Shameful race baiting congresswoman wants trillion dollar jobs bill.


Platinum Member
Aug 30, 2011
Rep. Maxine Waters Calls For A Trillion-Dollar Jobs Program | RealClearPolitics

Disgraceful and pathetic Maxine Waters wants 1 trillion dollar jobs bill...Anyone think that's a good idea?

The most unqualified president in the history of the country has recently actually done a good thing, by getting rid of EPA smog regulations, that amounts to saving businesses up to 90 billion in costs...we need more ideas like that in a "jobs bill".
Rep. Maxine Waters Calls For A Trillion-Dollar Jobs Program | RealClearPolitics

Disgraceful and pathetic Maxine Waters wants 1 trillion dollar jobs bill...Anyone think that's a good idea?

The most unqualified president in the history of the country has recently actually done a good thing, by getting rid of EPA smog regulations, that amounts to saving businesses up to 90 billion in costs...we need more ideas like that in a "jobs bill".

Barry, this is a sad case of a dirty politician trying to reestablish herself with promises that cannot be kept.

We don't have the trillion dollars she wants us to pay for all those who support a something-for-nothing guaranteed wage just for being here. Our nation asks people to earn their way by serving each other, not by stealing from the honey pot with distributive crooks who do not feel all are created equal, that their friends are entitled to more than the person who worked for the money in the first place through hard work, innovation, courage, intelligence, and imagination.
Rep. Maxine Waters Calls For A Trillion-Dollar Jobs Program | RealClearPolitics

Disgraceful and pathetic Maxine Waters wants 1 trillion dollar jobs bill...Anyone think that's a good idea?

The most unqualified president in the history of the country has recently actually done a good thing, by getting rid of EPA smog regulations, that amounts to saving businesses up to 90 billion in costs...we need more ideas like that in a "jobs bill".

Barry, this is a sad case of a dirty politician trying to reestablish herself with promises that cannot be kept.

We don't have the trillion dollars she wants us to pay for all those who support a something-for-nothing guaranteed wage just for being here. Our nation asks people to earn their way by serving each other, not by stealing from the honey pot with distributive crooks who do not feel all are created equal, that their friends are entitled to more than the person who worked for the money in the first place through hard work, innovation, courage, intelligence, and imagination.

Yep, over promise and under deliver...nothing new here folks.
Rep. Maxine Waters Calls For A Trillion-Dollar Jobs Program | RealClearPolitics

Disgraceful and pathetic Maxine Waters wants 1 trillion dollar jobs bill...Anyone think that's a good idea?

The most unqualified president in the history of the country has recently actually done a good thing, by getting rid of EPA smog regulations, that amounts to saving businesses up to 90 billion in costs...we need more ideas like that in a "jobs bill".

Welcome to the board.

Whether I agree with your post or not, I must say that your avi title is rude and juvenile with reference the President of the United States.
Rep. Maxine Waters Calls For A Trillion-Dollar Jobs Program | RealClearPolitics

Disgraceful and pathetic Maxine Waters wants 1 trillion dollar jobs bill...Anyone think that's a good idea?

The most unqualified president in the history of the country has recently actually done a good thing, by getting rid of EPA smog regulations, that amounts to saving businesses up to 90 billion in costs...we need more ideas like that in a "jobs bill".

Welcome to the board.

Whether I agree with your post or not, I must say that your avi title is rude and juvenile with reference the President of the United States.

And? he does suck, he is the 44th. Plus IMO doesnt deserve an ounce of respect.
It would be nice to live in a world in which money grew on trees and the economy chugged along like that little engine that could. But in the real world economies need growth and that grown often comes from infrastructure building and rebuilding. If you look at successful periods of prosperity, FDR, Reagan, and Clinton all lucked out or spent like true Keynesians. FDR spent on the nation and eventually the war machine, Reagan on war material, and Clinton lucked out with the millennium and internet bubble. Carter inherited the stagflation mess and the oil embargo, Bush Sr had the downside of Reaganomics and the S&L mess, Bush Jr, our worst president, invaded a sovereign nation over fear, lowered taxes, and screwed up the Afghanistan occupation. Obama inherited our worst president's mess and he also faces the enormous power of corporate money. Power for republicans is a disease. Money in the hands of the few got us here and ironically keeps us here. Stagnant.

"Republicans, of course, cloak themselves in the rhetoric of freedom and necessity and express concern about future generations. That the beast they would slay ultimately translates to the lives of American citizens, including some of the most vulnerable who depend on government social programs to which they enjoy legal, political, and moral entitlement, is irrelevant. Hatred of government is a disease with them. They loathe common purpose and project, especially when channeled through the state. Their hatred of government, it seems to me, is tantamount to hatred of country." The Contemporary Condition: Why Do Republicans Hate America?

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I was in the US Army.

We were taught that you respect the rank even if you do not respect the person.

Obama is our Peesident whether you like him are not.

And should be respected as our nation's leader until he leaves office. :cool:
It would be nice to live in a world in which money grew on trees and the economy chugged along like that little engine that could. But in the real world economies need growth and that grown often comes from infrastructure building and rebuilding. If you look at successful periods of prosperity, FDR, Reagan, and Clinton all lucked out or spent like true Keynesians. FDR spent on the nation and eventually the war machine, Reagan on war material, and Clinton lucked out with the millennium and internet bubble. Carter inherited the stagflation mess and the oil embargo, Bush Sr had the downside of Reaganomics and the S&L mess, Bush Jr, our worst president, invaded a sovereign nation over fear, lowered taxes, and screwed up the Afghanistan occupation. Obama inherited our worst president's mess and he also faces the enormous power of corporate money. Power for republicans is a disease. Money in the hands of the few got us here and ironically keeps us here. Stagnant.

The Contemporary Condition: Why Do Republicans Hate America?


Thats a cute chart full of lies. Could you use different colors next time?

The national debt increased. So did Bill put that money in his pocket?
If a republican takes office in 2012 guess what he will do?

he or she will do a stimulus.

Mark my words
If a republican takes office in 2012 guess what he will do?

he or she will do a stimulus.

Mark my words

Of course they will but it will be a weak one as Reagan's was, eventually the chickens come home. Consider the conservative nanny state as their only accomplishment and guess who it profits.

The Conservative Nanny State

“Baker had me from the preface…Writing for the layman, he puts the last 25 years of economic policy into a framework that cleverly repositions the terms of debate. Once one can point out that the so-called free market does not exist, and in fact is being warped and twisted by the right far more than by the left, one becomes much more potent on the ideological battlefield. So next time you feel like picking a bar fight on the topic of inflation, read a chapter or two of "The Conservative Nanny State" first. You'll be well armed." Andrew Leonard, Salon
Rep. Maxine Waters Calls For A Trillion-Dollar Jobs Program | RealClearPolitics

Disgraceful and pathetic Maxine Waters wants 1 trillion dollar jobs bill...Anyone think that's a good idea?

The most unqualified president in the history of the country has recently actually done a good thing, by getting rid of EPA smog regulations, that amounts to saving businesses up to 90 billion in costs...we need more ideas like that in a "jobs bill".

Welcome to the board.

Whether I agree with your post or not, I must say that your avi title is rude and juvenile with reference the President of the United States.

Thank you for the welcome (I hope it wasn't sarcastic)

I think that his uncle committed a serious crime that should get attention, and there are many questions that have not been answered. My criticism, I believe is warranted, and in this medium its ok to be graphic when getting a point across. Its not like im going to the WH and spitting in his face on national television. I do see your point, but rest assured its not an indictment of the office, but more so him.
Rep. Maxine Waters Calls For A Trillion-Dollar Jobs Program | RealClearPolitics

Disgraceful and pathetic Maxine Waters wants 1 trillion dollar jobs bill...Anyone think that's a good idea?

The most unqualified president in the history of the country has recently actually done a good thing, by getting rid of EPA smog regulations, that amounts to saving businesses up to 90 billion in costs...we need more ideas like that in a "jobs bill".

Welcome to the board.

Whether I agree with your post or not, I must say that your avi title is rude and juvenile with reference the President of the United States.

Thank you for the welcome (I hope it wasn't sarcastic)

I think that his uncle committed a serious crime that should get attention, and there are many questions that have not been answered. My criticism, I believe is warranted, and in this medium its ok to be graphic when getting a point across. Its not like im going to the WH and spitting in his face on national television. I do see your point, but rest assured its not an indictment of the office, but more so him.

No, it wasn't sarcastic.

My point is that those of us on the Right side of the aisle should hardly stoop to the kind of tactics used by the Left. Our points have more status if we use the kind of tone and respect that we wish to receive.
Rep. Maxine Waters Calls For A Trillion-Dollar Jobs Program | RealClearPolitics

Disgraceful and pathetic Maxine Waters wants 1 trillion dollar jobs bill...Anyone think that's a good idea?

The most unqualified president in the history of the country has recently actually done a good thing, by getting rid of EPA smog regulations, that amounts to saving businesses up to 90 billion in costs...we need more ideas like that in a "jobs bill".

Welcome to the board.

Whether I agree with your post or not, I must say that your avi title is rude and juvenile with reference the President of the United States.

Thank you for the welcome (I hope it wasn't sarcastic)

I think that his uncle committed a serious crime that should get attention, and there are many questions that have not been answered. My criticism, I believe is warranted, and in this medium its ok to be graphic when getting a point across. Its not like im going to the WH and spitting in his face on national television. I do see your point, but rest assured its not an indictment of the office, but more so him.

While I do not care about how 'juvenile' she may think your title is (as there is plenty of that, he'll look at my own :) ) it is rather a poor choice. What are you going to do in a few years if someone else takes the WH? Your name may become obsolete before you are done here not to mention what would you do if he was replaced with someone WORSE!!!!

N/M, if that last statement happened, there would not be any way of getting on the internet anyway....
Welcome to the board.

Whether I agree with your post or not, I must say that your avi title is rude and juvenile with reference the President of the United States.

Thank you for the welcome (I hope it wasn't sarcastic)

I think that his uncle committed a serious crime that should get attention, and there are many questions that have not been answered. My criticism, I believe is warranted, and in this medium its ok to be graphic when getting a point across. Its not like im going to the WH and spitting in his face on national television. I do see your point, but rest assured its not an indictment of the office, but more so him.

No, it wasn't sarcastic.

My point is that those of us on the Right side of the aisle should hardly stoop to the kind of tactics used by the Left. Our points have more status if we use the kind of tone and respect that we wish to receive.

Ok, fair enough...My personal view is "civil discourse" is really a tactic used mostly by the left, in order to get us away from me the attractive part in sharing views online is that they are unfilitered, but perhaps you are correct in terms of a different approach being more effective for our causes as conservatives.

I was just looking at it as my expression with a comedic tone, which I think is benign compared to some of the avatars on this board.
Btw, your thread title is disingenuous. The OP does nothing to address or even show that Waters is race baiting. Sure, she IS a despicable race baiter but that is not addressed in your OP and is misleading in the title. FWIW, my 2 cents.

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