Shariah's Trojan Horse

Adam's Apple

Senior Member
Apr 25, 2004
Shariah's Trojan Horse
Frank J. Gaffney Jr., Washington Times
December 4, 2007

Suddenly, a new national debate is beginning about the national security, economic and other implications of Persian Gulf potentates using their petrodollars to buy up strategic American assets.

Most recently, the emir of Dubai's purchase at fire-sale prices of 4.9 percent of the largest U.S. bank, Citigroup, caused a level of unease not seen since he tried to buy his way into many U.S. port facilities.

In recent years, the windfall revenues to the Persian Gulf oil-exporting nations have translated into an opportunity for the Islamists who dominate their societies to enlist the West's leading financial institutions as partners in promoting Shariah finance. In overseas capital markets and increasingly on Wall Street, "Shariah advisers" are hired at great cost to bless investment instruments as compliant with this religious code. As a result, three ominous things are occurring:

for full article:

Related article: Islamic Finance or Financing Islam?
Granny says, "Dat's right - dat shariah hooey ain't gonna get it here in the good ol' US of A...
Tennessee bill would jail Shariah followers
23 Feb.`11 - A proposed Tennessee law would make following the Islamic code known as Shariah law a felony, punishable by 15 years in jail.
State Sen. Bill Ketron, R-Murfreesboro, and state Rep. Judd Matheny, R-Tullahoma, introduced the same bill in the Senate and House last week. It calls Shariah law a danger to homeland security and gives the attorney general authority to investigate complaints and decide who's practicing it.

It exempts peaceful practice of Islam but labels any adherence to Shariah law — which includes religious practices such as feet washing and prayers — as treasonous. It claims Shariah adherents want to replace the Constitution with their religious law. A dozen other states are considering anti-Shariah bills, and there's a federal lawsuit in Oklahoma over one.

Imam Mohamed Ahmed of the Islamic Center of Nashville on 12th Avenue South said Islam teaches its followers to obey the law of the land. Shariah law, he said, teaches moral values. "What do you mean, really, by saying I can't abide by Shariah law?" he said. "Shariah law is telling me don't steal. Do you want me to steal and rob a bank?"

The Attorney General's Office had no comment. It is unclear whether the bill will go before lawmakers in its current form. The measure was filed Thursday to beat the deadline to introduce bills for the current session, Matheny said. It has not been assigned to a committee.

Changes considered

See also:

'Islam is regarded as the biggest threat to Europe for many Europeans'
Laid-back Sweden questions its welcome for Muslims
— The bullet exploded through the mosque's window, sending glass splinters hurtling into the office worker's neck. Frantically abandoning their New Year's Eve chatter and coffee cups, worshippers rushed to the bloodied victim's aid. The bullet had missed his head by inches; the sniper's target would survive.

Police allege the shooting at Malmo's Islamic center — Sweden's largest mosque — was not random. Investigators say it was one of ten attempted murders and at least one killing perpetrated by a gunman whose objective was to "shoot at immigrants." The apparent bid to kill a Muslim in a place of worship provoked much soul-searching in Sweden, long regarded as one of Europe's most liberal and welcoming societies.

But only nine months later, hundreds of thousands would cast ballots for the far-right Sweden Democrats . With its roots in the neo-Nazi movement, the party warned of "the dangers of Islamization" and ran a controversial campaign ad showing a gang of burqa-clad women overtaking a senior citizen in a race for benefits.

The election result grabbed headlines across Europe. "Anti-immigration party formed from skinhead movement seizes balance of power in Sweden" was the take of Britain's Daily Mail. Germany's Der Spiegel magazine noted that the showing had "shocked a world so used to viewing Sweden as an open-doored bastion of tolerance." Many stunned Swedes took to the streets to express dismay that an anti-immigrant backlash sweeping across the continent had reached their shores.

'Taking over'
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