Shouldn't even be an Issue

SFC Ollie

Still Marching
Oct 21, 2009
Extreme East Ohio
Efforts to Protect Military Pay Stalled

With the threat of another gov*ern*ment shut*down loom*ing, the topic of mil*i*tary pay is once again mak*ing the news. Thank*fully, the last two times the issue came up, a shut*down was avoided and mil*i*tary servicemember’s pay was unaf*fected. How*ever, the real issue is the threat con*tin*ues to cause undue stress on mil*i*tary ser*vice*mem*bers and their fam*i*lies.

Ear*lier this year Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-Texas) intro*duced the “Ensur*ing Pay for Our Mil*i*tary Act of 2011” to make sure that pay for mil*i*tary mem*bers is never used as a bar*gain*ing chip. His bill cur*rently has 203 co-sponsors rep*re*sent*ing mem*bers from both par*ties. How*ever, his bill has been lan*guish*ing in the Armed Ser*vices Com*mit*tee and Trans*porta*tion and Infra*struc*ture Com*mit*tee.

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Military Pay should never be in question. Notice that not 1 congressman has offer to take a pay cut or go without once during my memory. They have theirs and that is all they are interested in. Replace all of them and start over with term limits.
We should certainly protect the pay of those who protect us. Military, fire, police. The rest can take their chances - including.... nah, beginning with our politicians.
Once my pay didn't arrive on payday. Finance didn't know why but would check and find out. Might take a month or two though. I told them not to bother; I'd just consider myself fired and could be contacted at my home of record. Maybe.
all federal employees should be paid on time and in full for the work they have done. that should never be a question.

and if they are required to continue to work even after a government shut down there should never be a question as to when they will receive their compensation.
Funny how the Military thinks they should be and are a protected group. They're soon gonna' find out they aren't. Retirees as well.

There will be plenty of "austerity" to spread around, you'll see.
Funny how the Military thinks they should be and are a protected group. They're soon gonna' find out they aren't. Retirees as well.

There will be plenty of "austerity" to spread around, you'll see.

How stupid can you get? First off the military retiree is rather used to taking cuts. They hit us all the time.

But to withhold an active duty soldiers pay that he has already earned, and you don't think there is anything wrong with that? What do you think would happen if the military went on strike. How long would you be free to talk such stupidity?

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