Should Trump Officially Declare War On Iran??

The United States Is Now at War With Iran

As much as Trump campaigned on not getting us further entangled in endless wars in the Middle East; with no exit strategy in sight --- as much as Trump and his cult followers pretend that they were against the war in Iraq all along -- I find it ironic that their authorization for taking out the military leader of a sovereign nation is the same authorization that allowed Bush to invade Iraq 18 years ago.....

"The United States is now at war with Iran. You don’t deliberately kill someone like Soleimani unless you’re at war with his country, and even then, you want to think long and hard before you do, given the near-certainty of blowback. To convey a sense of Soleimani’s significance, it would be as if, during the Iraq war, the ayatollah had ordered the assassination of Gen. David Petraeus, Gen. Jim Mattis, the head of Special Operations Command, and the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff"

Now I can imagine if our Defense Secretary was killed in a drone strike by any country, especially a Middle Eastern country (except for Saudi Arabia) -- we will take that action as an act of war -- so we can't pretend to be naïve as to believe Iran wouldn't take this as an act of war...And if you say "well he killed our soldiers, we are already at war with Iran" -- then you should demanding that Trump go before Congress (and the American people) and seek an official declaration of war against Iran...

Soleimani was a bad guy is not a good enough reason for declaring war (and the new general will most likely be a bad guy too) -- just like Saddam was a bad guy was not a good enough reason for declaring war on Iraq...which is why he had to claim Iraq was behind 9/11, Iraq had nukes and there was a mushroom cloud waiting to happen in the US, blah blah blah....all bullshit.....

Which is why we still to this day haven't declared war on anyone, except this ambiguous non-entity known as the war on terror -- a convenient way to do anything you want to do as long as you claim its a war on terror....and this goes for Bush, this goes for Obama and this goes for Trump --- the guy who was supposed to be DIFFERENT from the rest of them.

No need to declare a war unless you want to put a bunch of troops on the on the ground in the country you wish to attack. They should have held Bush Jr.'s feet to the fire on that one, but they didn't, because the Right-wing sold it partly on patriotism, saying anyone not supporting was unpatriotic and morons actually believed it.
That’s how neocons acted yes. How did the leftwing media act when President Trump ordered a withdraw in Syria from the Turkish border? They howled it was the end of the world and we were “betraying” the Kurds.
I am not the left wing media...I want all of the troops out of the middle east...period...

I WAS AGAINST THE WAR IN IRAQ BACK IN 2003 -- back when the so-called mainstream media was cheerleading it.....back when the media offered no push back at all -- back when Rumsfeld was able to say "we will be there for a few weeks, a few months, but definitely not longer than that" -- and the media didn't push back at all...

And now Trump is claiming a war with Iran will go pretty quickly...based on what??

No one to this day can tell me why we are still in Iraq and Afghanistan after nearly 20 years without using the same talking points they used 20 years ago...which tells me us being there isn't fixing shit....

I don't think there will be a war between America and Iran in 2020 at all.

Trump doesn't want it, and Khamenei REALLY doesn't want it. It makes no sense for the Iranian mullahs to start a war and incur that kind of expense in 2020, when if they can maneuver to get Sleepy Joe back in , they will start getting the pallets of cash back when the Deal is reinstituted.
Too late, there already is. iran will retaliate and it will get our attention, all because of your "idiot in chief" who canceled a great deal with Iran.

You have to look to a Republican to fuck up good foreign policy. They were wrong in Iraq, and they were wrong to get rid of a deal that kept the peace. What a failure.

And by the way, tell Trump Rocket man says hello.

Iran would be pretty freaking stupid to retaliate, BWK.

And that's why they won't do it IMHO. From their standpoint, if they just wait until this fall and Trump loses, they get their pallets of cash and their "Deal" back. A war against America puts that in jeopardy
You know what, here's what I have to say about that, when you have got an "idiot in chief" like Trump contradicting himself the whole way, criticizing and being wrong about Obama, canceling out a great Iran deal that kept the peace, only to rattle their chain as a result of that horrible move by Trump, being wrong on every foreign policy decision, and getting impeached, Trump is desperate. Who knows what will happen. If Iran retaliates, Trump will just go and bomb the shit out of whoever and get their oil. It's a distraction to his horrible failures. Trump predicted Obama would attack Iran to 'get elected'

We don't need their oil...So, there's that...
The United States Is Now at War With Iran

As much as Trump campaigned on not getting us further entangled in endless wars in the Middle East; with no exit strategy in sight --- as much as Trump and his cult followers pretend that they were against the war in Iraq all along -- I find it ironic that their authorization for taking out the military leader of a sovereign nation is the same authorization that allowed Bush to invade Iraq 18 years ago.....

"The United States is now at war with Iran. You don’t deliberately kill someone like Soleimani unless you’re at war with his country, and even then, you want to think long and hard before you do, given the near-certainty of blowback. To convey a sense of Soleimani’s significance, it would be as if, during the Iraq war, the ayatollah had ordered the assassination of Gen. David Petraeus, Gen. Jim Mattis, the head of Special Operations Command, and the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff"

Now I can imagine if our Defense Secretary was killed in a drone strike by any country, especially a Middle Eastern country (except for Saudi Arabia) -- we will take that action as an act of war -- so we can't pretend to be naïve as to believe Iran wouldn't take this as an act of war...And if you say "well he killed our soldiers, we are already at war with Iran" -- then you should demanding that Trump go before Congress (and the American people) and seek an official declaration of war against Iran...

Soleimani was a bad guy is not a good enough reason for declaring war (and the new general will most likely be a bad guy too) -- just like Saddam was a bad guy was not a good enough reason for declaring war on Iraq...which is why he had to claim Iraq was behind 9/11, Iraq had nukes and there was a mushroom cloud waiting to happen in the US, blah blah blah....all bullshit.....

Which is why we still to this day haven't declared war on anyone, except this ambiguous non-entity known as the war on terror -- a convenient way to do anything you want to do as long as you claim its a war on terror....and this goes for Bush, this goes for Obama and this goes for Trump --- the guy who was supposed to be DIFFERENT from the rest of them.
Trump started the escalation with Iran by doing away with the Iran deal because of Trump's ego. Now you dupes have to deal with being supporters of a guy who has proved over and over to be straight full of shit; Trump predicted Obama would attack Iran to 'get elected' Don't feel like a total idiot?
Only idiot in this exchange is you....

Now before you respond back to me -- go google the word "satire" --- then take a nap...
Sorry, I deserved that. Wrong poster. Your OP is spot on.
I am not the left wing media...I want all of the troops out of the middle east...period...

I WAS AGAINST THE WAR IN IRAQ BACK IN 2003 -- back when the so-called mainstream media was cheerleading it.....back when the media offered no push back at all -- back when Rumsfeld was able to say "we will be there for a few weeks, a few months, but definitely not longer than that" -- and the media didn't push back at all...

And now Trump is claiming a war with Iran will go pretty quickly...based on what??

No one to this day can tell me why we are still in Iraq and Afghanistan after nearly 20 years without using the same talking points they used 20 years ago...which tells me us being there isn't fixing shit....

I don't think there will be a war between America and Iran in 2020 at all.

Trump doesn't want it, and Khamenei REALLY doesn't want it. It makes no sense for the Iranian mullahs to start a war and incur that kind of expense in 2020, when if they can maneuver to get Sleepy Joe back in , they will start getting the pallets of cash back when the Deal is reinstituted.
Too late, there already is. iran will retaliate and it will get our attention, all because of your "idiot in chief" who canceled a great deal with Iran.

You have to look to a Republican to fuck up good foreign policy. They were wrong in Iraq, and they were wrong to get rid of a deal that kept the peace. What a failure.

And by the way, tell Trump Rocket man says hello.

Iran would be pretty freaking stupid to retaliate, BWK.

And that's why they won't do it IMHO. From their standpoint, if they just wait until this fall and Trump loses, they get their pallets of cash and their "Deal" back. A war against America puts that in jeopardy
You know what, here's what I have to say about that, when you have got an "idiot in chief" like Trump contradicting himself the whole way, criticizing and being wrong about Obama, canceling out a great Iran deal that kept the peace, only to rattle their chain as a result of that horrible move by Trump, being wrong on every foreign policy decision, and getting impeached, Trump is desperate. Who knows what will happen. If Iran retaliates, Trump will just go and bomb the shit out of whoever and get their oil. It's a distraction to his horrible failures. Trump predicted Obama would attack Iran to 'get elected'

We don't need their oil...So, there's that...
You don't, I don't, but Trump does.
That’s how neocons acted yes. How did the leftwing media act when President Trump ordered a withdraw in Syria from the Turkish border? They howled it was the end of the world and we were “betraying” the Kurds.
I am not the left wing media...I want all of the troops out of the middle east...period...

I WAS AGAINST THE WAR IN IRAQ BACK IN 2003 -- back when the so-called mainstream media was cheerleading it.....back when the media offered no push back at all -- back when Rumsfeld was able to say "we will be there for a few weeks, a few months, but definitely not longer than that" -- and the media didn't push back at all...

And now Trump is claiming a war with Iran will go pretty quickly...based on what??

No one to this day can tell me why we are still in Iraq and Afghanistan after nearly 20 years without using the same talking points they used 20 years ago...which tells me us being there isn't fixing shit....

I don't think there will be a war between America and Iran in 2020 at all.

Trump doesn't want it, and Khamenei REALLY doesn't want it. It makes no sense for the Iranian mullahs to start a war and incur that kind of expense in 2020, when if they can maneuver to get Sleepy Joe back in , they will start getting the pallets of cash back when the Deal is reinstituted.
Too late, there already is. iran will retaliate and it will get our attention, all because of your "idiot in chief" who canceled a great deal with Iran.

You have to look to a Republican to fuck up good foreign policy. They were wrong in Iraq, and they were wrong to get rid of a deal that kept the peace. What a failure.

And by the way, tell Trump Rocket man says hello.

Iran would be pretty freaking stupid to retaliate, BWK.

And that's why they won't do it IMHO. From their standpoint, if they just wait until this fall and Trump loses, they get their pallets of cash and their "Deal" back. A war against America puts that in jeopardy
You know what, here's what I have to say about that, when you have got an "idiot in chief" like Trump contradicting himself the whole way, criticizing and being wrong about Obama, canceling out a great Iran deal that kept the peace, only to rattle their chain as a result of that horrible move by Trump, being wrong on every foreign policy decision, and getting impeached, Trump is desperate. Who knows what will happen. If Iran retaliates, Trump will just go and bomb the shit out of whoever and get their oil. It's a distraction to his horrible failures. Trump predicted Obama would attack Iran to 'get elected'

It sounds like you are of the view that Iran would be pretty fucking stupid to retaliate against America.

And I can agree on that
The United States Is Now at War With Iran

As much as Trump campaigned on not getting us further entangled in endless wars in the Middle East; with no exit strategy in sight --- as much as Trump and his cult followers pretend that they were against the war in Iraq all along -- I find it ironic that their authorization for taking out the military leader of a sovereign nation is the same authorization that allowed Bush to invade Iraq 18 years ago.....

"The United States is now at war with Iran. You don’t deliberately kill someone like Soleimani unless you’re at war with his country, and even then, you want to think long and hard before you do, given the near-certainty of blowback. To convey a sense of Soleimani’s significance, it would be as if, during the Iraq war, the ayatollah had ordered the assassination of Gen. David Petraeus, Gen. Jim Mattis, the head of Special Operations Command, and the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff"

Now I can imagine if our Defense Secretary was killed in a drone strike by any country, especially a Middle Eastern country (except for Saudi Arabia) -- we will take that action as an act of war -- so we can't pretend to be naïve as to believe Iran wouldn't take this as an act of war...And if you say "well he killed our soldiers, we are already at war with Iran" -- then you should demanding that Trump go before Congress (and the American people) and seek an official declaration of war against Iran...

Soleimani was a bad guy is not a good enough reason for declaring war (and the new general will most likely be a bad guy too) -- just like Saddam was a bad guy was not a good enough reason for declaring war on Iraq...which is why he had to claim Iraq was behind 9/11, Iraq had nukes and there was a mushroom cloud waiting to happen in the US, blah blah blah....all bullshit.....

Which is why we still to this day haven't declared war on anyone, except this ambiguous non-entity known as the war on terror -- a convenient way to do anything you want to do as long as you claim its a war on terror....and this goes for Bush, this goes for Obama and this goes for Trump --- the guy who was supposed to be DIFFERENT from the rest of them.

No need to declare a war unless you want to put a bunch of troops on the on the ground in the country you wish to attack. They should have held Bush Jr.'s feet to the fire on that one, but they didn't, because the Right-wing sold it partly on patriotism, saying anyone not supporting was unpatriotic and morons actually believed it.

Why sure why would we think that, what with all the predictions on how we were going to loose, and efforts to sabatoge and all....Nah, that was soooooo patriotic...
I don't think there will be a war between America and Iran in 2020 at all.

Trump doesn't want it, and Khamenei REALLY doesn't want it. It makes no sense for the Iranian mullahs to start a war and incur that kind of expense in 2020, when if they can maneuver to get Sleepy Joe back in , they will start getting the pallets of cash back when the Deal is reinstituted.
Too late, there already is. iran will retaliate and it will get our attention, all because of your "idiot in chief" who canceled a great deal with Iran.

You have to look to a Republican to fuck up good foreign policy. They were wrong in Iraq, and they were wrong to get rid of a deal that kept the peace. What a failure.

And by the way, tell Trump Rocket man says hello.

Iran would be pretty freaking stupid to retaliate, BWK.

And that's why they won't do it IMHO. From their standpoint, if they just wait until this fall and Trump loses, they get their pallets of cash and their "Deal" back. A war against America puts that in jeopardy
You know what, here's what I have to say about that, when you have got an "idiot in chief" like Trump contradicting himself the whole way, criticizing and being wrong about Obama, canceling out a great Iran deal that kept the peace, only to rattle their chain as a result of that horrible move by Trump, being wrong on every foreign policy decision, and getting impeached, Trump is desperate. Who knows what will happen. If Iran retaliates, Trump will just go and bomb the shit out of whoever and get their oil. It's a distraction to his horrible failures. Trump predicted Obama would attack Iran to 'get elected'

We don't need their oil...So, there's that...
You don't, I don't, but Trump does.

Give me a break...It's a tired progressive trope...And absolves you from posting anything that requires thought...
The United States Is Now at War With Iran

As much as Trump campaigned on not getting us further entangled in endless wars in the Middle East; with no exit strategy in sight --- as much as Trump and his cult followers pretend that they were against the war in Iraq all along -- I find it ironic that their authorization for taking out the military leader of a sovereign nation is the same authorization that allowed Bush to invade Iraq 18 years ago.....

"The United States is now at war with Iran. You don’t deliberately kill someone like Soleimani unless you’re at war with his country, and even then, you want to think long and hard before you do, given the near-certainty of blowback. To convey a sense of Soleimani’s significance, it would be as if, during the Iraq war, the ayatollah had ordered the assassination of Gen. David Petraeus, Gen. Jim Mattis, the head of Special Operations Command, and the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff"

Now I can imagine if our Defense Secretary was killed in a drone strike by any country, especially a Middle Eastern country (except for Saudi Arabia) -- we will take that action as an act of war -- so we can't pretend to be naïve as to believe Iran wouldn't take this as an act of war...And if you say "well he killed our soldiers, we are already at war with Iran" -- then you should demanding that Trump go before Congress (and the American people) and seek an official declaration of war against Iran...

Soleimani was a bad guy is not a good enough reason for declaring war (and the new general will most likely be a bad guy too) -- just like Saddam was a bad guy was not a good enough reason for declaring war on Iraq...which is why he had to claim Iraq was behind 9/11, Iraq had nukes and there was a mushroom cloud waiting to happen in the US, blah blah blah....all bullshit.....

Which is why we still to this day haven't declared war on anyone, except this ambiguous non-entity known as the war on terror -- a convenient way to do anything you want to do as long as you claim its a war on terror....and this goes for Bush, this goes for Obama and this goes for Trump --- the guy who was supposed to be DIFFERENT from the rest of them.
Did Obama declare war on Pakistan when the Seals took out bin Laden?
I don't think there will be a war between America and Iran in 2020 at all.

Trump doesn't want it, and Khamenei REALLY doesn't want it. It makes no sense for the Iranian mullahs to start a war and incur that kind of expense in 2020, when if they can maneuver to get Sleepy Joe back in , they will start getting the pallets of cash back when the Deal is reinstituted.
Too late, there already is. iran will retaliate and it will get our attention, all because of your "idiot in chief" who canceled a great deal with Iran.

You have to look to a Republican to fuck up good foreign policy. They were wrong in Iraq, and they were wrong to get rid of a deal that kept the peace. What a failure.

And by the way, tell Trump Rocket man says hello.

Iran would be pretty freaking stupid to retaliate, BWK.

And that's why they won't do it IMHO. From their standpoint, if they just wait until this fall and Trump loses, they get their pallets of cash and their "Deal" back. A war against America puts that in jeopardy
You know what, here's what I have to say about that, when you have got an "idiot in chief" like Trump contradicting himself the whole way, criticizing and being wrong about Obama, canceling out a great Iran deal that kept the peace, only to rattle their chain as a result of that horrible move by Trump, being wrong on every foreign policy decision, and getting impeached, Trump is desperate. Who knows what will happen. If Iran retaliates, Trump will just go and bomb the shit out of whoever and get their oil. It's a distraction to his horrible failures. Trump predicted Obama would attack Iran to 'get elected'

We don't need their oil...So, there's that...
You don't, I don't, but Trump does.

Condemning Iran for aggression when you just assassinated their guy in Iraq, a country you illegally invaded and continue to occupy militarily, is nonsense.
Too late, there already is. iran will retaliate and it will get our attention, all because of your "idiot in chief" who canceled a great deal with Iran.

You have to look to a Republican to fuck up good foreign policy. They were wrong in Iraq, and they were wrong to get rid of a deal that kept the peace. What a failure.

And by the way, tell Trump Rocket man says hello.

Iran would be pretty freaking stupid to retaliate, BWK.

And that's why they won't do it IMHO. From their standpoint, if they just wait until this fall and Trump loses, they get their pallets of cash and their "Deal" back. A war against America puts that in jeopardy
You know what, here's what I have to say about that, when you have got an "idiot in chief" like Trump contradicting himself the whole way, criticizing and being wrong about Obama, canceling out a great Iran deal that kept the peace, only to rattle their chain as a result of that horrible move by Trump, being wrong on every foreign policy decision, and getting impeached, Trump is desperate. Who knows what will happen. If Iran retaliates, Trump will just go and bomb the shit out of whoever and get their oil. It's a distraction to his horrible failures. Trump predicted Obama would attack Iran to 'get elected'

We don't need their oil...So, there's that...
You don't, I don't, but Trump does.

Condemning Iran for aggression when you just assassinated their guy in Iraq, a country you illegally invaded and continue to occupy militarily, is nonsense.

You should hop a flight and go be with your allies.
I am not the left wing media...I want all of the troops out of the middle east...period...

I WAS AGAINST THE WAR IN IRAQ BACK IN 2003 -- back when the so-called mainstream media was cheerleading it.....back when the media offered no push back at all -- back when Rumsfeld was able to say "we will be there for a few weeks, a few months, but definitely not longer than that" -- and the media didn't push back at all...

And now Trump is claiming a war with Iran will go pretty quickly...based on what??

No one to this day can tell me why we are still in Iraq and Afghanistan after nearly 20 years without using the same talking points they used 20 years ago...which tells me us being there isn't fixing shit....

I don't think there will be a war between America and Iran in 2020 at all.

Trump doesn't want it, and Khamenei REALLY doesn't want it. It makes no sense for the Iranian mullahs to start a war and incur that kind of expense in 2020, when if they can maneuver to get Sleepy Joe back in , they will start getting the pallets of cash back when the Deal is reinstituted.
Too late, there already is. iran will retaliate and it will get our attention, all because of your "idiot in chief" who canceled a great deal with Iran.

You have to look to a Republican to fuck up good foreign policy. They were wrong in Iraq, and they were wrong to get rid of a deal that kept the peace. What a failure.

And by the way, tell Trump Rocket man says hello.

Iran would be pretty freaking stupid to retaliate, BWK.

And that's why they won't do it IMHO. From their standpoint, if they just wait until this fall and Trump loses, they get their pallets of cash and their "Deal" back. A war against America puts that in jeopardy
You know what, here's what I have to say about that, when you have got an "idiot in chief" like Trump contradicting himself the whole way, criticizing and being wrong about Obama, canceling out a great Iran deal that kept the peace, only to rattle their chain as a result of that horrible move by Trump, being wrong on every foreign policy decision, and getting impeached, Trump is desperate. Who knows what will happen. If Iran retaliates, Trump will just go and bomb the shit out of whoever and get their oil. It's a distraction to his horrible failures. Trump predicted Obama would attack Iran to 'get elected'

It sounds like you are of the view that Iran would be pretty fucking stupid to retaliate against America.

And I can agree on that
It's irrelevant either way. What Trump did was a result of his ego, when Obama and the country humiliated Trump over his idiotic birther bs, and he went pouting home and told Melania the country would pay for making fun of him at the dinner. Boo-hoo! But ha, he was right. He did. He axed a great deal at the expense of the country, he criticized Obama about him going to war with Iran, which he never did, Trump turned around and contradicted his own stance on Iran by provoking conflict in the ME, threatening to bomb the shit out of them and get their oil, and as we speak, he is bombing Generals from Iran. Mission accomplished almost. Trump wants the oil, but his impeachment is a threat to that. So who knows what happens next. Trump has no foreign policy ideas, and he just cares about his own wealth. So whatever he feels like doing in the moment he might do, and everyone else can go straight to hell.

I do think it is hilarious and sad, that your only defense of Trump is not to praise his foreign policy, but to distract about Iran doing nothing. Just reveals the fact that you know yourself he sucks at foreign policy.
He have no other choice but to go to war. The majority of the Iranians didn't like the Quds leader. Unless the Iranian people don't rise up against their rulers, that he will have to bomb all of those that are in the way. Obama supplied them with high powerful weapons and bombs.

Too late, there already is. iran will retaliate and it will get our attention, all because of your "idiot in chief" who canceled a great deal with Iran.

You have to look to a Republican to fuck up good foreign policy. They were wrong in Iraq, and they were wrong to get rid of a deal that kept the peace. What a failure.

And by the way, tell Trump Rocket man says hello.

Iran would be pretty freaking stupid to retaliate, BWK.

And that's why they won't do it IMHO. From their standpoint, if they just wait until this fall and Trump loses, they get their pallets of cash and their "Deal" back. A war against America puts that in jeopardy
You know what, here's what I have to say about that, when you have got an "idiot in chief" like Trump contradicting himself the whole way, criticizing and being wrong about Obama, canceling out a great Iran deal that kept the peace, only to rattle their chain as a result of that horrible move by Trump, being wrong on every foreign policy decision, and getting impeached, Trump is desperate. Who knows what will happen. If Iran retaliates, Trump will just go and bomb the shit out of whoever and get their oil. It's a distraction to his horrible failures. Trump predicted Obama would attack Iran to 'get elected'

We don't need their oil...So, there's that...
You don't, I don't, but Trump does.

Condemning Iran for aggression when you just assassinated their guy in Iraq, a country you illegally invaded and continue to occupy militarily, is nonsense.
Thank you! I couldn't agree more.
He have no other choice but to go to war. The majority of the Iranians didn't like the Quds leader. Unless the Iranian people don't rise up against their rulers, that he will have to bomb all of those that are in the way. Obama supplied them with high powerful weapons and bombs.

Do you have links proving that?
Iran would be pretty freaking stupid to retaliate, BWK.

And that's why they won't do it IMHO. From their standpoint, if they just wait until this fall and Trump loses, they get their pallets of cash and their "Deal" back. A war against America puts that in jeopardy
You know what, here's what I have to say about that, when you have got an "idiot in chief" like Trump contradicting himself the whole way, criticizing and being wrong about Obama, canceling out a great Iran deal that kept the peace, only to rattle their chain as a result of that horrible move by Trump, being wrong on every foreign policy decision, and getting impeached, Trump is desperate. Who knows what will happen. If Iran retaliates, Trump will just go and bomb the shit out of whoever and get their oil. It's a distraction to his horrible failures. Trump predicted Obama would attack Iran to 'get elected'

We don't need their oil...So, there's that...
You don't, I don't, but Trump does.

Condemning Iran for aggression when you just assassinated their guy in Iraq, a country you illegally invaded and continue to occupy militarily, is nonsense.

You should hop a flight and go be with your allies.
Are you saying he is wrong? How?
Iran would be pretty freaking stupid to retaliate, BWK.

And that's why they won't do it IMHO. From their standpoint, if they just wait until this fall and Trump loses, they get their pallets of cash and their "Deal" back. A war against America puts that in jeopardy
You know what, here's what I have to say about that, when you have got an "idiot in chief" like Trump contradicting himself the whole way, criticizing and being wrong about Obama, canceling out a great Iran deal that kept the peace, only to rattle their chain as a result of that horrible move by Trump, being wrong on every foreign policy decision, and getting impeached, Trump is desperate. Who knows what will happen. If Iran retaliates, Trump will just go and bomb the shit out of whoever and get their oil. It's a distraction to his horrible failures. Trump predicted Obama would attack Iran to 'get elected'

We don't need their oil...So, there's that...
You don't, I don't, but Trump does.

Condemning Iran for aggression when you just assassinated their guy in Iraq, a country you illegally invaded and continue to occupy militarily, is nonsense.
Thank you! I couldn't agree more.

Then you can get out too...
You know what, here's what I have to say about that, when you have got an "idiot in chief" like Trump contradicting himself the whole way, criticizing and being wrong about Obama, canceling out a great Iran deal that kept the peace, only to rattle their chain as a result of that horrible move by Trump, being wrong on every foreign policy decision, and getting impeached, Trump is desperate. Who knows what will happen. If Iran retaliates, Trump will just go and bomb the shit out of whoever and get their oil. It's a distraction to his horrible failures. Trump predicted Obama would attack Iran to 'get elected'

We don't need their oil...So, there's that...
You don't, I don't, but Trump does.

Condemning Iran for aggression when you just assassinated their guy in Iraq, a country you illegally invaded and continue to occupy militarily, is nonsense.

You should hop a flight and go be with your allies.
Are you saying he is wrong? How?
You can’t fix stupid.

Uncle loves the stupid.
He have no other choice but to go to war. The majority of the Iranians didn't like the Quds leader. Unless the Iranian people don't rise up against their rulers, that he will have to bomb all of those that are in the way. Obama supplied them with high powerful weapons and bombs.

Do you have links proving that?

Why would you think that most Iranians are in favor of Terrorism and Evil, as personified by Soleimani?

From the men from Iran I know, I don't find that to be the case at all. In fact, most Iranians from this view are in favor of Freedom and hate evil

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