Sign of The Beast 666

Lumpy 1

Diamond Member
Jun 19, 2009
Why is when Democrat control 66.6 percent of the Federal elected power that government is a basket case and at 100 percent it's a complete and lasting nightmare for the country?
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Why is when Democrat control 66.6 percent of the Federal elected power that government is a basket case and at 100 percent it's a complete and lasting nightmare for the country?

You are totally onto something here.

Somebody should shave Obama's head and look for The Mark.
Why is when Democrat control 66.6 percent of the Federal elected power that government is a basket case and at 100 percent it's a complete and lasting nightmare for the country?

You are totally onto something here.

Somebody should shave Obama's head and look for The Mark.

Most Democrat actually, it would also explain their bigotry/hate towards Christians.
Why is when Democrat control 66.6 percent of the Federal elected power that government is a basket case and at 100 percent it's a complete and lasting nightmare for the country?

You are totally onto something here.

Somebody should shave Obama's head and look for The Mark.

Most Democrat actually, it would also explain their bigotry/hate towards Christians.

This tread will be fun ................ time to get silly:
[ame=""]Medical Enhancement[/ame]
That video should scare the Christian's into submission.
Banks often use the number "666" for their address. Being familiar, if Obama goes broke before the nation does, he can just bow to the teller and stick his head in the scanner.
A loopy thread.

Obama, now officially installed as the new anti-Christ. will give the God dude a rest and immediately send forth an eleventh plague, this time on America (About time the Egyptians had a rest from plagues).

The plague, dubbed Obamaplague, will introduce cheap healthcare for millions of Americans who would otherwise die from easily curable or managed disease.

Damn this evil man to Dante's inferno where, as even Cocytus isn't dire enough for a man who tries to save millions from death and misery, a new, maximum security tenth circle will have to be constructed.
Obamacircle will be a place even the old devil will be afraid to visit.
A black man will run the white devil's kingdom, issuing orders to the white demons.

Republicans, upon death, will all be consigned to the Obamacircle where they will be forced to vote yes to cheap health care bills and extremely strict gun control, every day for eternity.

I wouldn't be nasty enough to suggest they be forced to vote for free abortion as part of any cheap health insurance as the whole republican party is a bit of an abortion at the moment.
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The plague, dubbed Obamaplague, will introduce cheap healthcare for millions of Americans who would otherwise die from easily curable or managed disease.

Nothing cheap about it kid.

Premiums are much higher.
Opinion is not fact as we all know.

No one knows where the $$$ are going to land at this point.
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Why is when Democrat control 66.6 percent of the Federal elected power that government is a basket case and at 100 percent it's a complete and lasting nightmare for the country?

You're mocking Democrats?!?! How about Republicans thinking that 33 1/3% is a majority and that it's the president that needs to compromise? Who would want them controlling the purse strings? :lmao:
A loopy thread.

Obama, now officially installed as the new anti-Christ. will give the God dude a rest and immediately send forth an eleventh plague, this time on America (About time the Egyptians had a rest from plagues).

The plague, dubbed Obamaplague, will introduce cheap healthcare for millions of Americans who would otherwise die from easily curable or managed disease.

Damn this evil man to Dante's inferno where, as even Cocytus isn't dire enough for a man who tries to save millions from death and misery, a new, maximum security tenth circle will have to be constructed.
Obamacircle will be a place even the old devil will be afraid to visit.
A black man will run the white devil's kingdom, issuing orders to the white demons.

Republicans, upon death, will all be consigned to the Obamacircle where they will be forced to vote yes to cheap health care bills and extremely strict gun control, every day for eternity.

I wouldn't be nasty enough to suggest they be forced to vote for free abortion as part of any cheap health insurance as the whole republican party is a bit of an abortion at the moment.

You are quite talented....:lol:
Why is when Democrat control 66.6 percent of the Federal elected power that government is a basket case and at 100 percent it's a complete and lasting nightmare for the country?

You're mocking Democrats?!?! How about Republicans thinking that 33 1/3% is a majority and that it's the president that needs to compromise? Who would want them controlling the purse strings? :lmao:

Luckily for Democrats that "33 1/3%" offers an unbelievable excuse..:lol:
The plague, dubbed Obamaplague, will introduce cheap healthcare for millions of Americans who would otherwise die from easily curable or managed disease.

Nothing cheap about it kid.

Premiums are much higher.

What a load of crap. My wife is younger than I am by a decade. Were I to retire right now, she could not get insurance, period. Pre-existing conditions. And were she in perfect health, it would cost far more than we could afford. Under the ACA, not only can she get insurance, but it is at an affordable rate. So much for your crap.

Subsidy Calculator | The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation
Why is when Democrat control 66.6 percent of the Federal elected power that government is a basket case and at 100 percent it's a complete and lasting nightmare for the country?

You're mocking Democrats?!?! How about Republicans thinking that 33 1/3% is a majority and that it's the president that needs to compromise? Who would want them controlling the purse strings? :lmao:

Luckily for Democrats that "33 1/3%" offers an unbelievable excuse..:lol:

Sorry, but there's no excuse for the Republicans and the people know it.
You're mocking Democrats?!?! How about Republicans thinking that 33 1/3% is a majority and that it's the president that needs to compromise? Who would want them controlling the purse strings? :lmao:

Luckily for Democrats that "33 1/3%" offers an unbelievable excuse..:lol:

Sorry, but there's no excuse for the Republicans and the people know it.

66.6% of the responsibility = 66.6% of the blame logically..

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