounding counties. VP Agnew gave his family the Medal of Honor at the White House in 1969.
Big news in Moscow, but Americans forget true heroes quickly. Gary Powers, captured by the Soviets, and a lasting part if of US history, was awarded the Silver Star:

The NYT reported this of course, FoxNews may have been busy with "John Mayer" updates, I saw nothing from Fox. It brought to mind another hero from my area of Florida, rarely mentioned, honored only locally: PRIVATE ROBERT H. JENKINS, Jr.:

Robert Henry Jenkins, Jr (1948 - 1969) - Find A Grave Memorial

Ariux might deride his sacrifice, I will not forget the tiny park in Interlachen. His bravery is remembered by all the men whose lives he saved:

You must have missed this. Here it is for your enjoyment.

US pilot honored posthumously for 1960s Soviet spy mission

Thank you, I missed this; the NYT, POST, CNN, ABC, and CBS all had reports also.
Americans quickly forget their heroes? Do we? And your evidence for that would be?

No mention here of Powers being awarded the Silver Star(.)

So that automatically means we've 'forgotten'? How odd. I read about it... I'm not really sure how starting a thread about it means you're better than your fellow Americans. It's not adding up to me.

I did not mention anything about posters here in my initial post, keep digging. :lol:
Robert H. Jenkins, Jr. was trapped with 11 other Americans as the Vietcong, with rifle fire, hand grenades, and air support tried to kill them. A grenade tossed near him landed. Without hesitation, he threw his buddy, closet to the grenade on the ground, and lay on top of him, to shield him, from the blast . The other men darted for safety; given time by Jenkins' actions. His buddy, and the other men survived. He died soon after from his wounds, the explosion of the grenade so close to the Americans, and perhaps the blood, must have led the Vietcong to believe they had killed several, the fire eased up.

He died at age 21.
Today there is a small park in Interlachen Florida, and a middle school, named for him. His family received the Medal of Honor at the White House. Jenkins was drafted.

Robert Henry Jenkins, Jr (1948 - 1969) - Find A Grave Memorial
Using dead American military heroes to bash Fox ? Bad form.

You also missed the point, the news here is about 'Henry Hill', and some TV talking head, yet Gary Powers seems only a joke to at least two posters. Not 'bad form'; ignorance of US history. Why do SOME of those who spout about love of country find our history distasteful?
Big news in Moscow, but Americans forget true heroes quickly. Gary Powers, captured by the Soviets, and a lasting part if of US history, was awarded the Silver Star:

The NYT reported this of course, FoxNews may have been busy with "John Mayer" updates, I saw nothing from Fox. It brought to mind another hero from my area of Florida, rarely mentioned, honored only locally: PRIVATE ROBERT H. JENKINS, Jr.:

Robert Henry Jenkins, Jr (1948 - 1969) - Find A Grave Memorial

Ariux might deride his sacrifice, I will not forget the tiny park in Interlachen. His bravery is remembered by all the men whose lives he saved:

I thought Liberals loathed the military?

What the fuck do you care, asswipe.
I dislike vulgar, humans but must tolerate them in any event. I am politically moderate*, from a military family, father 29 years, three wars. My sister is a disabled Veteran, injured stateside, not combat related. I support the military, do not want military lives lost, nor our soldiers injured, without just cause. Thus, my dislike of Bush & Cheney.

*I voted for McCain, and may vote for Romney.
Recognition of Gary Powers is long overdue.

Too long overdue. His is an interesting story. The press vilified him after he came home for not using the poison needle. He was not required to. In fact, he was not even required to carry it on the flight. Carrying the needle was completely optional for the pilot.
Liberals may hate wars particulary conducted by politicians for political purposes. How many military engagements has the US partipated in, not to save the American way of life or save our freedom but simply to get votes at the next election? What have those votes cost in lives, disabilities, and money? We will be paying for Iraq for the next fifty years. I think Romney has a good grasp on wars political and otherwise, and is smart enough to keep his kids out of the military.
As for those that do respond, I'm sure that half of the heroic deeds performed are unseen, or unnoticed by those that do the rewarding. And the decorations awarded to the military people on the other side of the political fence are made fun of and deprecated, ala Kerry.
Liberals may hate wars particulary conducted by politicians for political purposes. How many military engagements has the US partipated in, not to save the American way of life or save our freedom but simply to get votes at the next election? What have those votes cost in lives, disabilities, and money? We will be paying for Iraq for the next fifty years. I think Romney has a good grasp on wars political and otherwise, and is smart enough to keep his kids out of the military.
As for those that do respond, I'm sure that half of the heroic deeds performed are unseen, or unnoticed by those that do the rewarding. And the decorations awarded to the military people on the other side of the political fence are made fun of and deprecated, ala Kerry.

Good points; that is why Robert H. Jenkins, Jr. came to mind. An unsung hero, his family made no money off his incredible sacrifice.
I am happy that the OP got posted. It is a good thing to recall brave men like these.

If anyone vilified Powers, they were as low as a snake's belly. I do wonder why Jenkins' sacrifice is not more widely known; I do not blame it on his race, but the story is inspiring. A brave,brave American, gone too soon. The men whose lives he saved remember, that is certain. They worked to get the tiny park in Putnam county, Florida built.

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