Short List of Hillary Clinton Failures as a Leader

“Yes I started the Birther movement…but I was wrong”…Hillary Clinton

"Yes I beat my Husband.... but I was wrong"...Hillary Clinton

"Yes I voted YES for the Iraq war...but I was wrong"...Hillary Clinton

"Yes I had a Private Server...but I was wrong"..........Hillary Clinton

"Yes I blamed Benghazi on a YouTube video...but I was wrong"...Hillary Clinton

"Yes there was no Sniper Fire.... I was tired".... Hillary Clinton

“Yes I lied about joining the Marines”…I short circuited…Hillary Clinton

“Yes I lied about being named after Sir Edmund Hillary”…I had a clot…. Hillary Clinton

“Yes, we didn’t lose a single person in Libya…but I was wrong”…. Hillary Clinton

Hillary Clinton... all those wrongs, but she's "right" for America

I don't remember her ever saying she was wrong let alone apologizing.

Sociopaths never do.

Hillary Clinton: Yet another lesson in pscychopathy
1st post
5th post
Her list of failures is longer than her list of accomplishments
I was unable to locate a list of her accomplishments, other than the first person with a vagina to run for the Presidency.

I would normally say 'first woman candidate for President' but the Democrats have redefined what being a woman means or a man.

Now its just a matter of what sexual organs you currently have, natural or cosmetic.
Trump in 2008: Hillary Clinton would make a "great" president - CBS News

"ESTABLISHMENT!...........RINOs!.......blah, blah.......(blather, rinse, rebleat)"
Yep, she's a disaster.

How lucky she is to have drawn the opponent she's drawn.

She should buy a lottery ticket or sumpin'.
Yeah, because what harm Hillary has done is not so bad in your mind as Trump using impolite language. roflmao

Clinton's firewall of black voters is crumbling
Hey, I'm sure all the Republicans who have recoiled from Trump in embarrassment will come home and he'll win big.
You confuse greed and power mongering with embarrassment, but its well known that most political hacks lose the ability to distinguish that from embarrassment, so no biggy.

Why would professional politicians who have done nothing witht heir lives but kiss peoples asses for money be embarrassed by Trump?

Because he has actually accomplished things in his life that did not depend on the ability to suck someones cock?

Trump likely to outperform polls in all 5 states tonight
Her list of failures is longer than her list of accomplishments
I was unable to locate a list of her accomplishments, other than the first person with a vagina to run for the Presidency.

I would normally say 'first woman candidate for President' but the Democrats have redefined what being a woman means or a man.

Now its just a matter of what sexual organs you currently have, natural or cosmetic.
Trump in 2008: Hillary Clinton would make a "great" president - CBS News

"ESTABLISHMENT!...........RINOs!.......blah, blah.......(blather, rinse, rebleat)"

8 years ago?

how many things has Hillary, or even Obama, flipped on in that time?

Stop wasting your time
Her list of failures is longer than her list of accomplishments
I was unable to locate a list of her accomplishments, other than the first person with a vagina to run for the Presidency.

I would normally say 'first woman candidate for President' but the Democrats have redefined what being a woman means or a man.

Now its just a matter of what sexual organs you currently have, natural or cosmetic.
Trump in 2008: Hillary Clinton would make a "great" president - CBS News

"ESTABLISHMENT!...........RINOs!.......blah, blah.......(blather, rinse, rebleat)"

8 years ago?

how many things has Hillary, or even Obama, flipped on in that time?

Stop wasting your time

Most of the praise dates from 2012 and 2013......

I'm guessing by the cut of your math that you are a Recidivist Supply Side Voter....
You still worried she might win?
Lol, of course I am.

While I think that Trump most likely will, I have been wrong before and it could happen again.

Hillary Clinton Presidency would be an unmitigated disaster for the USA.

She would not only be our first vagina for President, but she would also be our first traitor, incompetent secret spilling moron and corrupt criminal conspirator as President.
Is being a woman an issue for you?
You still worried she might win?
Lol, of course I am.

While I think that Trump most likely will, I have been wrong before and it could happen again.

Hillary Clinton Presidency would be an unmitigated disaster for the USA.

She would not only be our first vagina for President, but she would also be our first traitor, incompetent secret spilling moron and corrupt criminal conspirator as President.
Is being a woman an issue for you?

But for women, Bowie would be nothing more than a hot water bottle with a hose.....
You still worried she might win?

I'm worried that America will lose (yet again).

When was the last time you believe America lost?

If we're going by presidential elections, we're talking decades now.

Sure....Can you be more specific?

And I'm guessing you began to feel this way sometime after January 2009.....
for me it was around 2002....

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