'Sessions Mulls FIRING McCabe Before He Can Draw A Pension' - DO IT!


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
McCabe's conflict of interest, obstruction, sedition, and treason has been exposed. Rather than let the criminal skulk away into the shadows to escape indictment and live out his days suckling off Americans' hard-earned tax dollars in the form of an un-deserved, very generous pension, Sessions is considering FIRING his a$$.

This would mean the traitor would not get a dime!


Sessions mulling firing FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe before he retires

"Attorney General Jeff Sessions is considering firing top FBI official Andrew McCabe before he officially retires from the bureau in a few days, a move that could deprive the outgoing deputy director of pension benefits...

...the Justice Department’s inspector general concluded in an upcoming report that McCabe has not been forthcoming with its investigation to how the FBI handled its probe into Hillary Clinton's email server.

The inspector general’s finding sparked an FBI disciplinary process that recommended his firing..."

Sessions mulling firing FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe before he retires

Time for Sessions to step up. Show he is helping clean out the Swamp; instead of being part of it.
(After having his affair and crimes exposed, why is Strzok still working for the FBI?)
McCabe's conflict of interest, obstruction, sedition, and treason has been exposed. Rather than let the criminal skulk away into the shadows to escape indictment and live out his days suckling off Americans' hard-earned tax dollars in the form of an un-deserved, very generous pension, Sessions is considering FIRING his a$$.

This would mean the traitor would not get a dime!


Sessions mulling firing FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe before he retires

"Attorney General Jeff Sessions is considering firing top FBI official Andrew McCabe before he officially retires from the bureau in a few days, a move that could deprive the outgoing deputy director of pension benefits...

...the Justice Department’s inspector general concluded in an upcoming report that McCabe has not been forthcoming with its investigation to how the FBI handled its probe into Hillary Clinton's email server.

The inspector general’s finding sparked an FBI disciplinary process that recommended his firing..."

Sessions mulling firing FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe before he retires

Your 1st sentence is total fabrication.
Do you get off on lying?

Firing someone days before he can collect a pension is just being a dick. Sessions is trying to impress Trump by being just as big a dick as he is.

Besides incompetence, being a dick is what will be this administration’s Legacy.

So let me get this straight....

someone inside the Justice department LEAKED to Fox News about Session thinking about firing McCabe due to an Inspector General's secret investigation in to him,

from your article....finding that:

The inspector general faulted McCabe for his decision to allow officials to speak with reporters about the bureau’s investigation into the Clinton Foundation.


So someone leaked to FOX News about McCabe giving the ok to leaking to the TIMES..... and McCabe is the only one being looked at for firing?????????? please, say it ain't so! :lol:
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Has McCabe always been a corrupt scumbag or was he turned by Obama? This is so typical, the middle guys get nailed to the wall and the real culprits at the top skate.
and how ironic, with Sessions lying twice while under oath before congress about meetings with the Russians....yet he gets to keep his job....

you can't make this crap up...
The Lord sayeth, vengeance is mine!

Seems like Trump thinks it is his.....

And Satan's minions rejoice in his evil!!!! :eek:
McCabe's conflict of interest, obstruction, sedition, and treason has been exposed. Rather than let the criminal skulk away into the shadows to escape indictment and live out his days suckling off Americans' hard-earned tax dollars in the form of an un-deserved, very generous pension, Sessions is considering FIRING his a$$.

This would mean the traitor would not get a dime!


Sessions mulling firing FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe before he retires

"Attorney General Jeff Sessions is considering firing top FBI official Andrew McCabe before he officially retires from the bureau in a few days, a move that could deprive the outgoing deputy director of pension benefits...

...the Justice Department’s inspector general concluded in an upcoming report that McCabe has not been forthcoming with its investigation to how the FBI handled its probe into Hillary Clinton's email server.

The inspector general’s finding sparked an FBI disciplinary process that recommended his firing..."

Sessions mulling firing FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe before he retires


is that Vlad's advice for the day, troll?

what do you do all day? how do you make a living posting garbage from morning to night?
The IG's recommendation that McCabe be fired had NOTHING to do with President Trump.
Sessions doesn't have any legal choice but to fire McCabe BEFORE McCabe retires.
If Sessions fucks around and doesn't look like he'll fire McCabe before the Sunday deadline then President Trump will fire McCabe.
It's irrelevant how much longer McCabe has left before he retires.
"Ya but he only had a year left before he retires!".
When the final IG's report is released we are going to see a lot of FBI american traitors going to federal prison.
I predict that after the Mueller witch hunt is over President Trump will fire Sessions and Rosenberg.
The new AG will appoint a Special Counsel to go after all things Clinton/FBI/DOJ.
When the news came out yesterday about McCabe a regular 'expert' on MSNBC said "This is going to end up being VERY bad for Hillary Clinton".
NO SHIT it will!
The Lord sayeth, vengeance is mine!

Seems like Trump thinks it is his.....

And Satan's minions rejoice in his evil!!!! :eek:
There is a difference between 'Vengeance' and 'Accountability'.

Liberals and snowflakes know all about 'Vengeance', as demonstrated by their crimeless, evidence-less witch hunt - that is going on 2 years now - and know nothing about 'Accountability', as demonstrated by their criminal protection of their 2016 Felon Presidential candidate who should be in prison right now.
The IG's recommendation that McCabe be fired had NOTHING to do with President Trump.
Sessions doesn't have any legal choice but to fire McCabe BEFORE McCabe retires.
If Sessions fucks around and doesn't look like he'll fire McCabe before the Sunday deadline then President Trump will fire McCabe.
It's irrelevant how much longer McCabe has left before he retires.
"Ya but he only had a year left before he retires!".
When the final IG's report is released we are going to see a lot of FBI american traitors going to federal prison.
I predict that after the Mueller witch hunt is over President Trump will fire Sessions and Rosenberg.
The new AG will appoint a Special Counsel to go after all things Clinton/FBI/DOJ.
When the news came out yesterday about McCabe a regular 'expert' on MSNBC said "This is going to end up being VERY bad for Hillary Clinton".
NO SHIT it will!

Much like Comey's wife, McCabe's wife took Clinton cash.

McCabe took over part of Hillary's investigation for a time.

McCabe has been identified as the seditious / treasonous douche behind the 'insurance policy' against the newly elected President comment.

McCabe has been identified as having 'ok'ed a leak to the press.

McCabe is a criminal, seditious, treasonous member of Obama's 'Secret Society' who did his part to undermine / overthrow the newly elected President. THAT makes him an 'Enemy of the State', like his co-conspirators.

McCabe did almost as much, if not more, to influence the outcome of the election as did the Russians.

Personally, IMO, anyone who attempts to commit such treason against their own country should be sent to GITMO with all the other terorrists and enemies of the state.
McCabe is going to be pretty pissed off at losing his pension that would have been in the hundreds of thousands of taxpayer dollars over time.
The reason he didn't sleep well last night is the almost certain knowledge that he WILL end up in a federal prison eventually.
The whole rotten core of the Clinton criminal empire aided and abetted by numerous FBI/DOJ american traitors is about to be exposed.
BONOBO and the Clintons are a stain on America that will last for decades.
McCabe's retirement is Sunday.

Sessions has until 5pm Friday to fire him and Sessions has cover
for his actions...The IG has told him to fire McCabe.

This would be a good pressure point time.

Get McCabe to tell everything he knows...EVERYTHING that can be verified.

Plus, it also can be used as a point of education for the other crooks in the
FBI, to cop out (pun intended) and keep the same thing from happening
to them.
Well,,,well. McCabe showed up at the DOJ today asking them not to terminate
him. He didn't talk with Sessions, Sessions is out of town.

I wonder if he can offer some info for his retirement.

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