Should Sledding be Outlawed?

I thought this was a joke/troll thread. Then I read it.

Holy Jesus H. Christ. The communist liberals in New Jersey are gonna actually ban sledding. They are really gonna do it.

I mean Do you liberals ever quinch your thirst for controlling people's lives? NJ finally got a conservative governor, maybe he can stop this from going through, or is it a local law?

What IS next? I mean....

Lets ban swimming so kids won't drown.
Lets ban bicycles so kids can't wreck.
Lets ban BB guns so they wont shoot their eye out.
Lets ban fast food and soda so they wont get, oh wait, already doing that.
Lets ban running, so they can't fall.
Lets ban climbing trees, so they cant fall.
Lets ban owning dogs, so they wont get bitten.
Lets ban flying a kite, so they cant get....well, I'm sure that can hurt them somehow.

Lets also ban football, basketball, hockey, wrestling, boxing, and soccer, since all can result in injury. Oh and baseball. And cheerleading. And, well, everything except jogging.

I mean really, liberals are just out of control.

And lawyers are even worse.

This has NOTHING to do with "liberals".

This has to do with municipalities (which represent taxpayers of every poltical persuasion) who do NOT WANT TO BE SUED.

Seriously, bucs90 your obsessional political POV is blinding you to reality.

The modern definition of radical left wingers is the desire to pass countless laws and statutes to regulate and control every aspect of human life to fit their idea of what is good for us.

Banning salt b/c it's bad. Banning sodas, bake sales, dodgeball. Now sledding. And NJ is the left wing capital of the East.

It is about left wing ideals and you all are just pissed that this is such a ridiculously stupid embodiment of left wing ideals.
buc how do you tell from that article that they are liberals?

you really need a new drum to beat....after cant just cry...'liberals did it' when ever you feel like it

How do I know the politicians who passed that and the lawyers who sparked it are liberals?

"New Jersey".

And how about the Plantiffs and their lawyers to who sued the MUNICAPALITY?

Are they also liberals?

Do grow up.

Probably. It is NJ after all.

If we had tort reform that shit would stop. But liberals are fighting tort reform with every ounce of their heart because they think everyone is a victim, and all victims are entitled to something.

Yes. This issue is all liberal, all NJ, on all sides, and thats why I'll remain in SC or the general South my entire life rather than live in the liberal cess pool of the Northeast.
and ask yourself a private landowners would you allow the public to sled on your property?

You're a refreshing breath of sanity on a board replete with obsessed political idealogues.

Asking if it is sane to allow kids to sled on snow on your property? THAT is a refreshing breathe of sanity? They're kids. There is snow and a hill and a sled. Thats what winter is all about. Guess down here, our folks aren't craving victimhood, and our municipalities aren't craving power.

The ideological divide between the liberal Northeast and conservative Southeast is embodied in that statement.
So you loony toon libs are gonna expect NJ cops to go write tickets to kids using a the snow...on a hill?

My God how far we've come since the 50's. No wonder your cops are so miserable up there.
well buc seems you cant decide....again.....good for me...but not thee object to laws of protection...(which i find amusing) but want to censor tv for us?

you cant have it both ways

On my property, sure, I'd let them sled. Why not?

But I live in South Carolina. Our lawyers aren't as out of control as NJ's, and we have a crazy thing here called community, where we know our neighbors, talk to them politely, and do wild stuff like let their kids play with ours on our property.

So it's in context. But yes, I'd happily allow kids to sled on my property. They are kids. It's snow. Sledding is what they do.

you act like sc is so wonderful and all....i live in nc....stop blowing smoke up people's asses

sc is like anywhere else...people sue....personal injury lawyers abound in sc like anywhere else
buc how do you tell from that article that they are liberals?

you really need a new drum to beat....after cant just cry...'liberals did it' when ever you feel like it

You're not serious???

New Jersey is a blue state for one.

When have you ever heard of the right trying to ban normal activities?

Who is notorious for trying to institute a Nanny State?
Yes Chanel is in favor of enforcing kiddie porn laws and in favor of sledding. I can see how that logic is incomprehensible to some. Sheez.

The same people who seem so concerned about childhood obesity, will soon be closing all the playgrounds. Oh wait. That's already happening.
enforcing kiddie porn laws? there was no nudity in the first show....i wont bother with anymore of them...not to my taste...but still not kiddie porn....hell look at
'toddlers and tiaras' if you want to see kiddie porn
but continue all the stereotypes yall can....its always good just to deal with that...instead of facts


I guess you think all red-necks are Nascar fans and hate blacks, love toting their guns and their bibles, and vote GOP.

Hell, most people that are like that here are Democrats.

Talking about stereotypes.
Sorry but the problem is that the Courts won't throw out idiotic cases. If the State, County, city are going to get sued then they have every right to take steps to stop the behavior that is causing them to suddenly be liable in Court cases.

A better LAW would be to make it impossible for people that voluntarily allow their children to sled to sue if those children or others get hurt. A better law would be for Judges to wake the fuck up and throw out stupid cases.

Since THAT won't happen the Government has no choice but to stop the behavior so they won't be sued.
Sorry but the problem is that the Courts won't throw out idiotic cases. If the State, County, city are going to get sued then they have every right to take steps to stop the behavior that is causing them to suddenly be liable in Court cases.

A better LAW would be to make it impossible for people that voluntarily allow their children to sled to sue if those children or others get hurt. A better law would be for Judges to wake the fuck up and throw out stupid cases.

Since THAT won't happen the Government has no choice but to stop the behavior so they won't be sued.

Why don't we just have everyone sign a release when they're about to go swimming, driving, skating, skiing, jogging, bicycling, or anything that can result in death or injury.

I'm so fed up with lawyers in this country.
Sad to see greedy parents, and our sue happy society ruin yet another past time for children. They won't be allowed any physical activity soon.

Must be related to the women who's suing Mickey ds' because her kid is fat.
well buc seems you cant decide....again.....good for me...but not thee object to laws of protection...(which i find amusing) but want to censor tv for us?

you cant have it both ways

On my property, sure, I'd let them sled. Why not?

But I live in South Carolina. Our lawyers aren't as out of control as NJ's, and we have a crazy thing here called community, where we know our neighbors, talk to them politely, and do wild stuff like let their kids play with ours on our property.

So it's in context. But yes, I'd happily allow kids to sled on my property. They are kids. It's snow. Sledding is what they do.

you act like sc is so wonderful and all....i live in nc....stop blowing smoke up people's asses

sc is like anywhere else...people sue....personal injury lawyers abound in sc like anywhere else

Oh Lord! NC!? I'm sorry man. Our taxes are twice as low and our women twice as hot. Ya'll got some......lets say...."husky" ladies up there man.:(
buc how do you tell from that article that they are liberals?

you really need a new drum to beat....after cant just cry...'liberals did it' when ever you feel like it

You're not serious???

New Jersey is a blue state for one.

When have you ever heard of the right trying to ban normal activities?

Who is notorious for trying to institute a Nanny State?

For a liberal, thats a trick question. They consider killing unborn babies normal, and the right is trying to ban that. So that question may confuse them man.
Sorry but the problem is that the Courts won't throw out idiotic cases. If the State, County, city are going to get sued then they have every right to take steps to stop the behavior that is causing them to suddenly be liable in Court cases.

A better LAW would be to make it impossible for people that voluntarily allow their children to sled to sue if those children or others get hurt. A better law would be for Judges to wake the fuck up and throw out stupid cases.

Since THAT won't happen the Government has no choice but to stop the behavior so they won't be sued.

Sorry Gunny, that would require parents to be responsible for their own children. CANT allow that.

Libs want to raise your kids for you.
It's one of the simple, most wonderful pleasures of life: zooming down a snow-covered hill just fast enough for a touch of fear to quicken your pulse. Maybe it's a solo run. Maybe you're clinging to a loved one as you tear down the hill tandem. Surely, sledding is one of those things that makes it worth toughing it out and living in New Jersey when sunnier climes often beckon.

Unfortunately, it's getting tougher and tougher to find a place to do it

Lawsuits filed by injured sledders, it seems, have struck fear in the hearts of municipal and county government officials, prompting them to simply ban sledding at some of the state's erstwhile sledding meccas

Slopes behind ropes: fear of lawsuits closing great New Jersey sledding hills |

Why do politicians hate children?

What's next? Skiing? Bicycles?

Lawsuits filed by injured sledders, it seems, have struck fear in the hearts of municipal and county government officials, prompting them to simply ban sledding at some of the state's erstwhile sledding meccas
neither of you answered the simple a private land owner would you allow sledding?

At your own Risk? Yes. ;) :):):):):) :clap2:

We have a spot that a lot of folks use, and have for at least as long as I can remember. A few of us dads even spend a weekend afternoon giving people rides up with our *gasp* atvs'.

I better check my legal obligations in case some city dwelling liberal shows up looking for someone to blame should they get hurt. I never even thought of getting sued until now.

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