Signs show Palin might run...

Oh Goodie! another Palin Obsession thread.


As one of the great Believers in Palin for the last two years, I have to think she won't, if only because she may have noticed that all her fan base has moved on to Herman Cain.
Other Signs Palin might Run

US Deficit $1.6 E+12.Thats right folks, Its so fucking big, bigger than entire Reagan budgets and has to be expressed in scientific notation

Gallon of Gas Soon to be $5

Record number of people in poverty and on food stamps

ObamaCare's a Failure and Un-American

US AAA Credit rating in dire Peril

I am telling you! Palin and Bachman...."The Bat Pack!"

Heard about it this morning on the radio. The commentators said it made Mitt Romney "The Happiest Man in America", since she would take a lot of campaign contributions away from more serious candidates and take some of the "front runner" spotlight off of him. The second happiest would be Obama, according to them, provided she won the nom.
Maybe she is and maybe she isn't.
Her Daughter bought a home in Scottsdale.
Could be that they want to be near the daughter and grand baby.
Also they can stay in AZ. in winter and Alaska in the summer, like a lot of folks do around here.
Dunno... I reckon the millions of dollars she gets from Fox and her new "show-biz" dabblings might convince her otherwise. Still possible she's moronic enough to run.

I, for one, hope she does. Trump's out, Huckabee's out, with Palin out we'll be looking at a pretty stale and boring race with Romney and Gingrich as front-runners (*YAWN*). I want fireworks!
At a time like this, the lyrics of Pink Floyd come to mind.

Run Like Hell, Sarah!

Run, Run, Run, Run, Run, Run, Run, Run
Run, Run, Run, Run, Run, Run, Run, Run

You better make your face up in
Your favorite disguise
With your button down lips and your
Roller blind eyes
With your empty smile
And your hungry heart
Feel the bile rising from your guilty past
With your nerves in tatters
When the cockleshell shatters
And the hammers batter
Down the door
You'd better run

What more can I add?

Sarah, Shine on you crazy Diamond!
Ill believe she will run when she actually says "I am running for President"

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