‘Sense of Dread’: How a Mining Disaster in Brazil Raised Alarms in Minnesota

abu afak

Mar 3, 2006
No coincidence it's in Embarrass, Minnesota.
The USA, especially under De-Regulation Trumpov, is going backwards on environmental issues/dangers.

‘Sense of Dread’: How a Mining Disaster in Brazil Raised Alarms in Minnesota
Mine-waste dams around the world have drawn new scrutiny after a collapse in Brazil this year killed hundreds
Oct 14, 2019,
‘Sense of Dread’: How a Mining Disaster in Brazil Raised Alarms in Minnesota

EMBARRASS, Minn.—An earthen dam is set to rise behind the trees of Dan Ehman’s 120 woodland acres in northeastern Minnesota’s Iron Range, a region with close ties to mining for more than a century.

The planned dam, designed to hold back hundreds of millions of tons of mining waste, will be similar in structure and height—soaring 250 feet above Mr. Ehman’s century-old log cabin—to one in Brazil that burst in January, killing 270 in a tsunami of sludge.

That disaster, the deadliest of its type in half a century, has upended the global mining industry. The world’s biggest mining giants have spent months and millions of dollars re-evaluating their dams. Institutional investors are scrubbing their portfolios, looking for companies with risky structures—and helping to publicize potential stability issues. And environmentalists are getting new support from residents, some of whom are learning for the first time about the potential dangers of the dams in their communities.

The U.S. remains one of the countries where the type of dam used in the Brazil disaster, known as an upstream design, is still being built."........"..."​

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I don't suppose you know of where this story could be read that isn't behind a data mining paywall?

Otherwise. . meh.
No coincidence it's in "Embarrass, Minnesota.
The USA, especially under De-Regulation Trumpov, is going backwards on environmental issues/dangers.

‘Sense of Dread’: How a Mining Disaster in Brazil Raised Alarms in Minnesota
Mine-waste dams around the world have drawn new scrutiny after a collapse in Brazil this year killed hundreds
Oct 14, 2019,
‘Sense of Dread’: How a Mining Disaster in Brazil Raised Alarms in Minnesota

EMBARRASS, Minn.—An earthen dam is set to rise behind the trees of Dan Ehman’s 120 woodland acres in northeastern Minnesota’s Iron Range, a region with close ties to mining for more than a century.

The planned dam, designed to hold back hundreds of millions of tons of mining waste, will be similar in structure and height—soaring 250 feet above Mr. Ehman’s century-old log cabin—to one in Brazil that burst in January, killing 270 in a tsunami of sludge.

That disaster, the deadliest of its type in half a century, has upended the global mining industry. The world’s biggest mining giants have spent months and millions of dollars re-evaluating their dams. Institutional investors are scrubbing their portfolios, looking for companies with risky structures—and helping to publicize potential stability issues. And environmentalists are getting new support from residents, some of whom are learning for the first time about the potential dangers of the dams in their communities.

The U.S. remains one of the countries where the type of dam used in the Brazil disaster, known as an upstream design, is still being built."........"..."​


But wait there's more:

Off the Charts
The thousands of U.S. locales where lead poisoning is worse than in Flint
Reuters finds lead levels higher than Flint’s in thousands of locales

I don't suppose you know of where this story could be read that isn't behind a data mining paywall?

Otherwise. . meh.

I had the same concern. Here's a detailed story in MinnPost covering it.

Video of the Brumadinho dam burst

Waste from the burst dam emptying into the Atlantic Ocean 300 miles downstream:

As long as our standards are not at Brazil's level for ANYTHING we should be fine.

Didn't even read the OP didja.
I did...design does not necessarily indicate failure...designed combined with poor regulatory conditions may very well though. Brazil is a second world nation whose standards are hardly first world.
The article is attempting to draw a logical fallacy. We are not Brazil.
As long as our standards are not at Brazil's level for ANYTHING we should be fine.

Didn't even read the OP didja.
I did...design does not necessarily indicate failure...designed combined with poor regulatory conditions may very well though. Brazil is a second world nation whose standards are hardly first world.
The article is attempting to draw a logical fallacy. We are not Brazil.

And Brazil is not a mining company. DUH. Hate to be the one to break startling news but gravity works the same way in the northern hemisphere as it does in the southern.
Mining is dangerous ... who knew? ...

Nitpick: second world nations were those aligned with the Soviets and China during the Cold War ... you mean third world nation who wasn't align with either side ...
Mining is dangerous ... who knew? ...

Nitpick: second world nations were those aligned with the Soviets and China during the Cold War ... you mean third world nation who wasn't align with either side ...

CIA engineered a coup that installed our rightwing puppet military dictatorship in Brasil.

But you knew that ------- right?

Anyway, irrelevant, since you and Tinkles Van Slobberhaben don't seem to get that engineering companies are who put dams up, not "countries".

Summa y'all are damn pathetic when you post with your intellectual pants down.
As long as our standards are not at Brazil's level for ANYTHING we should be fine.

Didn't even read the OP didja.
I did...design does not necessarily indicate failure...designed combined with poor regulatory conditions may very well though. Brazil is a second world nation whose standards are hardly first world.
The article is attempting to draw a logical fallacy. We are not Brazil.

And Brazil is not a mining company. DUH. Hate to be the one to break startling news but gravity works the same way in the northern hemisphere as it does in the southern.
Are you back on the bottle paddy? I have no time to converse with Irish drunkards.
No coincidence it's in Embarrass, Minnesota.
The USA, especially under De-Regulation Trumpov, is going backwards on environmental issues/dangers.

‘Sense of Dread’: How a Mining Disaster in Brazil Raised Alarms in Minnesota
Mine-waste dams around the world have drawn new scrutiny after a collapse in Brazil this year killed hundreds
Oct 14, 2019,
‘Sense of Dread’: How a Mining Disaster in Brazil Raised Alarms in Minnesota

EMBARRASS, Minn.—An earthen dam is set to rise behind the trees of Dan Ehman’s 120 woodland acres in northeastern Minnesota’s Iron Range, a region with close ties to mining for more than a century.

The planned dam, designed to hold back hundreds of millions of tons of mining waste, will be similar in structure and height—soaring 250 feet above Mr. Ehman’s century-old log cabin—to one in Brazil that burst in January, killing 270 in a tsunami of sludge.

That disaster, the deadliest of its type in half a century, has upended the global mining industry. The world’s biggest mining giants have spent months and millions of dollars re-evaluating their dams. Institutional investors are scrubbing their portfolios, looking for companies with risky structures—and helping to publicize potential stability issues. And environmentalists are getting new support from residents, some of whom are learning for the first time about the potential dangers of the dams in their communities.

The U.S. remains one of the countries where the type of dam used in the Brazil disaster, known as an upstream design, is still being built."........"..."​


This is a decision being made at the state level not by Trumpov.
CIA engineered a coup that installed our rightwing puppet military dictatorship in Brasil.

But you knew that ------- right?

Anyway, irrelevant, since you and Tinkles Van Slobberhaben don't seem to get that engineering companies are who put dams up, not "countries".

Summa y'all are damn pathetic when you post with your intellectual pants down.

Now, why on Earth would the CIA engineer a coup against the United States Ambassador to Brazil? ... wouldn't just asking the State Department to replace him be good enough? ... some people see conspiracies in the strangest of places ...
CIA engineered a coup that installed our rightwing puppet military dictatorship in Brasil.

But you knew that ------- right?

Anyway, irrelevant, since you and Tinkles Van Slobberhaben don't seem to get that engineering companies are who put dams up, not "countries".

Summa y'all are damn pathetic when you post with your intellectual pants down.

Now, why on Earth would the CIA engineer a coup against the United States Ambassador to Brazil? ... wouldn't just asking the State Department to replace him be good enough? ... some people see conspiracies in the strangest of places ...

I said nothing about any "ambassador" Twinkletoes.

CIA coup: Brazil 1964 Anyone who knows jack shit about Brasil knows all about this.

These are the thugs that that asswipe Bolsonaro publicly admires for their torture bullshit.
Sure ... why not ... dams fail all over the world, I'm sure both Brazil and Minnesota knew all about this long before this particular dam failed ... CIA coups notwithstanding ...

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