CDZ Should Mexico pay us an import Tariff for illegals they ship to us?


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
The Southwestern Desert
I'm thinking this could be implemented right at the border on every truck or train that is shipping goods (or possibly illegals) from Mexico to the US. I propose a fifty dollar fee per truck and per train car to help the USA pay for the additional border security due to their transporting of non citizens to our border. And of course the high quality day care and accommodations we are providing them while we try to figure out if they really are parents or impostors or criminals.

No more free ride for Mexico. No more Uncle Sam being played for a chump. What's that Mexico? You don't like paying the Tariff? Then stop shipping them.
I'm thinking this could be implemented right at the border on every truck or train that is shipping goods (or possibly illegals) from Mexico to the US. I propose a fifty dollar fee per truck and per train car to help the USA pay for the additional border security due to their transporting of non citizens to our border. And of course the high quality day care and accommodations we are providing them while we try to figure out if they really are parents or impostors or criminals.

No more free ride for Mexico. No more Uncle Sam being played for a chump. What's that Mexico? You don't like paying the Tariff? Then stop shipping them.
One cannot expect ‘clean debate’ when the thread premise fails as a lie and loaded question fallacy.

The thread premise is predicated on the ignorant, wrongheaded notion that Mexico is somehow ‘facilitating’ undocumented immigrants seeking asylum coming to the United States, when in fact nothing could be further from the truth.
Cut off all aid until they cut off the illegal trains of people....
The actual costs need to be computed:

processing costs

Deaths caused by illegals who come from or through Mexico

And enforce those proposals with an embargo on goods from Mexico.
I'm thinking this could be implemented right at the border on every truck or train that is shipping goods (or possibly illegals) from Mexico to the US. I propose a fifty dollar fee per truck and per train car to help the USA pay for the additional border security due to their transporting of non citizens to our border. And of course the high quality day care and accommodations we are providing them while we try to figure out if they really are parents or impostors or criminals.

No more free ride for Mexico. No more Uncle Sam being played for a chump. What's that Mexico? You don't like paying the Tariff? Then stop shipping them.

Yeah get that going alongside Mexico paying for a wall.

Cons you get more delusional as time goes by.
I'm thinking this could be implemented right at the border on every truck or train that is shipping goods (or possibly illegals) from Mexico to the US. I propose a fifty dollar fee per truck and per train car to help the USA pay for the additional border security due to their transporting of non citizens to our border. And of course the high quality day care and accommodations we are providing them while we try to figure out if they really are parents or impostors or criminals.

No more free ride for Mexico. No more Uncle Sam being played for a chump. What's that Mexico? You don't like paying the Tariff? Then stop shipping them.
One cannot expect ‘clean debate’ when the thread premise fails as a lie and loaded question fallacy.

The thread premise is predicated on the ignorant, wrongheaded notion that Mexico is somehow ‘facilitating’ undocumented immigrants seeking asylum coming to the United States, when in fact nothing could be further from the truth.
My thread premise is based on the fact that Mexico is corrupt to the core. You do understand that don't you? How do you think all of those illegal aliens make their way into trucks and train cars? Mexican officials are bribed at every level. Drug Cartels pull the strings possibly all the way up to the President of Mexico. And Central America is even worse. Since trucks and trains make up a substantial percentage of the illegal traffic flowing up from Mexico it as perfectly logical to assess Mexico an import Tariff for the human cargo being shipped into our country.
I'm thinking this could be implemented right at the border on every truck or train that is shipping goods (or possibly illegals) from Mexico to the US. I propose a fifty dollar fee per truck and per train car to help the USA pay for the additional border security due to their transporting of non citizens to our border. And of course the high quality day care and accommodations we are providing them while we try to figure out if they really are parents or impostors or criminals.

No more free ride for Mexico. No more Uncle Sam being played for a chump. What's that Mexico? You don't like paying the Tariff? Then stop shipping them.
One cannot expect ‘clean debate’ when the thread premise fails as a lie and loaded question fallacy.

The thread premise is predicated on the ignorant, wrongheaded notion that Mexico is somehow ‘facilitating’ undocumented immigrants seeking asylum coming to the United States, when in fact nothing could be further from the truth.
My thread premise is based on the fact that Mexico is corrupt to the core. You do understand that don't you? How do you think all of those illegal aliens make their way into trucks and train cars? Mexican officials are bribed at every level. Drug Cartels pull the strings possibly all the way up to the President of Mexico. And Central America is even worse. Since trucks and trains make up a substantial percentage of the illegal traffic flowing up from Mexico it as perfectly logical to assess Mexico an import Tariff for the human cargo being shipped into our country.

I'm thinking this could be implemented right at the border on every truck or train that is shipping goods (or possibly illegals) from Mexico to the US. I propose a fifty dollar fee per truck and per train car to help the USA pay for the additional border security due to their transporting of non citizens to our border. And of course the high quality day care and accommodations we are providing them while we try to figure out if they really are parents or impostors or criminals.No more free ride for Mexico. No more Uncle Sam being played for a chump. What's that Mexico? You don't like paying the Tariff? Then stop shipping them.
One cannot expect ‘clean debate’ when the thread premise fails as a lie and loaded question fallacy.

Mike the tariff must exceed the costs being imposed on us for tolerating this crap. In defense of Mexican politicians and cops their death by violence rates are sky-high. Why do you think CA is a sanctuary state? The tongs at the very least can get chemically pure cyanide and DMSO for murders that cannot be proven, guns with no serial numbers or paper trail and looting NG armories has been around since the late 1600s. In Mexico the problem is even worse. An Embargo of trade with Mexico will not be sufficient but it is a necessary precondition to straightening out this mess.
There are numerous reasons to shoot this idea down, but I'll instead focus on just one aspect.

What if they simply don't pay?
I'm thinking this could be implemented right at the border on every truck or train that is shipping goods (or possibly illegals) from Mexico to the US. I propose a fifty dollar fee per truck and per train car to help the USA pay for the additional border security due to their transporting of non citizens to our border. And of course the high quality day care and accommodations we are providing them while we try to figure out if they really are parents or impostors or criminals.

No more free ride for Mexico. No more Uncle Sam being played for a chump. What's that Mexico? You don't like paying the Tariff? Then stop shipping them.

I'm conflicted but on the surface it isn't the most ridiculous of ideas.

By charging vehicles though you are charging people who are not entering illegally for the acts of their neighbors. Its probably technically constitutional but only in the liberal sense of a technicality.

This site claims we give 87 million of foreign aid to Mexico. How Much Foreign Aid the United States Gives Mexico

Now I'm not saying to eliminate it. Our corporations, people who live near the border, the rest of us and vacationers have varying levels of an interest in Mexico not being the worst country in Central America or having a socialist revolution or something. SO, I think we should continue paying for influence down there so we can capitalistically compete with the drug lords in their elections.

How about we announce AN INCREASE in aid to Mexico, say up to 125 million next year but it gets reduced to 87 million gradually if they don't do more to discourage illegals by this or that many? It isn't Mexico's job to defend our borders but we can try to bribe them and offering a potential increase in aid should not make many enemies. I'm not even sure how much Mexico can do, but at least there will be a stigma against crossers? Maybe?

I'm spitballing, help me out here.
All of these 'Trade' scams, which are almost all just scams, not real trade, just intra-company transfers, need to be taxed enough to pay for the lost Social Security revenues and other stuff they cost American workers, plus a big premium for using sweated labor in police states like Red China and narco states like Mexico, taxes to cover all that 're-educating' these lying corps keep claiming we all need, another rubbish scam, the infrastructure we build in many of these places so the new factories wouldn't have to pay their own ways, you know, the power plants,, water and sewer, roads, and other stuff factories need to function. This is just for starters, and not by any means comprehensive.

And of course, reimbursement for taking in the vast majority of Mexico's poverty problem, of which they have always been far more then merely capable of fixing themselves, but like to shove off on us 'bigoted racist Anglos' since oh, about 1821.
There are numerous reasons to shoot this idea down, but I'll instead focus on just one aspect.

What if they simply don't pay?

What if we simply give them back all of their people, all at once? Despite the noise and hand wringing bullshit, it isn't really that hard to do. there a several ways to make them go themselves on their own.
There are numerous reasons to shoot this idea down, but I'll instead focus on just one aspect.

What if they simply don't pay?

What if we simply give them back all of their people, all at once? Despite the noise and hand wringing bullshit, it isn't really that hard to do. there a several ways to make them go themselves on their own.
I can't wait to hear the details of some of those simple, foolproof methods.
There are numerous reasons to shoot this idea down, but I'll instead focus on just one aspect.

What if they simply don't pay?

This is a tongue-in-cheek scheme for making Mexico "pay" for the Wall. Reality will be increased tariffs and possible taxes/restrictions on money transfers to Mexico.
There are numerous reasons to shoot this idea down, but I'll instead focus on just one aspect.

What if they simply don't pay?

This is a tongue-in-cheek scheme for making Mexico "pay" for the Wall. Reality will be increased tariffs and possible taxes/restrictions on money transfers to Mexico.

Tariffs….taxes placed on goods entering a country.
Mexico doesn’t pay the extra taxes….the entity doing the IMPORTING does.
You raise a tariff on widgets made in Mexico….that only means that if Wal Mart wants to import widgets, Wal Mart pays more for them.
Mexico isn’t paying a cent more than it paid before the tariff was put into place.
More than likely, Wal Mart will raise the price on widgets that it sells…
Any money raised from the tariff is paid for by the people buying items eventually; Not Mexico.

Taxing money transfers is a cute idea. You may pay for the paint on a few square yards on the wall with it. And, by the way, the tax on money transfers is going to affect affluent Americans much more than it will impact illegal aliens. .

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