Short history of the Mossad

Anytime there is social unrest, chaos, or war, in the middle east.
Just scratch the surface a little, and you'll find a zionist Jew behind the scene funding and orchestrating the event. ... :cool:

So a Zionist convinced a Tunisian fruit vendor to set himself on fire somehow knowing this would cause a revolt throughout the Arab world?
So a Zionist convinced a Tunisian fruit vendor to set himself on fire somehow knowing this would cause a revolt throughout the Arab world?
Once the Tunisian citizens started protesting their government over the reasons for the guys self immolation.
The Israeli Mossad took advantage of the uprising, and started supplying money and weapons to jihadi groups in several other middle east countries. In order to bring down the government, and hopefully replace it with one that was more friendly towards Israel. ... :cool:
So a Zionist convinced a Tunisian fruit vendor to set himself on fire somehow knowing this would cause a revolt throughout the Arab world?
Once the Tunisian citizens started protesting their government over the reasons for the guys self immolation.
The Israeli Mossad took advantage of the uprising, and started supplying money and weapons to jihadi groups in several other middle east countries. In order to bring down the government and hopefully replace it with one that was more friendly towards Israel. ... :cool:

It was the Arab gulf states who financed the rebels groups. Do your research sometime.
It was the Arab gulf states who financed the rebels groups. Do your research sometime.
Once the Israeli mossad clandestinely started the civil war within the various arab countries.
Only then did the Arab gulf states get involved to protect their financial and territorial interests. ... :cool:

They were involved from the start. In Egypt the street protests were the result of internet protests from Egyptian citizens. In Syria it was started by army deserters. You have no evidence Mossad had anything to do with it.
I assume no word strikes fear into the heart of Middle East rulers like "Mossad."

I also think that many members of Mossad get a big laugh at how their enemies overestimate the capabilities of Mossad.

That latest caper in Iran, however, when Mossad (presumably) terminated a nuclear scientist was a real doozy.

Countries in that region should get the word: Do NOT mess with Israel.

Israel is fighting for its life and is not about to play nice with its enemies.

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