Serious Question for Obama Supporters


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
What, exactly, do you want in the forthcoming budget negotiations? After all the rhetoric about the "rich" paying their "fair share," what do you want to see regarding:

1. Expiration of the Bush Tax cuts;

2. Expiration of the Social Security tax cuts;

3. Entitlement spending cuts; and

4. Military spending cuts

All I am now hearing is "compromise" with the GOP. What are you willing to compromise? Is this too much to ask?
1. Bye bye Bush tax cuts and we should hang the fucks who came up with it.

2. Leave social security alone

3. Leave social programs alone

4. Drastically reduce military spending and get this country out of Afghanistan and the other pointless Middle East quagmires.
1. Bye bye Bush tax cuts and we should hang the fucks who came up with it.

2. Leave social security alone

3. Leave social programs alone

4. Drastically reduce military spending and get this country out of Afghanistan and the other pointless Middle East quagmires.

Serves me right for asking a serious question. Any three digit IQ's out there?
What, exactly, do you want in the forthcoming budget negotiations? After all the rhetoric about the "rich" paying their "fair share," what do you want to see regarding:

1. Expiration of the Bush Tax cuts;

2. Expiration of the Social Security tax cuts;

3. Entitlement spending cuts; and

4. Military spending cuts

All I am now hearing is "compromise" with the GOP. What are you willing to compromise? Is this too much to ask?
i am prepared to see more cuts . we need to see debt cut. both sides just need balance of cuts and increase in tax reveues.
1. Bye bye Bush tax cuts and we should hang the fucks who came up with it.

2. Leave social security alone

3. Leave social programs alone

4. Drastically reduce military spending and get this country out of Afghanistan and the other pointless Middle East quagmires.

Serves me right for asking a serious question. Any three digit IQ's out there?

:doubt: You asked a question and I answered it you useless fuck.
1. Bye bye Bush tax cuts and we should hang the fucks who came up with it.

2. Leave social security alone

3. Leave social programs alone

4. Drastically reduce military spending and get this country out of Afghanistan and the other pointless Middle East quagmires.

Serves me right for asking a serious question. Any three digit IQ's out there?

:doubt: You asked a question and I answered it you useless fuck.

Well, Since you seem to be the spokesman here, do you want to see:

1. ALL of the Bush tax cuts expire?

2. ALL of the Social Security tax cuts expire?

3. NO cuts in entitlement spending?

4. AUTOMATIC sequestration of military funding?

None of the above are completely without merit. I am just wondering what the majority of voters really want.
Actually, I think I'll let this thread expire a natural death since you won't accept answers and this thread is boring to begin with.

Thanks, and remember to look both ways before crossing the street. You have done a magnificent job of representing the average Obama supporter.:clap2:
What, exactly, do you want in the forthcoming budget negotiations? After all the rhetoric about the "rich" paying their "fair share," what do you want to see regarding:

1. Expiration of the Bush Tax cuts;

2. Expiration of the Social Security tax cuts;

3. Entitlement spending cuts; and

4. Military spending cuts

All I am now hearing is "compromise" with the GOP. What are you willing to compromise? Is this too much to ask?

I only have one Question for Obama supporters.

Why did you never question his Math? He was allowed to repeatedly say he was going to Bring down the Deficit and invest in infrastructure, Teachers and Cops Etc, mostly by Taxing the "rich" a little bit more. It's a very basic Mathematical Fact that, that is impossible. We could take 100% of the riches Income every year and it would hardly put a dent in these Deficits.

I saw a lot of people asking Romney about his math, But Obama seemed to once again get a pass. It seems impossible mathematically to do what he wants, with out raising taxes on the Middle class as well as the rich.

Can anyone show me how I am wrong, and how only the Rich need to pay more to fix our problems?
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1. Bye bye Bush tax cuts and we should hang the fucks who came up with it.

2. Leave social security alone

3. Leave social programs alone

4. Drastically reduce military spending and get this country out of Afghanistan and the other pointless Middle East quagmires.

One question I have the answer to but I seriously DOUBT YOU have any idea much less how to get the answer!
Idiot! If the tax cuts are allowed to expire, HOW MUCH additional TAX REVENUE will come in for 2014?

Idiot... I KNOW YOU have NO way to figure that out... I do! Idiot!!!
Actually, I think I'll let this thread expire a natural death since you won't accept answers and this thread is boring to begin with.

Thanks, and remember to look both ways before crossing the street. You have done a magnificent job of representing the average Obama supporter.:clap2:

Nothing I say is going to get through to you, there's no point wasting my time. Especially in a thread like this I couldn't care less about. I answered your questions, you didn't accept the answers, there's not a lot more here I can do. We can argue, I can show why you're a fucking a moron... but honestly who cares? There's plenty of other more interesting threads I'll be doing that in.
I don't think "taxing the rich" is the answer, and I don't think most Americans(even Obama supporters) think that's thr solution.

Do any of you conservatives out there have liberal friends? :confused:

Because everyone I know, and speak to, no matter their political affiliation, seem to understand the need to both raise taxes, and reduce spending. Most of them are even ok with their taxes going up, so long as they feel we are on a path to reduce debt.
1. Bye bye Bush tax cuts and we should hang the fucks who came up with it.

2. Leave social security alone

3. Leave social programs alone

4. Drastically reduce military spending and get this country out of Afghanistan and the other pointless Middle East quagmires.

One question I have the answer to but I seriously DOUBT YOU have any idea much less how to get the answer!
Idiot! If the tax cuts are allowed to expire, HOW MUCH additional TAX REVENUE will come in for 2014?

Idiot... I KNOW YOU have NO way to figure that out... I do! Idiot!!!

He said all that, and the only reason he is an idiot is because it's not nearly enough Revenue to solve the problem?

How about how he says Leave SS alone (it's failing and every agrees it is, It's only a matter of time)

Or how about how he thinks we can just "Drastically cut Military spending" (which is dwarfed by Spending on entitlements and welfare now) and there will be no consequences.

Gosh what I would not give to be some damn Naive again, but alas I grew out of that around 30. lol
1. Bye bye Bush tax cuts and we should hang the fucks who came up with it.

2. Leave social security alone

3. Leave social programs alone

4. Drastically reduce military spending and get this country out of Afghanistan and the other pointless Middle East quagmires.

1. Bye bye Bush tax cuts and we should hang the fucks who came up with it.

2. Leave social security alone

3. Leave social programs alone

4. Drastically reduce military spending and get this country out of Afghanistan and the other pointless Middle East quagmires.

One question I have the answer to but I seriously DOUBT YOU have any idea much less how to get the answer!
Idiot! If the tax cuts are allowed to expire, HOW MUCH additional TAX REVENUE will come in for 2014?

Idiot... I KNOW YOU have NO way to figure that out... I do! Idiot!!!

He said all that, and the only reason he is an idiot is because it's not nearly enough Revenue to solve the problem?

How about how he says Leave SS alone (it's failing and every agrees it is, It's only a matter of time)

Or how about how he thinks we can just "Drastically cut Military spending" (which is dwarfed by Spending on entitlements and welfare now) and there will be no consequences.

Gosh what I would not give to be some damn Naive again, but alas I grew out of that around 30. lol

If this country removes itself from Afghanistan and let's the Bush tax cuts expire while putting in a sensible tax and budget plan... what's the problem?
I don't think "taxing the rich" is the answer, and I don't think most Americans(even Obama supporters) think that's thr solution.

It's Really funny that you don't think Obama thinks that. Considering that is exactly what he said over and over again during the Campaign. All we have to do is make some cuts, and "have the richest people" pay a "little Bit more". The man must have said that line about 4 million times in the last 18 Months.

Are you saying his entire Campaign was based on a lie he does not personally believe?
What, exactly, do you want in the forthcoming budget negotiations? After all the rhetoric about the "rich" paying their "fair share," what do you want to see regarding:

1. Expiration of the Bush Tax cuts;

2. Expiration of the Social Security tax cuts;

3. Entitlement spending cuts; and

4. Military spending cuts

All I am now hearing is "compromise" with the GOP. What are you willing to compromise? Is this too much to ask?

You're asking the wrong people. It's the Republicans that have been balking at compromise. I'm not biting. You need to ask Boehner and company what they're prepared to compromise.
I don't think "taxing the rich" is the answer, and I don't think most Americans(even Obama supporters) think that's thr solution.

Thanks for the reply, but I am asking about what you DO think is the answer/solution.:eusa_angel:
I don't think "taxing the rich" is the answer, and I don't think most Americans(even Obama supporters) think that's thr solution.

It's Really funny that you don't think Obama thinks that. Considering that is exactly what he said over and over again during the Campaign. All we have to do is make some cuts, and "have the richest people" pay a "little Bit more". The man must have said that line about 4 million times in the last 18 Months.

Are you saying his entire Campaign was based on a lie he does not personally believe?

He said it, because it's a winning message especially when your opponent has promised not to raise anyone taxes. He said other things as well, including spending cuts.
I don't think "taxing the rich" is the answer, and I don't think most Americans(even Obama supporters) think that's thr solution.

Thanks for the reply, but I am asking about what you DO think is the answer/solution.:eusa_angel:

Get rid of the TSA
Get rid of the Dept of Education
Combine the CIA and FBI
Raise the retirement age
Look into social programs, end redundancy and eliminate programs that dont work well enough.
A 10 year plan that slowly allows the bush tax cuts to expire while making serious cuts, nothing's off the table, including defense.

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