Several million dollar section of border wall destroyed by 2000$ of explosives


Gold Member
Dec 17, 2015
If the cartels are willing to dig mile long tunnels to cross the border undetected, then what's going to stop them from just creeping up on Trump's border wall and planting some cheap explosives?

The cartels are the richest and most technologically advanced criminal enterprises in the world. Does anyone honestly expect them to be stopped by a thirty foot fence?
That's why a true border only exists when bullets enforce it. At some point in human evolution it will have to be reconciled by even the most advanced societies that some humans do not deserve freedom....and that mankind is better off without some one them. Harsh maybe...but fact, without a doubt.
That's why a true border only exists when bullets enforce it. At some point in human evolution it will have to be reconciled by even the most advanced societies that some humans do not deserve freedom....and that mankind is better off without some one them. Harsh maybe...but fact, without a doubt.
So....Freedom is inside America?
I expect the drones to give them one warning.
Seriously, now that they know Obama isn't manning the border anymore, and that ICE has gone back to work, and that there is no free ride on the other side, the steady stream is dwindling. It's working already.
If the cartels are willing to dig mile long tunnels to cross the border undetected, then what's going to stop them from just creeping up on Trump's border wall and planting some cheap explosives?

The cartels are the richest and most technologically advanced criminal enterprises in the world. Does anyone honestly expect them to be stopped by a thirty foot fence?

Why would they blow up the wall when they will build the wall and throw in the tunneling system for free...

So no need to blow a damn thing up...
Gee why didn't someone think of doing that to the Berlin Wall for all the years it was up?

Because it was several miles long and guarded by an army. Not a 1000 mile wall patrolled by a few glorified cops.

And for your information, there were attempts to sabotage the Berlin Wall.
Our country is being destroyed by millions of goddamn illegals overrunning our borders. They are draining billions out of welfare system, overrunning our education system with their filthy ass anchor babies, changing our culture, spitting on our sovereignty and causing tremendous crime.

Lets put up the wall and then if anybody decides to destroy it then we can aggressively deal with them.
I hope the cartels expose themselves so President Trump can have them killed in the most Politically Incorrect manner possible.
Gee why didn't someone think of doing that to the Berlin Wall for all the years it was up?

Because it was several miles long and guarded by an army. Not a 1000 mile wall patrolled by a few glorified cops.

And for your information, there were attempts to sabotage the Berlin Wall.
And you seriously think there are only going to be to use your words a few glorified cops along the wall and that the possibility of someone trying to blowup parts of it has not been taken into account? That is combination of stupid and disrespect for the border patrol that is not likely to be matched anytime soon.
Gee why didn't someone think of doing that to the Berlin Wall for all the years it was up?

Because it was several miles long and guarded by an army. Not a 1000 mile wall patrolled by a few glorified cops.

And for your information, there were attempts to sabotage the Berlin Wall.

I guess you forgot, or simply were ignorant of the "Inner Border Wall" which was 1,400 kilometers long. Funny how you people are so ignorant of history and geography.

Before and After Photos of Germany's East-West Border
Soldiers once patrolled the border between East and West Germany, sealed 50 years ago. The inner border was more than 1,400 kilometers long, and many people lived within sight of the wall. Our interactive feature enables a comparative view of the border areas -- before and after German reunification.

Wiping the Wall Away: Before and After Photos of Germany's East-West Border - SPIEGEL ONLINE - International
Why was this moved to general discussion? It's clearly a political discussion.

I'm so sick of this boards dipshit moderation.
And you seriously think there are only going to be to use your words a few glorified cops along the wall and that the possibility of someone trying to blowup parts of it has not been taken into account?

Whether it's been taken into account or not, there is no way the US government could ensure that 1000 miles of fence passing through various terrains could be prevented from easy sabotage.
The wall around West Berlin was only 96 miles long and heavily fortified. The Mexico border wall would be around 2000 miles long - and not so heavily fortified. Oh, and what about the oceans...

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