Settlers destroy 500 newly planted olive trees

Those Jews doing their own vandalism were caught by police. It was in the newspapers , not once but several articles were listed. Don't you remember. Also the 20 cars spray-painted in France were done by a Jewish couple.

Well, were the cars murdered like that poor Jewish guy in the Synagogue?

Ther horror.

Must be like the holohoax , I guess the Pals learned from the best hey?

Is that your idea of comback? Because as far as comebacks go, that's pretty lame. Unlike your admired people, the Holocaust was real. Unlike your issue of calling anything Jewish claimed "fake" and "staged" just to give your terrorists-loving-people excuses to kill Jews, I happen to actually point out they fake things based on actual factual evidence they've done it before.

Clearly, you lost the argument, if that's the best response you have to that issue.

I rest my case here.

Yes it is, if one can't beat them at their game, may as well join them. Yous have been untruthful and what makes us think anything has changed. I refer you to post #48.

Well, I gotta say that learning the game your enemy uses can have its advantage, usually Palestinians get pissed of about it, as Pallywood is their proffesion.

But again, I asked the question based on the fact that they've staged it before, and you still did not answer me. Where is the proof that this act was made by settlers.
David Cole is not an “anti-Semite” or “revisionist”. He is ardently pro-Zionist,pro-Israel Jew. He is author of book Republican Party Animal. In his latest article, entitled Justifying My Existence, published at TAKI’s Magazine on February 17, 2015, he wrote: I attempt to correct the historical record regarding the Holocaust, primarily by sniffing out and exposing fake artifacts and fraudulent or improperly-used documents.

In no other field are fakes, frauds, and forgeries tolerated as they are in Holocaust history. And in no other field are the people who try to sort the fakes from the facts so ruthlessly attacked and in many countries imprisoned, David Cole added.
David Cole is full of bullshit. I wish I had recordings of the things the GIs said when they came back from Europe after WWII. Plus the Army has pictures and films and there was no "photo shopping.''

Well I know its hard to find out the truth, but although many Jews perished in WWII, the story was greatly exaggerated.
Those Jews doing their own vandalism were caught by police. It was in the newspapers , not once but several articles were listed. Don't you remember. Also the 20 cars spray-painted in France were done by a Jewish couple.

Well, were the cars murdered like that poor Jewish guy in the Synagogue?

Ther horror.

Must be like the holohoax , I guess the Pals learned from the best hey?

Is that your idea of comback? Because as far as comebacks go, that's pretty lame. Unlike your admired people, the Holocaust was real. Unlike your issue of calling anything Jewish claimed "fake" and "staged" just to give your terrorists-loving-people excuses to kill Jews, I happen to actually point out they fake things based on actual factual evidence they've done it before.

Clearly, you lost the argument, if that's the best response you have to that issue.

I rest my case here.

Yes it is, if one can't beat them at their game, may as well join them. Yous have been untruthful and what makes us think anything has changed. I refer you to post #48.

Well, I gotta say that learning the game your enemy uses can have its advantage, usually Palestinians get pissed of about it, as Pallywood is their proffesion.

But again, I asked the question based on the fact that they've staged it before, and you still did not answer me. Where is the proof that this act was made by settlers.

How do we know what really happened to those 3 boys that were kidnapped and kicked off the Protective Edge War? How do we know that Gaza threw bombs over the fence. I guess we have to take your word for it, and well you have a long history of lies, all the way back to Isaac and Jacob.
Well, were the cars murdered like that poor Jewish guy in the Synagogue?

Ther horror.

Must be like the holohoax , I guess the Pals learned from the best hey?

Is that your idea of comback? Because as far as comebacks go, that's pretty lame. Unlike your admired people, the Holocaust was real. Unlike your issue of calling anything Jewish claimed "fake" and "staged" just to give your terrorists-loving-people excuses to kill Jews, I happen to actually point out they fake things based on actual factual evidence they've done it before.

Clearly, you lost the argument, if that's the best response you have to that issue.

I rest my case here.

Yes it is, if one can't beat them at their game, may as well join them. Yous have been untruthful and what makes us think anything has changed. I refer you to post #48.

Well, I gotta say that learning the game your enemy uses can have its advantage, usually Palestinians get pissed of about it, as Pallywood is their proffesion.

But again, I asked the question based on the fact that they've staged it before, and you still did not answer me. Where is the proof that this act was made by settlers.

How do we know what really happened to those 3 boys that were kidnapped and kicked off the Protective Edge War? How do we know that Gaza threw bombs over the fence. I guess we have to take your word for it, and well you have a long history of lies, all the way back to Isaac and Jacob.

I could ask the same thing about each and every complain Palestinians have on Israel. How do we know 2,000 were killed? How do we know those were settlers who did any of the "Price tags"? How do we know Hamas is not secretly plotting with ISIS a takeover in order to perish both Israel and Egypt?

Once you start asking as questions, we start asking our own.
Must be like the holohoax , I guess the Pals learned from the best hey?

Is that your idea of comback? Because as far as comebacks go, that's pretty lame. Unlike your admired people, the Holocaust was real. Unlike your issue of calling anything Jewish claimed "fake" and "staged" just to give your terrorists-loving-people excuses to kill Jews, I happen to actually point out they fake things based on actual factual evidence they've done it before.

Clearly, you lost the argument, if that's the best response you have to that issue.

I rest my case here.

Yes it is, if one can't beat them at their game, may as well join them. Yous have been untruthful and what makes us think anything has changed. I refer you to post #48.

Well, I gotta say that learning the game your enemy uses can have its advantage, usually Palestinians get pissed of about it, as Pallywood is their proffesion.

But again, I asked the question based on the fact that they've staged it before, and you still did not answer me. Where is the proof that this act was made by settlers.

How do we know what really happened to those 3 boys that were kidnapped and kicked off the Protective Edge War? How do we know that Gaza threw bombs over the fence. I guess we have to take your word for it, and well you have a long history of lies, all the way back to Isaac and Jacob.

I could ask the same thing about each and every complain Palestinians have on Israel. How do we know 2,000 were killed? How do we know those were settlers who did any of the "Price tags"? How do we know Hamas is not secretly plotting with ISIS a takeover in order to perish both Israel and Egypt?

Once you start asking as questions, we start asking our own.

I guess you catch on quick, that we or some of us just don't take your word for everything. Good, its times you start backing things up , as most of the stuff is made up. You may of been able to manipulate history in the past, but time have changed, although I do see your busy as beavers rewriting some Wiki articles , implying that Bolshevik Jews were a conspiracy theory. Also rewrote the AMIA wiki article I see. Just can't keep up with yous.
Funny thing that they took the time to count the destroyed trees. It just happened to be 500 even, not 501 or 499.

Sounds made up.

Pretty much like 6 million hey. Ah they do know how many trees they planted I imagine, I bet they were planted in rows so many feet apart, rather like apple orchards, when you plant a garden do you know how many you planted of each.

Not if you sow from seed direct, as not every seed is viable.

The records are available in the same format as the records for the alleged numbers of arab muslims who owned Palestine and had lived there for over 2,000 years
You are the one always accusing Jews of secretly committing acts of vandalism that were committed against them. Why should this be any different for the so-called palis? Do bias much?

Those Jews doing their own vandalism were caught by police. It was in the newspapers , not once but several articles were listed. Don't you remember. Also the 20 cars spray-painted in France were done by a Jewish couple.

Well, were the cars murdered like that poor Jewish guy in the Synagogue?

Ther horror.

Must be like the holohoax , I guess the Pals learned from the best hey?

They did not need to learn they have been practising Lies and Deceit for the last 1400 years

Jewish student caught painting Swastikas on her own door then claiming Anti-Semitic Attack - 12160

Just another of your conspiracy theory sites, did you read the comments then and see that it was a one off and all such incidents should be fully investigated before being made public or ignored
Well, were the cars murdered like that poor Jewish guy in the Synagogue?

Ther horror.

Must be like the holohoax , I guess the Pals learned from the best hey?

Is that your idea of comback? Because as far as comebacks go, that's pretty lame. Unlike your admired people, the Holocaust was real. Unlike your issue of calling anything Jewish claimed "fake" and "staged" just to give your terrorists-loving-people excuses to kill Jews, I happen to actually point out they fake things based on actual factual evidence they've done it before.

Clearly, you lost the argument, if that's the best response you have to that issue.

I rest my case here.

Yes it is, if one can't beat them at their game, may as well join them. Yous have been untruthful and what makes us think anything has changed. I refer you to post #48.

Well, I gotta say that learning the game your enemy uses can have its advantage, usually Palestinians get pissed of about it, as Pallywood is their proffesion.

But again, I asked the question based on the fact that they've staged it before, and you still did not answer me. Where is the proof that this act was made by settlers.

Hasbara stages eveything. Your point?

"With subterfuges thou shall do war".

My point is, that deception can be find many places with sides of conflict. Just like we cannot expect Anti-Zionist to believe the Jewish word, you cannot expect me to view the Palestinian side as truth. Until proven otherwise, I'll see them as liars for their own goals.
Is that your idea of comback? Because as far as comebacks go, that's pretty lame. Unlike your admired people, the Holocaust was real. Unlike your issue of calling anything Jewish claimed "fake" and "staged" just to give your terrorists-loving-people excuses to kill Jews, I happen to actually point out they fake things based on actual factual evidence they've done it before.

Clearly, you lost the argument, if that's the best response you have to that issue.

I rest my case here.

Yes it is, if one can't beat them at their game, may as well join them. Yous have been untruthful and what makes us think anything has changed. I refer you to post #48.

Well, I gotta say that learning the game your enemy uses can have its advantage, usually Palestinians get pissed of about it, as Pallywood is their proffesion.

But again, I asked the question based on the fact that they've staged it before, and you still did not answer me. Where is the proof that this act was made by settlers.

How do we know what really happened to those 3 boys that were kidnapped and kicked off the Protective Edge War? How do we know that Gaza threw bombs over the fence. I guess we have to take your word for it, and well you have a long history of lies, all the way back to Isaac and Jacob.

I could ask the same thing about each and every complain Palestinians have on Israel. How do we know 2,000 were killed? How do we know those were settlers who did any of the "Price tags"? How do we know Hamas is not secretly plotting with ISIS a takeover in order to perish both Israel and Egypt?

Once you start asking as questions, we start asking our own.

I guess you catch on quick, that we or some of us just don't take your word for everything. Good, its times you start backing things up , as most of the stuff is made up. You may of been able to manipulate history in the past, but time have changed, although I do see your busy as beavers rewriting some Wiki articles , implying that Bolshevik Jews were a conspiracy theory. Also rewrote the AMIA wiki article I see. Just can't keep up with yous.

I don't think it's bad that you're asking questions, I think it's hypocritical that a side that should supposdely be unbiased is quick to judge what's true and what's not based on anti-semitism, is all.

I find your posts especially hypocritical, as you're quick to cry "fake" on everything presented by Israel but see Palestinians as holier than thou. But I guess that's what to be expected.

I will believe my own country before beliving my enemies, I guess. To each their own.
The ZioNazis enjoy harming non-Jews in any way possible.
Only one side has been seen many MANY times dancing, expressing glee, celebrating and handing out candy upon hearing that innocent Israelis have been killed.

Thanks for posting this and showing us again just how incredibly dumb you are.
Celebrating the fact that Israel is attacking her enemies who keep launching rockets is not even close to when Palestinians dancing on the streets, expressing their glee upon hearing that innocent Israelis have been stabbed to death.
I remember during the sexond intifada seeing footage of evil Palestinian scum smiling, honking horns in their cars, celebrating and expressing glee upon hearing the news that a suicide bombing has taken place.
Well, thatms Islam for you!
Luckily this is mainstream media in Europe. On of the reasons Europeans are pro-Palestinian. In the U.S./Canada mainstream media only shows Zionist propaganda.

The Jewish girl is just like you Tost "just a little bit Fascist". Only she admits it.
The Jewish girl is just like you Tost "just a little bit Fascist". Only she admits it.

You shouldn't use words that you don't understand Monti. I have never posted anything fascist.
I challenge you to find one fascist post of mine.

Just stick to what you know best, posting immense propaganda, compulsive lying and the rejecting the truth because you are allergic to it.
That basiccaly describes 98% of your posts .
Everything you post is Fascist when it comes to the Israel/Palestine conflict. I only post fact. You only post lies and propaganda. Those are facts.
Just maintaining conquest is acceptable for racial success and that Israel must remain a Jewish state is Nazism, much less Fascist. It is out of Mein Kampf FFS. You really don't understand what your position is, do you.
Just maintaining conquest is acceptable for racial success and that Israel must remain a Jewish state is Nazism, much less Fascist. It is out of Mein Kampf FFS. You really don't understand what your position is, do you.
If you claim that everything I post is fascist, then surely you can come up with some fascist posts of mine you propaganda spewing clown...
Just maintaining conquest is acceptable for racial success and that Israel must remain a Jewish state is Nazism, much less Fascist. It is out of Mein Kampf FFS. You really don't understand what your position is, do you.
Hahaha here is that propaganda that you always spew :lol:
Please don't ever stop posting the way you do so everyone can see what a true demented pro Palestinian you are.
I don't think I've ever seen you posting where you WEREN'T posting propaganda and lies.
Just maintaining conquest is acceptable for racial success and that Israel must remain a Jewish state is Nazism, much less Fascist. It is out of Mein Kampf FFS. You really don't understand what your position is, do you.
Jewish state of Nazism? Israel has Arabs living in Israel as well as in the government. Israel has races/religions of all kinds and all are open to practicing their traditions. Keep up the lies and propaganda, it's ALL you got ! :)

Why do you insist on making such a fool out of yourself?

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