Should We Have Another Benghazi Investigation?

How many Benghazi investigations did we have?

  • 1

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  • Less than 3

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  • More than 3

    Votes: 2 66.7%
  • Not enough

    Votes: 1 33.3%

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Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018
Final Benghazi report: No 'smoking gun' pointing to Clinton

Now that Trump finally has a real Attorney General who will take down Hillary and Obama -- isn't it time for another Benghazi investigation? Not the fake ones that were controlled by Dems and was a massive cover up to hide Hillary and Obama's plot to murder US marines -- we need a real investigation lead by patriotic conservatives!

First of all, there were only 10 investigations -- not nearly enough to get to the bottom of something of this magnitude. Unlike the Mueller investigation that yielded a plethora of indictments and convictions; the Benghazi investigations didn't result in anyone being charged -- this alone should tell you this was a cover up -- Obama and Hillary tried to claim the assault as a protest over an offensive, anti-Muslim video, instead of a calculated terrorist attack -- this alone proves that Hillary and Obama had US citizens killed on behalf of Al-Queda. No other Americans have ever been killed in embassy attacks before (I am sure of it, or else we would have had investigations!!) -- this was unprecedented -- and all Trey Gowdy was able to do was to exonerate Obama and Hillary of wrongdoing? What did Obama and Hillary do to Rep. Gowdy to keep him quiet? Threaten his life?

After the longest investigation in United States history that included an unlimited budget, the Republicans convened a total of ten House and Senate committees -- with interviews of over 255 witnesses, 62 hours of hearings, and ten reports were published comprising of over 75,000 pages of information. Luckily after the 10th investigation, we lucked up on the fact that she was using a private email server -- that really helped to keep her out of the White House -- just think what a few more investigations may help uncover?

We spent 22 million dollars on these investigations and we deserve to get some damn convictions -- altho the Mueller investigation was a travesty against America -- it still got us 50 million dollars back in taxpayer money. If we can manage to at least get Obama's former gardener convicted with something, it will all be worth it!!
Im so tired of this benghazi bullshit. Republicans need to get over it.
Final Benghazi report: No 'smoking gun' pointing to Clinton

Now that Trump finally has a real Attorney General who will take down Hillary and Obama -- isn't it time for another Benghazi investigation? Not the fake ones that were controlled by Dems and was a massive cover up to hide Hillary and Obama's plot to murder US marines -- we need a real investigation lead by patriotic conservatives!

First of all, there were only 10 investigations -- not nearly enough to get to the bottom of something of this magnitude. Unlike the Mueller investigation that yielded a plethora of indictments and convictions; the Benghazi investigations didn't result in anyone being charged -- this alone should tell you this was a cover up -- Obama and Hillary tried to claim the assault as a protest over an offensive, anti-Muslim video, instead of a calculated terrorist attack -- this alone proves that Hillary and Obama had US citizens killed on behalf of Al-Queda. No other Americans have ever been killed in embassy attacks before (I am sure of it, or else we would have had investigations!!) -- this was unprecedented -- and all Trey Gowdy was able to do was to exonerate Obama and Hillary of wrongdoing? What did Obama and Hillary do to Rep. Gowdy to keep him quiet? Threaten his life?

After the longest investigation in United States history that included an unlimited budget, the Republicans convened a total of ten House and Senate committees -- with interviews of over 255 witnesses, 62 hours of hearings, and ten reports were published comprising of over 75,000 pages of information. Luckily after the 10th investigation, we lucked up on the fact that she was using a private email server -- that really helped to keep her out of the White House -- just think what a few more investigations may help uncover?

We spent 22 million dollars on these investigations and we deserve to get some damn convictions -- altho the Mueller investigation was a travesty against America -- it still got us 50 million dollars back in taxpayer money. If we can manage to at least get Obama's former gardener convicted with something, it will all be worth it!!
So a dereliction of duty is okay? Would you be willing to stop the investigations if it was President Trump who allowed 4 US citizens to die while he was fund raising in Las Vegas?
Final Benghazi report: No 'smoking gun' pointing to Clinton

Now that Trump finally has a real Attorney General who will take down Hillary and Obama -- isn't it time for another Benghazi investigation? Not the fake ones that were controlled by Dems and was a massive cover up to hide Hillary and Obama's plot to murder US marines -- we need a real investigation lead by patriotic conservatives!

First of all, there were only 10 investigations -- not nearly enough to get to the bottom of something of this magnitude. Unlike the Mueller investigation that yielded a plethora of indictments and convictions; the Benghazi investigations didn't result in anyone being charged -- this alone should tell you this was a cover up -- Obama and Hillary tried to claim the assault as a protest over an offensive, anti-Muslim video, instead of a calculated terrorist attack -- this alone proves that Hillary and Obama had US citizens killed on behalf of Al-Queda. No other Americans have ever been killed in embassy attacks before (I am sure of it, or else we would have had investigations!!) -- this was unprecedented -- and all Trey Gowdy was able to do was to exonerate Obama and Hillary of wrongdoing? What did Obama and Hillary do to Rep. Gowdy to keep him quiet? Threaten his life?

After the longest investigation in United States history that included an unlimited budget, the Republicans convened a total of ten House and Senate committees -- with interviews of over 255 witnesses, 62 hours of hearings, and ten reports were published comprising of over 75,000 pages of information. Luckily after the 10th investigation, we lucked up on the fact that she was using a private email server -- that really helped to keep her out of the White House -- just think what a few more investigations may help uncover?

We spent 22 million dollars on these investigations and we deserve to get some damn convictions -- altho the Mueller investigation was a travesty against America -- it still got us 50 million dollars back in taxpayer money. If we can manage to at least get Obama's former gardener convicted with something, it will all be worth it!!

If not for Hillary's slovenly and cavalier manner of handling classified communications, those who directed the attacks on Benghazi, and the commensurate deaths of Americans, would not have known about how defenseless the consulate was.

"Hillary Clinton’s Email Was Probably Hacked, Experts Say
When the F.B.I. director, James B. Comey, said on Tuesday that his investigators had no “direct evidence” that Hillary Clinton’s email account had been “successfully hacked,” both private experts and federal investigators immediately understood his meaning: It very likely had been breached, but the intruders were far too skilled to leave evidence of their work."
Hillary Clinton’s Email Was Probably Hacked, Experts Say
Final Benghazi report: No 'smoking gun' pointing to Clinton

Now that Trump finally has a real Attorney General who will take down Hillary and Obama -- isn't it time for another Benghazi investigation? Not the fake ones that were controlled by Dems and was a massive cover up to hide Hillary and Obama's plot to murder US marines -- we need a real investigation lead by patriotic conservatives!

First of all, there were only 10 investigations -- not nearly enough to get to the bottom of something of this magnitude. Unlike the Mueller investigation that yielded a plethora of indictments and convictions; the Benghazi investigations didn't result in anyone being charged -- this alone should tell you this was a cover up -- Obama and Hillary tried to claim the assault as a protest over an offensive, anti-Muslim video, instead of a calculated terrorist attack -- this alone proves that Hillary and Obama had US citizens killed on behalf of Al-Queda. No other Americans have ever been killed in embassy attacks before (I am sure of it, or else we would have had investigations!!) -- this was unprecedented -- and all Trey Gowdy was able to do was to exonerate Obama and Hillary of wrongdoing? What did Obama and Hillary do to Rep. Gowdy to keep him quiet? Threaten his life?

After the longest investigation in United States history that included an unlimited budget, the Republicans convened a total of ten House and Senate committees -- with interviews of over 255 witnesses, 62 hours of hearings, and ten reports were published comprising of over 75,000 pages of information. Luckily after the 10th investigation, we lucked up on the fact that she was using a private email server -- that really helped to keep her out of the White House -- just think what a few more investigations may help uncover?

We spent 22 million dollars on these investigations and we deserve to get some damn convictions -- altho the Mueller investigation was a travesty against America -- it still got us 50 million dollars back in taxpayer money. If we can manage to at least get Obama's former gardener convicted with something, it will all be worth it!!
So a dereliction of duty is okay? Would you be willing to stop the investigations if it was President Trump who allowed 4 US citizens to die while he was fund raising in Las Vegas?

The whole of the Benghazi mess was incompetence by the State Department.

They had months of warnings. The Brits and the Red Cross got those same warnings and pulled their people out of the area.

If our State Department had done the same. There would have been NO Benghazi.

Total incompetence by Hitlery's State Department.

They don't need another investigation to know what incompetence looks like. Benghazi was incompetence times three.
Im so tired of this benghazi bullshit. Republicans need to get over it.
If you can remember this, you know why many just want to move on from the Benghazi murders.

How to spot a sociopath - 10 red flags that could save you from being swept under the influence of a charismatic nut job
#3) Sociopaths are incapable of feeling shame, guilt or remorse. Their brains simply lack the circuitry to process such emotions. This allows them to betray people, threaten people or harm people without giving it a second thought. They pursue any action that serves their own self interest even if it seriously harms others.

There will be no Hillary investigation, Obama investigation. No one of any consequence is going to jail. By 'consequence' I mean those name which we can all clearly recognize. Those people have never and will never go to prison. They represent the controlling class. If the controllers go to jail then the controlled will start to get ideas.
There will be no Hillary investigation, Obama investigation. No one of any consequence is going to jail. By 'consequence' I mean those name which we can all clearly recognize. Those people have never and will never go to prison. They represent the controlling class. If the controllers go to jail then the controlled will start to get ideas.

As the saying goes, the only places one finds justice is the dictionary and the cemetery.
Final Benghazi report: No 'smoking gun' pointing to Clinton

Now that Trump finally has a real Attorney General who will take down Hillary and Obama -- isn't it time for another Benghazi investigation? Not the fake ones that were controlled by Dems and was a massive cover up to hide Hillary and Obama's plot to murder US marines -- we need a real investigation lead by patriotic conservatives!

First of all, there were only 10 investigations -- not nearly enough to get to the bottom of something of this magnitude. Unlike the Mueller investigation that yielded a plethora of indictments and convictions; the Benghazi investigations didn't result in anyone being charged -- this alone should tell you this was a cover up -- Obama and Hillary tried to claim the assault as a protest over an offensive, anti-Muslim video, instead of a calculated terrorist attack -- this alone proves that Hillary and Obama had US citizens killed on behalf of Al-Queda. No other Americans have ever been killed in embassy attacks before (I am sure of it, or else we would have had investigations!!) -- this was unprecedented -- and all Trey Gowdy was able to do was to exonerate Obama and Hillary of wrongdoing? What did Obama and Hillary do to Rep. Gowdy to keep him quiet? Threaten his life?

After the longest investigation in United States history that included an unlimited budget, the Republicans convened a total of ten House and Senate committees -- with interviews of over 255 witnesses, 62 hours of hearings, and ten reports were published comprising of over 75,000 pages of information. Luckily after the 10th investigation, we lucked up on the fact that she was using a private email server -- that really helped to keep her out of the White House -- just think what a few more investigations may help uncover?

We spent 22 million dollars on these investigations and we deserve to get some damn convictions -- altho the Mueller investigation was a travesty against America -- it still got us 50 million dollars back in taxpayer money. If we can manage to at least get Obama's former gardener convicted with something, it will all be worth it!!
So a dereliction of duty is okay? Would you be willing to stop the investigations if it was President Trump who allowed 4 US citizens to die while he was fund raising in Las Vegas?
Let me know which one of the benghazi investigations cited that Hillary or Obama did what you claim...

I'll wait...

But please continue with your self projections....its entertaining to those of us who are not partisan hacks
Final Benghazi report: No 'smoking gun' pointing to Clinton

Now that Trump finally has a real Attorney General who will take down Hillary and Obama -- isn't it time for another Benghazi investigation? Not the fake ones that were controlled by Dems and was a massive cover up to hide Hillary and Obama's plot to murder US marines -- we need a real investigation lead by patriotic conservatives!

First of all, there were only 10 investigations -- not nearly enough to get to the bottom of something of this magnitude. Unlike the Mueller investigation that yielded a plethora of indictments and convictions; the Benghazi investigations didn't result in anyone being charged -- this alone should tell you this was a cover up -- Obama and Hillary tried to claim the assault as a protest over an offensive, anti-Muslim video, instead of a calculated terrorist attack -- this alone proves that Hillary and Obama had US citizens killed on behalf of Al-Queda. No other Americans have ever been killed in embassy attacks before (I am sure of it, or else we would have had investigations!!) -- this was unprecedented -- and all Trey Gowdy was able to do was to exonerate Obama and Hillary of wrongdoing? What did Obama and Hillary do to Rep. Gowdy to keep him quiet? Threaten his life?

After the longest investigation in United States history that included an unlimited budget, the Republicans convened a total of ten House and Senate committees -- with interviews of over 255 witnesses, 62 hours of hearings, and ten reports were published comprising of over 75,000 pages of information. Luckily after the 10th investigation, we lucked up on the fact that she was using a private email server -- that really helped to keep her out of the White House -- just think what a few more investigations may help uncover?

We spent 22 million dollars on these investigations and we deserve to get some damn convictions -- altho the Mueller investigation was a travesty against America -- it still got us 50 million dollars back in taxpayer money. If we can manage to at least get Obama's former gardener convicted with something, it will all be worth it!!

No we shouldn't, unless some new information comes out we are not aware of.

As far as I am concerned, the questions were asked, and answered----------------> Was it incompetence that caused this to happen? ANSWER-------->Yes! That is NOT criminal, as far as I know.

As far as them lying about it. That is out there for everyone to see already. In fairness, in politics it is called spin control, but 6 of 1, 1/2 dozen of the other, it was still propaganda.

History teaches all things, and within 10 years, the truth will come out on all the players in that fiasco. The only question I and many have on that incident is---------->where was President Obama when it was going on. Did he give any orders, yes or no! No reporter has EVER asked Mr Obama that question, so the Whitehouse either made that question persona non grata, or the MSM really aren't into finding out what really went on. That is the biggest shame in the whole story, besides the fact that those patriots died!
Final Benghazi report: No 'smoking gun' pointing to Clinton

Now that Trump finally has a real Attorney General who will take down Hillary and Obama -- isn't it time for another Benghazi investigation? Not the fake ones that were controlled by Dems and was a massive cover up to hide Hillary and Obama's plot to murder US marines -- we need a real investigation lead by patriotic conservatives!

First of all, there were only 10 investigations -- not nearly enough to get to the bottom of something of this magnitude. Unlike the Mueller investigation that yielded a plethora of indictments and convictions; the Benghazi investigations didn't result in anyone being charged -- this alone should tell you this was a cover up -- Obama and Hillary tried to claim the assault as a protest over an offensive, anti-Muslim video, instead of a calculated terrorist attack -- this alone proves that Hillary and Obama had US citizens killed on behalf of Al-Queda. No other Americans have ever been killed in embassy attacks before (I am sure of it, or else we would have had investigations!!) -- this was unprecedented -- and all Trey Gowdy was able to do was to exonerate Obama and Hillary of wrongdoing? What did Obama and Hillary do to Rep. Gowdy to keep him quiet? Threaten his life?

After the longest investigation in United States history that included an unlimited budget, the Republicans convened a total of ten House and Senate committees -- with interviews of over 255 witnesses, 62 hours of hearings, and ten reports were published comprising of over 75,000 pages of information. Luckily after the 10th investigation, we lucked up on the fact that she was using a private email server -- that really helped to keep her out of the White House -- just think what a few more investigations may help uncover?

We spent 22 million dollars on these investigations and we deserve to get some damn convictions -- altho the Mueller investigation was a travesty against America -- it still got us 50 million dollars back in taxpayer money. If we can manage to at least get Obama's former gardener convicted with something, it will all be worth it!!

No we shouldn't, unless some new information comes out we are not aware of.

As far as I am concerned, the questions were asked, and answered----------------> Was it incompetence that caused this to happen? ANSWER-------->Yes! That is NOT criminal, as far as I know.

As far as them lying about it. That is out there for everyone to see already. In fairness, in politics it is called spin control, but 6 of 1, 1/2 dozen of the other, it was still propaganda.

History teaches all things, and within 10 years, the truth will come out on all the players in that fiasco. The only question I and many have on that incident is---------->where was President Obama when it was going on. Did he give any orders, yes or no! No reporter has EVER asked Mr Obama that question, so the Whitehouse either made that question persona non grata, or the MSM really aren't into finding out what really went on. That is the biggest shame in the whole story, besides the fact that those patriots died!
How many people in the Russian Collusion(which was found to be a hoax) ended up in jail because of lying under oath? Seems that there are people who lied under oath who needs to be brought back and verified with a competent AG who is sucking Obama's dick anymore. Then maybe justice wont be 2 tier anymore because the liberals are harping and I quote "No one is above the law".
Damn right we do. Investigate the investigations. It was a conspiracy.

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