Should Trump order expanding the scope of the Mueller Investigation??

Should Trump order expanding the scope of the Mueller Investigation??

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Diamond Member
Sep 4, 2014
Top Of The Great Divide
Should Trump order expanding the scope of the Mueller Investigation??

In a late night brain storm session, a few attorneys I am friends with suggested that Trump should instruct Rosenstine to open up the democrat side of Russian collusion including Hillary and democrats. With all the "out in the open" evidence of corruption and collusion why doesn't he simply have Rosenstine open the Special Counsels scope to include FISA fraud and perjury along with Hillary, Obama and the whole DNC criminal organization?

I had to laugh about this because none of them knew Rosenstine had signed one of the false FISA affidavits.... This would place Rosenstine in jeopardy for perjury.

So what do you think... Open it up (which would be such a conflict for Rosenstine he would have to recuse himself) or let it remain as is? State why...
If you read Rosenstines directive to Mueller it forbids Mueller from looking into democrats and Hillary... That is why Mueller can not look into it. I would add he is a swamp creature but that is obvious by who Mueller is employing on his partisan team.
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I predict that Rosenstine would defy the presidential order and ultimately be fired for insubordination.. Sessions would then join him in the unemployment line..

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