*Sikh Religion Who Is Their God?*


Dec 9, 2007
Fort Worth, Texas
Sorry bout that,

1. Just wondering.
2. I know they don't cut their hair, or shave their beards.
3. So how does this fit into their religion?
4. Is their God, the *Hair God*?

You do realize it takes about five seconds to look it up on wikipedia and answer all your questions, right?
Sorry bout that,

1. Just wondering.
2. I know they don't cut their hair, or shave their beards.
3. So how does this fit into their religion?
4. Is their God, the *Hair God*?


Far as I know, Jesus didn't cut his hair either - and he had a beard. So what was his God?

PS: Idiotic thread.
Shooter not named yet but described as white male in his 40's...
India ambassador: 'Hearts bleed' after Sikh deaths
6 Aug.`12 - India's ambassador to the United States on Sunday mourned the killings of Sikhs at a temple in Wisconsin, praising the community as showing the best qualities of Indian Americans.
"Our hearts bleed for the precious and innocent lives lost in Oak Creek," a suburb of Milwaukee, Indian Ambassador Nirupama Rao wrote on Twitter. "This is a very tragic time for our community. We must remain calm," she said. "The Sikhs are among the best Indian Americans -- patriotic, law-abiding, industrious, generous and giving. I grieve with them today," she said.

Rao said she received telephone calls from John Brennan, the anti-terrorism adviser to President Barack Obama, and Wendy Sherman, the number three at the State Department, to condemn the attacks. In a modern twist to diplomacy, the Washington-based ambassador of India's historic rival Pakistan, Sherry Rahman, took to Twitter to voice sadness over the massacre, leading Rao to thank her with her own tweet.

The Indian embassy in Washington said in a statement that it was monitoring the incident, which left at least seven people dead. The embassy said that it was in touch with the White House's National Security Council and that a diplomat had been sent to the scene. Sikhism originates in India. While the gunman was not immediately identified, the US Sikh community -- estimated at 500,000-700,000 strong -- has faced attacks in the past by assailants who mistakenly believe they are Muslim.

India ambassador: 'Hearts bleed' after Sikh deaths - Yahoo! News
Probably an anti Muslim extremist who was dumb enough to mistake a group of Sikhs for Muslims. At least he is dead. Hopefully turning on a spit in the fiery bowels of Hell.
IF this attack on the Sihks was the result of an organization seeking to harass the members of that religion?

I feel rather sorry for the remaining members of that attcking organization.

The Shihks are not know for turning the other cheek when attacked.
Sorry bout that,

1. So no body else knows either.
2. I have heard of them, but like everyone else I know nothing about them.
3. Seems they are very astute in *getting along*.
4. Which isn't a bad thing.
5. Seems my thread was mis-understood, by some, the OP was just an open question, not an attack on them.
6. Come on people lets not attack the messenger, if you knew who their God was you would have said, so stop the bitching.

Hopefully turning on a spit in the fiery bowels of Hell.

You would not really wish that on another human being, no matter what they had done, Would you?

I believe that if God turns out to be the sadistic monster described in the quran, and some of the bible, all human beings, no matter if they are the saved or the dammned, should unite to reject such a God in the name of humanity and mercy.

There should be no soul left in heaven willing to worship such a beast.

But of course I am not rejecting the true God, only the false God of the doctrines of ignorance.

In my studies of spiritualism and occultism, I have come to believe we are all a part of God, and we incarnate thousands of times on many planets until realizing the divinity in ourselves. At which time we remember all our past lives, and continue to evolve as immortal beings in the spirit world.

In my philosophy, nothing is wasted, and no soul is dammned for ever. All are eventually redeemed and achive perfection.

Now you have something which I believe is probably true, and you can ridicule my beliefs if you want. Not that this will phaze me as people have been calling me crazy all my life.
Probably an anti Muslim extremist who was dumb enough to mistake a group of Sikhs for Muslims. At least he is dead. Hopefully turning on a spit in the fiery bowels of Hell.

Could be. Your outlook on the afterlife is a bit skewed. Not sure why anyone would want others to be on fire myself. It's quite sad to think about it. Especially when Christ came so we can avoid suffering the price of sin.
Hopefully turning on a spit in the fiery bowels of Hell.

You would not really wish that on another human being, no matter what they had done, Would you?

I believe that if God turns out to be the sadistic monster described in the quran, and some of the bible, all human beings, no matter if they are the saved or the dammned, should unite to reject such a God in the name of humanity and mercy.

There should be no soul left in heaven willing to worship such a beast.

But of course I am not rejecting the true God, only the false God of the doctrines of ignorance.

In my studies of spiritualism and occultism, I have come to believe we are all a part of God, and we incarnate thousands of times on many planets until realizing the divinity in ourselves. At which time we remember all our past lives, and continue to evolve as immortal beings in the spirit world.

In my philosophy, nothing is wasted, and no soul is dammned for ever. All are eventually redeemed and achive perfection.

Now you have something which I believe is probably true, and you can ridicule my beliefs if you want. Not that this will phaze me as people have been calling me crazy all my life.

Ive seen no evidence of God being sadistic in the least. Heck, He became a man so that we could specifically avoid this and become as He is.
Sorry bout that,

1. I asked a question, and no one knows so shut the fuck up then!


1. Sir knight, you asked multiple questions and provided mocking comentary with them. It's not suprising people took your questions the way they did.

2. If you were truly curious for answers to your questions, you wouldn't need to ask them here as you can search for the answers online. Another reason your "questions" seem to be more designed to attack than for honest answering.

3. This is the United States of America, and as long as I live, I am going to to speak my mind (Which will be very entertaining at some point if i lose it in old age). I am not going to shut up because someone tells me too.
Sorry bout that,

1. If anyone here knew anything they would long since said.
2. I was hoping some one who knew could explain.
3. I guess thats too fucking much to ask!
4. Never fucking mind.
5. I have read many articles about them, but as far as I have seen, they have no God.
6. Well neither does Islam, but they do have a borrowed God, when it befits them.

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