Sex-bots Could Make Spouse Obsolete

When I find a woman I like, she's either married or young and thinks I'm old. Single women my age aren't worth the trouble to hook up with. Someone who will do the housework and fuck on demand would be a welcomed compromise.
So..."lousy at it", then. Figured.

I've never had a woman complain about my performance and everyone has been willing to come back for repeat performances.

I will say it's a small sample size, and it's not an act I place sufficient importance on to practice or plan but I've had no complaints over the years.
I've been married 4 times.

My first was an ice queen. The type who lies there like a rubber doll and afterwards asks - what it okay for you?

My second was a self-described nympho who spent her life trying to find the elusive orgasm. As fate would have it, she had her first with me AFTER we divorced.

My third was a good faker and I didn't know why until she told me she'd been gang raped. She liked the bottle too much and we parted on a friendly basis.

My fourth - and last - was a virgin mother of five who had a massive orgasm the first time we made love and every time since. Sad, as in her own way, she too in an ice queen.
We should all try to be grownups and face the fact that robots have uses other than moving things around the factory floor. Sex-bots could make our human spouses obsolete, someone had to say it. Robots are being looked at to fulfill a variety of needs, some of these uses are less distasteful than the killing machines the military seeks.

The integration of robots into our culture will bring about massive changes in society and could cause many people to totally rethink how the define the term "relationship". The article below titled, "Sex-bots Could Make Spouse Obsolete" explores some of the ramifications and advancements being made in related industries.

Advancing Time: Sex-bots Could Make Spouse Obsolete

I don't click on links but I admire a woman who can "make a banana to fulfill her needs if no bananas are available" if you catch my drift.

Have seen machines for women with life-like p*nis thingies that replicate sexual motion. Cool gadget I say. She'll be getting her banana when she needs it :lol: .
How can you hand not do anything and more that a banana or piece of plastic can do?
I don't get it.....

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