Sexual harassment: A racket to extort money?


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
Sexual harassment: A racket to extort money?
As the definition of sexual harassment has changed and become broader, companies have chosen to settle allegations, however meritless.

The Week Magazine - News reviews and opinion, arts, entertainment & political cartoons

Right wing radicals are taking the word of Cain and attacking the women that object to being groped, taunted or pressured for sex are “money grabbing, hysterical, attention-seeking tramps.” And making such statement as “women can’t wait to turn an innocent comment into “there day in the limelight and the inevitable book deal
“Men are victims”“
Pay a girl a compliment and she runs off and gets lawyered up

That is why many women do not report sexual harassment. They are attacked and the men are the innocent victims. These allegations could also apply to men who has come forward accusing priest of sexual abuse and coming out of the woodwork accusing Sandusky of sexual abuse. Are there a civil suit looming behind some of the accusers since they did not report it as a child? To extort money from “Second Mile.”
When silence is not golden...
Silence common in child sexual abuse cases
5 Dec.`11 - As police investigate allegations of child molestation by coaches at Penn State and Syracuse, nagging questions linger about signs that may have been missed — or ignored.
Experts say many bystanders who witness inappropriate behavior or even obvious sexual abuse remain silent, too horrified to report what they have seen. "It's not that it's so invisible. It's that it remains a silent crime. People worry if they say anything they could ruin someone's life," said Maia Christopher, executive director of the Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers in Beaverton, Ore. "Now everyone is asking what did you see and who did what (at Penn State). We know that people did see things and did not respond in a way that could help."

Police arrested former Penn State assistant football coach Jerry Sandusky on Nov. 5 on 40 counts of sexually abusing eight boys over a 15-year period. He says he is innocent. Court papers describe a long list of people who may have had knowledge of possible abuse. They include the university's president, senior vice president, athletics director and legendary football coach Joe Paterno. A janitor, high school assistant principal and wrestling coach, campus police officers, and officials with Second Mile, a charity founded by Sandusky to help disadvantaged boys, also may have witnessed or been told about abuse or unusual behavior, the grand jury report says.

Paterno, fired by Penn State's trustees for failing to do more, never spoke to Sandusky about possible misconduct, Sandusky said in an interview with The New York Times. Reluctance to report abuse is common, said Jennifer Marsh, hotline director for the Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network, or RAINN. Calls to the hotline rose 54% in the two weeks after police arrested Sandusky. "Reaching out to the authorities in itself can be scary. People may be intimidated because they don't know what process will follow," Marsh said.

Whistle blowers may fear criticism for accusing someone who is well-liked in a community, said Carol Beebe Walser, a clinical and forensic psychologist with practices in San Francisco and Charlotte, N.C. "It can be fear of ruining someone's life and their family. It can be fear of disrupting a community or an institution and being faulted for that," Walser said.

Sexual harassment: A racket to extort money?
As the definition of sexual harassment has changed and become broader, companies have chosen to settle allegations, however meritless.

The Week Magazine - News reviews and opinion, arts, entertainment & political cartoons

Right wing radicals are taking the word of Cain and attacking the women that object to being groped, taunted or pressured for sex are “money grabbing, hysterical, attention-seeking tramps.” And making such statement as “women can’t wait to turn an innocent comment into “there day in the limelight and the inevitable book deal
“Men are victims”“
Pay a girl a compliment and she runs off and gets lawyered up

That is why many women do not report sexual harassment. They are attacked and the men are the innocent victims. These allegations could also apply to men who has come forward accusing priest of sexual abuse and coming out of the woodwork accusing Sandusky of sexual abuse. Are there a civil suit looming behind some of the accusers since they did not report it as a child? To extort money from “Second Mile.”

It's a subjective term..

Hell, I was fired from a dildo shop called Lovers Lane when I was 18-19 for not being gay...

She said "I thought you were gay but you're not so I'mma have to let you go."

I have absolutely no idea how she got that opinion - I was screwing the two chicks that worked with me on my shift.... NotI to mention I'm about as man as a man can be...

I suppose what I'm trying to say is that I found that instance both sexual harassment and discrimination.

The manager was female so I suppose it cant be harassment :lol:

I bet she was just mad because I fucked the other chicks and didn't dig her pudgy ass...

I've only been fired a few times in my life and that was one of them and I felt wronged over the explanation -- "well you're not gay." :lol:
Every idiot loves a good sex scandal.

It's something their limited little minds can almost understand.

That's why sex scandals are such a popular way of destroying POLS.

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