Shock Poll: Obama and Bush even!!!!


Platinum Member
Aug 6, 2009
Not the middle of nowhere
CNN Poll ( of all places)........Bush and Obama even on the ? "Who makes the better president?"

CNN Poll: Was Bush better president than Obama? – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

Now.......nobody cares about George Bush anymore, but talk about a kick in the balls for liberals??!!!! They'd have bet the house 20 months ago that this was simply not possible!!!:eek::eek:


The question to conservatives is...............are you surprised by this poll??:lol:
CNN Poll ( of all places)........Bush and Obama even on the ? "Who makes the better president?"

CNN Poll: Was Bush better president than Obama? – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

Now.......nobody cares about George Bush anymore, but talk about a kick in the balls for liberals??!!!! They'd have bet the house 20 months ago that this was simply not possible!!!:eek::eek:


The question to conservatives is...............are you surprised by this poll??:lol:

Not in the least. And look for Obama's numbers to go even lower to reflect the true number of Progressive kooks that there really are in this Republic...[Between 30-35%].

As to Bush? Water under the bridge...and that bridge is overweighted by Obama and his and the Statist policies to cause the bridge to collapse from underneath them.
CNN Poll ( of all places)........Bush and Obama even on the ? "Who makes the better president?"

CNN Poll: Was Bush better president than Obama? – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

Now.......nobody cares about George Bush anymore, but talk about a kick in the balls for liberals??!!!! They'd have bet the house 20 months ago that this was simply not possible!!!:eek::eek:


The question to conservatives is...............are you surprised by this poll??:lol:

Not in the least. And look for Obama's numbers to go even lower to reflect the true number of Progressive kooks that there really are in this Republic...[Between 30-35%].

As to Bush? Water under the bridge...and that bridge is overweighted by Obama and his and the Statist policies to cause the bridge to collapse from underneath them.

Yeah but T is a shock that it happened this fast, but then again, given the way he campaigned, who could have expected he'd govern as such a far lefty? I personally didnt think anybody could be that politically stupid
OUCH! The libs on this board have got to be losing their mind!!!!! LOVE IT!!!!

And this is from CNN so you know Bush is probably more favored than Obama!!!!
I liked Bush a lot more than I like Owe Bama. Owe Bama wouldn't make a pimple on Bush's ass.
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CNN Poll ( of all places)........Bush and Obama even on the ? "Who makes the better president?"

CNN Poll: Was Bush better president than Obama? – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

Now.......nobody cares about George Bush anymore, but talk about a kick in the balls for liberals??!!!! They'd have bet the house 20 months ago that this was simply not possible!!!:eek::eek:


The question to conservatives is...............are you surprised by this poll??:lol:

Not in the least. And look for Obama's numbers to go even lower to reflect the true number of Progressive kooks that there really are in this Republic...[Between 30-35%].

As to Bush? Water under the bridge...and that bridge is overweighted by Obama and his and the Statist policies to cause the bridge to collapse from underneath them.

Yeah but T is a shock that it happened this fast, but then again, given the way he campaigned, who could have expected he'd govern as such a far lefty? I personally didnt think anybody could be that politically stupid

If anything? Obama has truly shown how Statists can't be trusted. His coming on the scene is as big as when we were attacked by the Japanese on December 7, 1941 when Yamato remarked that they had "...awakened a sleeping giant..."

The Democratic Statists [Progressives], have made again such a giant error in judgement.

Some of us had looked into his past history, and tried to warn others of the danger we are suffering through now...The Democratic progressives did such a good job demonizing Bush...many were blinded by the cloaked Blunder in the form of Obama coming their way.
CNN Poll: Was Bush better president than Obama?
CNN Political Unit

(CNN) - Americans are divided over whether President Barack Obama or his predecessor has performed better in the White House, according to a new national poll.

And a CNN/Opinion Research Corporation survey released Friday also indicates in the battle for Congress, Republicans hold large advantages over the Democrats among independents, men and blue-collar whites. The poll also indicates that Republicans are much more enthusiastic than Democrats to vote.

By 47 to 45 percent, Americans say Obama is a better president than George W. Bush. But that two point margin is down from a 23 point advantage one year ago.

"Democrats may want to think twice about bringing up former President George W. Bush's name while campaigning this year," says CNN Polling Director Keating Holland.

CNN Poll: Was Bush better president than Obama? – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

Some people clearly think so. This after 8 years of being attacked from the left for every little thing Bush is still holding strong even though being labeled the "worst President ever" by the left.

So lefty's, if Bush was the worse President ever, then Obama is the second worse in the minds of the Americans polled. This only after almost two years in office and his fellow democrats running from him like the plague during an election year. What will Americans say about this sorry excuse after his first term?

The funny thing about this poll is where it comes from. Ultra left CNN.

Enjoy the memories libbies because you fucked up the chance America gave you.
Yawn. To paraphrase Dr. Seus, star bellied sneehces are better than regular sneeches, but in the end they're still just sneeches.

There isn't a dimes difference between the puppet Obama and the low IQ downie Bush. Sure, the messiah can read the teleprompter better, but Bush had the political clout and the support network to hatch the biggest lie since the sinking of the Maine. And to his credit he did so because he knew the retards in the American public simply couldn't handle the truth of what his crack team of jewish foreign policy advisors had cooked up to secure American hegemony in the 21st century. Sadly, I'd wager there are 10'000 veterans scurrying around VFW's in wheelchairs wondering the same thing. A real pity.
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Yawn. To paraphrase Dr. Seus, star bellied sneehces are better than regular sneeches, but in the end they're still just sneeches.

There isn't a dimes difference between the puppet Obama and the low IQ downie Bush. Sure, the messiah can read the teleprompter better, but Bush had the political clout and the support network to hatch the biggest lie since the sinking of the Maine. And to his credit he did so because he knew the retards of in the American public simply couldn't handle the truth of what his crack team of jewish foreign policy advisors had cooked up to secure American hegemony in the 21st century. Sadly, I'd wager there are 10'000 veterans scurrying around VFW's in wheelchairs wondering the same thing. A real pity.

Condoleeza Rice and Colin Powell were Jews? Oy vey!
Wake me up when Obama declares a pre-emptive war because one country has better targets than those in a nation that supported those who attacked us.
Wake me up when Obama declares a pre-emptive war because one country has better targets than those in a nation that supported those who attacked us.

I don't think it is really possible to wake up partisan sheep like yourself, but black christ never stopped attacking anything, rather, the priorities simply shifted. And that priority is Pakistan. And that's the twisted irony that you people can't get your head's around. The end goal has nothing to do with waging war on the creators of 9/11. That was just the catalyst necessary to get the ball rolling. If you want to split hairs then please let us know why Obama is blowing away Pakistani civiians unabated at a rate of 8 civies to every 1 evil doer? LOL, it's not about killing "evil doers" although exterminating non-conformists is indeed necessary to acheive teleprompter kenyan's foreign policy goals.
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It's an irrelevant question. Until you assholes get rid of the incumbents on Crapital Hill, it makes no difference who the current or past puppets are.

It won't make any difference. The incumbents aren't the one dictating foreign policy.
Yawn. To paraphrase Dr. Seus, star bellied sneehces are better than regular sneeches, but in the end they're still just sneeches.

There isn't a dimes difference between the puppet Obama and the low IQ downie Bush. Sure, the messiah can read the teleprompter better, but Bush had the political clout and the support network to hatch the biggest lie since the sinking of the Maine. And to his credit he did so because he knew the retards of in the American public simply couldn't handle the truth of what his crack team of jewish foreign policy advisors had cooked up to secure American hegemony in the 21st century. Sadly, I'd wager there are 10'000 veterans scurrying around VFW's in wheelchairs wondering the same thing. A real pity.

Condoleeza Rice and Colin Powell were Jews? Oy vey!

Not very smart are we? Come back when you actually know something about this. Neither of those were the foreign policy advisors who held the dominant influence in and BEFORE the Bush Administration. You might actually have to read something to get this through that shallow ganglia that you pretend is your brain.
Not in the least. And look for Obama's numbers to go even lower to reflect the true number of Progressive kooks that there really are in this Republic...[Between 30-35%].

As to Bush? Water under the bridge...and that bridge is overweighted by Obama and his and the Statist policies to cause the bridge to collapse from underneath them.

Yeah but T is a shock that it happened this fast, but then again, given the way he campaigned, who could have expected he'd govern as such a far lefty? I personally didnt think anybody could be that politically stupid

If anything? Obama has truly shown how Statists can't be trusted. His coming on the scene is as big as when we were attacked by the Japanese on December 7, 1941 when Yamato remarked that they had "...awakened a sleeping giant..."

The Democratic Statists [Progressives], have made again such a giant error in judgement.

Some of us had looked into his past history, and tried to warn others of the danger we are suffering through now...The Democratic progressives did such a good job demonizing Bush...many were blinded by the cloaked Blunder in the form of Obama coming their way.
Well people wanted to believe in Obama (herd mentality) that was the problem, and just like all those people before them they were naive and stupid for doing so. Let's hope that naivety and stupidity isn't repeated the next presidential election. :doubt:
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It's an irrelevant question. Until you assholes get rid of the incumbents on Crapital Hill, it makes no difference who the current or past puppets are.
Douger, are you bi-polar or something? Seems your posts are alternately brilliant then stupid. Either that or two different people are using your account.

I don't think I've ever pos repped and neg repped anyone else more on the interwebs.

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