Shin Bet, police arrest suspects in Tel Aviv bus bombing


Gold Member
Dec 29, 2008
The Shin Bet (Israel Security Agency) and Israel police arrested suspects in connection with the bombing of the Dan bus in Tel Aviv Wednesday, several hours after the device exploded, the Shin Bet revealed on Thursday evening.

The terror attack wounded 29 Israelis. The cell's members mostly came from Beit Lakia, near Ramallah, the Shin Bet announced in a statement. In their preliminary interrogation, the cell's members identified with Hamas and Islamic Jihad said they had agreed to commit an act of terrorism, prepared the explosive device and purchased cellular phones to detonate it by remote control.

They also said one of the cell's members was an Arab-Israeli from the town of Taibeh, originally also from Beit Lakia, who received Israeli citizenship due to the Israeli law allowing Palestinians married to Israeli Arabs to receive Israeli ID cards.

The cell reached Tel Aviv in a car belonging to an Arab from east Jerusalem who is the employer of the man from Taibeh. The latter was in charge of putting the device on the bus, and after notifying his Beit Lakia commander by phone, the device was detonated from Beit Lakia.

Shin Bet, police arrest suspects in Tel Aviv b... JPost - Defense
Death Sentence please !

The death penalty is technically possible in Israel, but it is never applied.

You're right. The death sentence is only applicable for treason

Actually, no. Vaa'nunu was locked up for treason but never sent to death sentence.

Death sentence in Israel is only for those blamed for committing war crimes against Jews in times of Nazi Gernamy.

It was suggested, in 2008, to sent those who are found guilty of murdering children, to death sentence, after the horrible case of Rose Pizem's muder.

Far as I know, it was rejected.

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