Should the USA have teamed with the Germans

To destroy and obliterate Stalin and communism ??
Did we attack the wrong the nation.
We could have dealt with Germany after ??
We certainly shouldn't have armed the UK after they declared war against Germany. Instead of arming the UK we should have annexed Canada.

While the UK was busy defending themselves due to the aggressive war they started against Germany, they would not have had the resources to fight the USA at the same time.

And many Canadians, especially in Quebec, weren't too happy about their children being enslaved by King George to be used as royal cannon fodder again.

We could have easily taken Canada from the UK, probably without firing a shot.

Instead, FDR decided to enslave millions of Americans in violation of the 13th amendment and get hundreds of thousands of Americans killed fighting for the Soviet commies and the monarchy that sacked, looted and burned Washington D.C.

FDR was an evil traitor.
This is weapon-grade stupid.
What was weapons grade stupid is wasting hundreds of thousands of American lives and $trillions in treasure to defend the UK and the USSR from Germany. Germany was no threat to US national security.

The US gained nothing from that war. The US would have gained a lot by annexing Canada with it's vast natural resources. Today the US would have more landmass that any other country

And once the UK was bogged down and being bled dry in the war they started against Germany, there's nothing they could have done to stop us. In 1941 they were already very dependent on the US for food and fuel.

And the UK still owed us money from WWI anyways. We could have demanded Canada as payment. And if they didn't give up Canada, we could have threatened to divert those massive convoys of food, fuel and arms we were sending the UK to Germany. We had the bargaining power to take Canada without firing a shot. That would have been the wise thing to do.

And we already had plans drawn up to invade Canada. We could have taken Canada by force easily, despite the fact that the treasonous New York Slimes leaked our war plan.

Think about it; Obama could have visited those 7 other states he bragged about, including American Columbia (formerly British Columbia) and President Hoover Island (formerly Prince Edward Island).

USA naval power probably caught up to UK at end of war as our army did with Germany

As you know, the USA had military superiority over every other military in the world.

There are quite a number of excellent documentaries on TV today.
Sorry but I see them everyday at work and they drive me “ bat shit crazy “

Giving more credence to the cliche, you can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink.

Without controlling the skies all that Soviet armor would just be target practice and that's before developing jet fighters
so, we get halfway across Russia and then what? you have any idea how much it would cost--in $$$/material/etc just to go HALF-way across Russia????!!!..look at the map I posted

No reason to shed any blood rescuing eastern Europe, given how many of them aided the Nazis and their own assistance in rounding up Jews to be mass murdered, and they did so after the war as well, which is why so many of them had to stay in the camps up to two years after they were 'liberated'. We had enough trouble feeding Europe after the war as it was; we didn't need another 20 million charity cases.
Protecting Poland's sovereignty was the (alleged) reason that the western European allies declared war on Hitler....Leaving Poland to Stalin at the end of the war was one of the greatest sellouts in human history.

No, that was the reason Churchill and the Brits declared war on Hitler. Germany launched it wolf packs on American shipping and declared war on us.
FDR declared war against Germany and Italy first. On 9/11/41 in a "fireside chat" FDR announced that he has ordered the US military to attack any German or Italian warship they encounter anywhere in the entire western hemisphere.

FDR's announcement of his shoot on sight order was a public declaration of war against both Italy and Germany.

US neutrality in both the European war and the Second Sino-Japanese war officially ended with the lend-lease act.
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Actually the Soviets wouldn't have stayed in the war if it hadn't been for the British relief supplies arriving when they did; contrary to myth, the Soviets couldn't just keep retreating forever, most of their rail networks and infrastructure was in the western regions, all either overrun by Germans or well within striking distance. Their losses were severe, they were down to less than 500 tanks along the entire front, and the only thing that stopped the German advances was the deep mine fields, in some place 25 miles deep. The 125 British tanks that got to the Moscow theater of operations allowed the winter counter-attacks. Though a small shipment by later Lend-Lease standards they made the biggest difference relatively. They were only possible because the U.S. was shipping commodities to Britain, which in turn allowed Britain to ship arms and supplies to Stalin.

Also: in 1941 and early 1942, about half the aircraft defending Murmansk and the Lake Ladoga ice road were Hawker Hurricanes.
Please be more expository
Sorry I am not keen on what you said
Stalin should have been destroyed

And replaced with what? The reality is almost every government in the world reflects the people it rules over. It is just as likely his replacement would have been worse.
I would fight those god damn Germans after they finished Stalin

That would be the ideal, yes. Germany and Japan didn't leave it up to us, though, they attacked us instead.
Just as a side note to “sweeten the deal “..we could have deported NY Jews to Germany
Only a suggestion??
Only need a few Dozen ships and dump
Then in like cattle and the Germans would take care of them and treat them well lol
Without controlling the skies all that Soviet armor would just be target practice and that's before developing jet fighters
so, we get halfway across Russia and then what? you have any idea how much it would cost--in $$$/material/etc just to go HALF-way across Russia????!!!..look at the map I posted

No reason to shed any blood rescuing eastern Europe, given how many of them aided the Nazis and their own assistance in rounding up Jews to be mass murdered, and they did so after the war as well, which is why so many of them had to stay in the camps up to two years after they were 'liberated'. We had enough trouble feeding Europe after the war as it was; we didn't need another 20 million charity cases.
Protecting Poland's sovereignty was the (alleged) reason that the western European allies declared war on Hitler....Leaving Poland to Stalin at the end of the war was one of the greatest sellouts in human history.

No, that was the reason Churchill and the Brits declared war on Hitler. Germany launched it wolf packs on American shipping and declared war on us.
FDR declared war against Germany and Italy first. On 9/11/41 in a "fireside chat" FDR announced that he has ordered the US military to attack any German or Italian warship they encounter anywhere in the entire western hemisphere.

FDR's announcement of his shoot on sight order was a public declaration of war against both Italy and Germany.

US neutrality in both the European war and the Second Sino-Japanese war officially ended with the lend-lease act.
Will the Muslims be voting T or B next month
We need every Muslim vote in Michigan
German population about 70 million
Russian population over 100 million
refer to the map I posted
even without Lend Lease, Germany is not winning
Actually, directly from no less than Marshal Zhukov and General Secretary Stalin, without American supplies, the Soviets would have collapsed.
....and Eisenhower thought D-DAY might fail-but it didn't
...and high ranking officials/civilians/etc were worried about the Japanese attacking mainland US--but the Japanese didn't have the assets to do it
...thinking is not the same as reality
German population about 70 million
Russian population over 100 million
refer to the map I posted
even without Lend Lease, Germany is not winning
Actually, directly from no less than Marshal Zhukov and General Secretary Stalin, without American supplies, the Soviets would have collapsed.
..the North Vietnamese ''''defeated''' the greatest power on Earth-the US
..the rebel colonists '''defeated'' one of the greatest powers on Earth -England
...they didn't have to win--just not lose--same with Russia
It most certainly would have been nuked. And all that just to free Poland?

After WWII Poland gained the territory - Danzig, the Polish Corridor, the parts of Prussia. It became an ethnically homogeneous nation - without the Germans, Jews (who survived the Holocaust), Ukrainians and so on. It more than compensated its loses of what is now western Ukraine and Belarus.

It is very convenient to portray Poland as a victim. But definitely, it wasn't worth of nuking Moscow.

"Portray?" Dude...are you on fucking crack? Poland traded 5 years of Nazi occupation for fifty years of Soviet occupation. Absolutely and unequivocally yes, a free Poland would be worth leveling Moscow.
No, I am not. And not only Poland but the whole Eastern Europe found itself under the Soviets thumb.

And I can repeat what I said above - under the communists Poland gained the territory and became an ethnically homogeneous nation they are so proud of now.

Poland is free now. Without another big war and nuclear bombs. You can calm down and be happy.
FDR declared war against Germany and Italy first. On 9/11/41 in a "fireside chat" FDR announced that he has ordered the US military to attack any German or Italian warship they encounter anywhere in the entire western hemisphere.

FDR's announcement of his shoot on sight order was a public declaration of war against both Italy and Germany.

You might want to check your history. Germany had a mutual defense pact with Japan. When Japan attacked Pearl Harbor Hitler had an obligation to declare war on the US which he did on December 11, 1941.

Why Adolph Hitler complied with that pact while he ignored every other one, you'd have to ask him. His generals advised against declaring war on the US because of our massive reserves and manufacturing capacity. Hitler believed that the US lacked the disciplined fighting soldier he had in his military.
It most certainly would have been nuked. And all that just to free Poland?

After WWII Poland gained the territory - Danzig, the Polish Corridor, the parts of Prussia. It became an ethnically homogeneous nation - without the Germans, Jews (who survived the Holocaust), Ukrainians and so on. It more than compensated its loses of what is now western Ukraine and Belarus.

It is very convenient to portray Poland as a victim. But definitely, it wasn't worth of nuking Moscow.

"Portray?" Dude...are you on fucking crack? Poland traded 5 years of Nazi occupation for fifty years of Soviet occupation. Absolutely and unequivocally yes, a free Poland would be worth leveling Moscow.
No, I am not. And not only Poland but the whole Eastern Europe found itself under the Soviets thumb.

And I can repeat what I said above - under the communists Poland gained the territory and became an ethnically homogeneous nation they are so proud of now.

Poland is free now. Without another big war and nuclear bombs. You can calm down and be happy.
You are either incapable of understanding my post, or playing stupid.

Hitler and National Socialism were dead.

The battle weary troops could have been rotated out, the factories producing the arms could have been relatively quickly brought back on line, the allies had air supremacy over the entirety of Europe and would have had no challenge laying the Soviet Air Force to waste.

Patton was right.
we can't even win in people don't know history/'s not that simple..Russia was too big/etc
...over 2 times the size of the US.....
Napoleon took over Moscow and still lost
Napoleon took Moscow and lost for the same reason the Germans couldn't beat the Soviets. Both relied on horses for their logistic tails. A horse can't get more than a couple of days travel from a rail or river head before it's eating every pound of cargo it can haul. The US Army relied on trucks for their logistics (the Soviets relied on Lend Lease American trucks for their logistics in their end of war offensives) a truck can operate a lot further from a rail or river head and haul a lot more than a horse.
As for Afghanistan, historically, the only way to "win" there is to kill off all the population and resettle it with your own people. Our modern ROEs don't permit anywhere near that level of fighting. With WWII style ROEs, the US could have pacified the country to a large extent.'s not like the US would be moving through France, a FRIENDLY country, ..they would be moving through the enemy country--a very LARGE way they are taking it over
The problem with that idea, is that most of the Soviet population hated Stalin and his government more than they hated even the Germans. The Ukrainians welcomed the Germans as liberators and if Hilar had an ounce of brains he could have had millions of Ukrainians fighting Stalin. If the US was invading. all those Russian hating republics would have declared for the US and Stalin and his Russians would have been the ones fighting in a hostile countryside. The only reason the republics fought for Stalin is that Hitler was worse than Stalin.
FDR declared war against Germany and Italy first. On 9/11/41 in a "fireside chat" FDR announced that he has ordered the US military to attack any German or Italian warship they encounter anywhere in the entire western hemisphere.

FDR's announcement of his shoot on sight order was a public declaration of war against both Italy and Germany.

You might want to check your history. Germany had a mutual defense pact with Japan. When Japan attacked Pearl Harbor Hitler had an obligation to declare war on the US which he did on December 11, 1941.
You might want to check your calendar. September 11, 1941 was 3 months before December 11, 1941.
To destroy and obliterate Stalin and communism ??
Did we attack the wrong the nation.
We could have dealt with Germany after ??

absolutely not. Nazi Germany with the resources of the Soviet Union at their disposal and no continental opposition left would've become danged near invincible. It is entirely possible that Hitler's dream of the "old world" (led by Germany) would've gone to war against the "new world" (led by the United States) for final global supremacy.

Not even the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans would've protected the U.S. then
To destroy and obliterate Stalin and communism ??
Did we attack the wrong the nation.
We could have dealt with Germany after ??

absolutely not. Nazi Germany with the resources of the Soviet Union at their disposal and no continental opposition left would've become danged near invincible. It is entirely possible that Hitler's dream of the "old world" (led by Germany) would've gone to war against the "new world" (led by the United States) for final global supremacy.

Not even the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans would've protected the U.S. then
Hitler had zero navy and could not even take the UK

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