Settlers destroy 500 newly planted olive trees

Settlers destroy 500 newly planted olive trees

HEBRON (Ma'an) -- A group of Jewish settlers from the Metzad settlement near Bethlehem uprooted over 500 newly planted olive tree saplings on Wednesday near the Hebron town of al-Shuyukh.

The damaged fields belong to the al-Ayayda family, local activists said.

The owners found the damaged trees in the morning while going out to check his land, which is near the Gush Etzion settlement bloc.

Last week, settlers from Metzad destroyed over 70 tree saplings near the town of Sair.

Attacks on olive trees are a key way that Palestinians are forced out of their homes and their lands confiscated for settlement construction, as the loss of a year's crop can signal destitution for many.

The olive industry supports the livelihoods of roughly 80,000 families in the occupied West Bank.


this makes me so mad I could just scream, I suppose nothing is done to these destructive
Israelis, perhaps a pat on the back. Does the Israeli gov have them do this?
May the guilty party be punished by Allah, PBUH.
God IF ONLY..............Hoss..steve
1st post
I don't think Allah had anything to do with it, that is their livelihood and its really bad when they destroy the tress when they ripen. That is bad and those Jews should be punished.

Why not the Palestinians that damaged their own trees, knowing that the P.A. will give them 10 times what the crops were worth in compansation
What is "Com pan?sation!!!!!!!!
Makes no sense why someone would do that. The perpetrators should be arrested and forced to pay restitution.

Yepp. But instead of poor penelope screaming about doz ebbil ebbil Joozzzz, who knows, it could have been a pali who did it...

It was Jews, the Pals planted the trees, the Jews are forever destroying their trees. You think its funny, I guess your one that doesn't need to work for a living.

You are the one always accusing Jews of secretly committing acts of vandalism that were committed against them. Why should this be any different for the so-called palis? Do bias much?
What a fcuking wanker you are Tosser
5th post
Settlers destroy 500 newly planted olive trees

HEBRON (Ma'an) -- A group of Jewish settlers from the Metzad settlement near Bethlehem uprooted over 500 newly planted olive tree saplings on Wednesday near the Hebron town of al-Shuyukh.

The damaged fields belong to the al-Ayayda family, local activists said.

The owners found the damaged trees in the morning while going out to check his land, which is near the Gush Etzion settlement bloc.

Last week, settlers from Metzad destroyed over 70 tree saplings near the town of Sair.

Attacks on olive trees are a key way that Palestinians are forced out of their homes and their lands confiscated for settlement construction, as the loss of a year's crop can signal destitution for many.

The olive industry supports the livelihoods of roughly 80,000 families in the occupied West Bank.


this makes me so mad I could just scream, I suppose nothing is done to these destructive
Israelis, perhaps a pat on the back. Does the Israeli gov have them do this?

Do you have any proof those were settlers and not the Palestinians themselves cutting the trees?
Settlers destroy 500 newly planted olive trees

HEBRON (Ma'an) -- A group of Jewish settlers from the Metzad settlement near Bethlehem uprooted over 500 newly planted olive tree saplings on Wednesday near the Hebron town of al-Shuyukh.

The damaged fields belong to the al-Ayayda family, local activists said.

The owners found the damaged trees in the morning while going out to check his land, which is near the Gush Etzion settlement bloc.

Last week, settlers from Metzad destroyed over 70 tree saplings near the town of Sair.

Attacks on olive trees are a key way that Palestinians are forced out of their homes and their lands confiscated for settlement construction, as the loss of a year's crop can signal destitution for many.

The olive industry supports the livelihoods of roughly 80,000 families in the occupied West Bank.


this makes me so mad I could just scream, I suppose nothing is done to these destructive
Israelis, perhaps a pat on the back. Does the Israeli gov have them do this?

Do you have any proof those were settlers and not the Palestinians themselves cutting the trees?

Do you mean if I were there to see it, no, why would you think Pals would pull up their own trees?
Makes no sense why someone would do that. The perpetrators should be arrested and forced to pay restitution.

Yepp. But instead of poor penelope screaming about doz ebbil ebbil Joozzzz, who knows, it could have been a pali who did it...

It was Jews, the Pals planted the trees, the Jews are forever destroying their trees. You think its funny, I guess your one that doesn't need to work for a living.

You are the one always accusing Jews of secretly committing acts of vandalism that were committed against them. Why should this be any different for the so-called palis? Do bias much?

Those Jews doing their own vandalism were caught by police. It was in the newspapers , not once but several articles were listed. Don't you remember. Also the 20 cars spray-painted in France were done by a Jewish couple.
10th post
Settlers destroy 500 newly planted olive trees

HEBRON (Ma'an) -- A group of Jewish settlers from the Metzad settlement near Bethlehem uprooted over 500 newly planted olive tree saplings on Wednesday near the Hebron town of al-Shuyukh.

The damaged fields belong to the al-Ayayda family, local activists said.

The owners found the damaged trees in the morning while going out to check his land, which is near the Gush Etzion settlement bloc.

Last week, settlers from Metzad destroyed over 70 tree saplings near the town of Sair.

Attacks on olive trees are a key way that Palestinians are forced out of their homes and their lands confiscated for settlement construction, as the loss of a year's crop can signal destitution for many.

The olive industry supports the livelihoods of roughly 80,000 families in the occupied West Bank.


this makes me so mad I could just scream, I suppose nothing is done to these destructive
Israelis, perhaps a pat on the back. Does the Israeli gov have them do this?

Not to destroy fruit trees (wantonly or in warfare) (Deut. 20:19-20)
Settlers destroy 500 newly planted olive trees

HEBRON (Ma'an) -- A group of Jewish settlers from the Metzad settlement near Bethlehem uprooted over 500 newly planted olive tree saplings on Wednesday near the Hebron town of al-Shuyukh.

The damaged fields belong to the al-Ayayda family, local activists said.

The owners found the damaged trees in the morning while going out to check his land, which is near the Gush Etzion settlement bloc.

Last week, settlers from Metzad destroyed over 70 tree saplings near the town of Sair.

Attacks on olive trees are a key way that Palestinians are forced out of their homes and their lands confiscated for settlement construction, as the loss of a year's crop can signal destitution for many.

The olive industry supports the livelihoods of roughly 80,000 families in the occupied West Bank.


this makes me so mad I could just scream, I suppose nothing is done to these destructive
Israelis, perhaps a pat on the back. Does the Israeli gov have them do this?

Do you have any proof those were settlers and not the Palestinians themselves cutting the trees?

Do you mean if I were there to see it, no, why would you think Pals would pull up their own trees?

Maybe because they've done this before?

Photos Arabs Stage Price Tags Blame Jews - Defense Security - News - Arutz Sheva

Price tag attack staged by Palestinians say police The Jewish Chronicle
Makes no sense why someone would do that. The perpetrators should be arrested and forced to pay restitution.

Yepp. But instead of poor penelope screaming about doz ebbil ebbil Joozzzz, who knows, it could have been a pali who did it...

It was Jews, the Pals planted the trees, the Jews are forever destroying their trees. You think its funny, I guess your one that doesn't need to work for a living.

You are the one always accusing Jews of secretly committing acts of vandalism that were committed against them. Why should this be any different for the so-called palis? Do bias much?

Those Jews doing their own vandalism were caught by police. It was in the newspapers , not once but several articles were listed. Don't you remember. Also the 20 cars spray-painted in France were done by a Jewish couple.

Well, were the cars murdered like that poor Jewish guy in the Synagogue?

Ther horror.
500 trees?

Oh, the humanity...

Very Poor Comment from you Kondie......these settlers are lazy destructive Barbarians.....why would someone like you lower yourself with a comment albeit in pictures,that supported Scum like this.....I find this hard to understand of you Kondie..........Very Poor indeed..steve
Au contraire - the comment was spot-on. What's next? Belly-aching about Zionist Jaywalkers? MEH.

There are winners and losers in any long-term struggle for land.

Both the winners and the losers end-up doing things that folks outside that loop find objectionable or repulsive or wrong or unfair or whatever.

Both sides have such high scores in this regard that it's become numbing over time - making it difficult to care, beyond the worst of it, and beyond macro-level outcomes.

That goes double and triple for incidents that involve plant life rather than human life.

Given the vast wealth of far greater injury that both sides have done each other over the decades, all this pissing and moaning about olive trees seems to be little more than the seeds of a bad comedy skit.

This is a pimple... a flyspeck... a circus flea... it's nothing, in the broader context of this struggle.

I'll accept a wrist-slap if I ever grow so cavalier about the loss of human life that I manifest in this sort of comic fashion, about human life.

But - about olive trees? - well - not bloody likely.
Last edited:
Makes no sense why someone would do that. The perpetrators should be arrested and forced to pay restitution.

Yepp. But instead of poor penelope screaming about doz ebbil ebbil Joozzzz, who knows, it could have been a pali who did it...

It was Jews, the Pals planted the trees, the Jews are forever destroying their trees. You think its funny, I guess your one that doesn't need to work for a living.

You are the one always accusing Jews of secretly committing acts of vandalism that were committed against them. Why should this be any different for the so-called palis? Do bias much?

Those Jews doing their own vandalism were caught by police. It was in the newspapers , not once but several articles were listed. Don't you remember. Also the 20 cars spray-painted in France were done by a Jewish couple.

Well, were the cars murdered like that poor Jewish guy in the Synagogue?

Ther horror.

Must be like the holohoax , I guess the Pals learned from the best hey?
Settlers destroy 500 newly planted olive trees

HEBRON (Ma'an) -- A group of Jewish settlers from the Metzad settlement near Bethlehem uprooted over 500 newly planted olive tree saplings on Wednesday near the Hebron town of al-Shuyukh.

The damaged fields belong to the al-Ayayda family, local activists said.

The owners found the damaged trees in the morning while going out to check his land, which is near the Gush Etzion settlement bloc.

Last week, settlers from Metzad destroyed over 70 tree saplings near the town of Sair.

Attacks on olive trees are a key way that Palestinians are forced out of their homes and their lands confiscated for settlement construction, as the loss of a year's crop can signal destitution for many.

The olive industry supports the livelihoods of roughly 80,000 families in the occupied West Bank.


this makes me so mad I could just scream, I suppose nothing is done to these destructive
Israelis, perhaps a pat on the back. Does the Israeli gov have them do this?

When will those Zionists in Israel find the human decency to help free the Palestinians from all of this by finding some incentive to offer the Arab countries to grant their Palestinians a right of return back to their indigenous homelands. LET THERE BE PEACE ALREADY!
500 trees?

Oh, the humanity...

Very Poor Comment from you Kondie......these settlers are lazy destructive Barbarians.....why would someone like you lower yourself with a comment albeit in pictures,that supported Scum like this.....I find this hard to understand of you Kondie..........Very Poor indeed..steve

Do explain how you know beyond reasonable doubt that the trees were destroyed by Israeli settlers ?
I don't think Allah had anything to do with it, that is their livelihood and its really bad when they destroy the tress when they ripen. That is bad and those Jews should be punished.

Why not the Palestinians that damaged their own trees, knowing that the P.A. will give them 10 times what the crops were worth in compansation
What is "Com pan?sation!!!!!!!!

A typo because my USB chip has gone down, now I have a new one so should not happen anymore

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