Should we believe Obama's MSM sources of wiretapping of Trump by Obama?

I want someone to explain to me then, if as Comey/Clapper/Obama said there was no wiretapping, then how do they know so much about Russian/Trump collusion?
Here is the funny part.

Now that the WIRETAP story is out, People like Clapper are saying there was NO RUSSIAN\TRUMP COLLUSION, and NO WIRETAPPING.

Interesting how people change their stories.

They never would show us any evidence anyways. I am still waiting for THE DNC to let someone look at their server.

2nd part:

1st FISA request to spy on Trump was denied and the Administration was nearly laughed out of the room.

They tried again using different tactics, and primarily relied on The Accusation (without proof) that Russia Hacked THE DNC server.

The FISA request was approved. Now FISA is for surveillance on Foreign Nationals, not US that is interesting in itself.

But the most interesting part is that apparently they found nothing, but kept the wire tap on anyways after it expired even though they were supposed to remove it.

That is a Felony.
apparently they found nothing, but kept the wire tap on anyways after it expired even though they were supposed to remove it.
Where did you get that information from?
His rectum...
the traitor in chief once again made some shit up and blew it out his ass, he hasn't one ounce of substantiation or proof.
If it were classified fact he could immediately declassify it and give it to the Washington Post, NYT, FOX,MSNBC, etc, proving Obama to be a felon...
Surprisingly...crickets from the WH...his handlers have told him to stfu!!!

Funny the way conservative posters on this board will side with a proven liar and traitor just because he pushed a hate Obama campaign.

"proven liar"... talking about Obama who told YOU people he would LIE to you...
Read his autobiography ...

From Obama's autobiography, "Dreams from My Father"...published July 18,1995 page 94 -95
That's what Pablo had lacked, mostly, not having his driver's license that day,
a cop with nothing better to do than to check the trunk of his car..

[This is Obama BLAMING Law enforcement for doing their job and excusing Pablo! Disgusting"]
Or Bruce not finding his way back from too many bad acid trips, winding up in a funny farm.
Or Duke not walking away from that car wreck...
I had tried to explain some of this to my mother once, the role of luck in the world, the spin of the wheel.

[Remember Obama is a teen ager explaining to his MOM!! how pompous and arrogant!]
It was at the start of my senior year in high school; she was back in Hawaii her field work completed and one day she had marched into my room wanting to know the details of Pablo's arrest.
I had given her a reassuring smile and patted her hand told her not to worry,

[what a smart-ass condescending spoiled brat!]
I wouldn't do anything stupid.
It was usually an effective tactic, another one of those tricks I had learned.

[Folks do you understand? This is how Obama has acted as President! "Tricks..tactics"!]
People were satisfied so long as you were courteous and smiled and made no sudden moves.
They were more than satisfied.
They were revealed.
Such a pleasant surprise to find a well-mannered young black man who didn't seem angry all the time."

Obama has ALWAYS been an angry, lying, deceitful black man... he just hasn't grown up!!!
I want someone to explain to me then, if as Comey/Clapper/Obama said there was no wiretapping, then how do they know so much about Russian/Trump collusion?
Here is the funny part.

Now that the WIRETAP story is out, People like Clapper are saying there was NO RUSSIAN\TRUMP COLLUSION, and NO WIRETAPPING.

Interesting how people change their stories.

They never would show us any evidence anyways. I am still waiting for THE DNC to let someone look at their server.

2nd part:

1st FISA request to spy on Trump was denied and the Administration was nearly laughed out of the room.

They tried again using different tactics, and primarily relied on The Accusation (without proof) that Russia Hacked THE DNC server.

The FISA request was approved. Now FISA is for surveillance on Foreign Nationals, not US that is interesting in itself.

But the most interesting part is that apparently they found nothing, but kept the wire tap on anyways after it expired even though they were supposed to remove it.

That is a Felony.
apparently they found nothing, but kept the wire tap on anyways after it expired even though they were supposed to remove it.
Where did you get that information from?
His rectum...
I meant where did the POSTER get it. I know where Trump got his delusions from....Breitbart and Limbaugh.

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