Senator Orrin Hatch and Representative Charles Rangel: Experience Beats Lunacy

Procrustes Stretched

"intuition and imagination and intelligence"
Dec 1, 2008
Location: corpus callosum
Senator Orrin Hatch and Representative Charles Rangel: Experience Beats Lunacy

Longtime lawmakers Orrin Hatch and Charles Rangel beat primary challengers -

Incumbents Orrin Hatch and Charles Rangel beat primary challengers

It's a great day for American politics. Experience beats populist bullshit.

In Utah, Republican Sen. Orrin G. Hatch handily fended off a tea party opponent, while in New York's Harlem, legendary Democratic Rep. Charles B. Rangel emerged from one of the tougher fights of his 42 years in office.
Insanity: Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. This is nothing to celebrate.
Wow Dante, you're comparing Hatch and Wrangle? WOW, you are a hack man, no comparrison, Hatch is moderate, Wrangle is a leftwing loon that loves to raise taxes, but hates to pay them, typical do as I say not as I do liberal (and you follow and trust these guys....LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL)
Wow Dante, you're comparing Hatch and Wrangle? WOW, you are a hack man, no comparrison, Hatch is moderate, Wrangle is a leftwing loon that loves to raise taxes, but hates to pay them, typical do as I say not as I do liberal (and you follow and trust these guys....LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL)

reading and comprehension still difficult?

Wow Dante, you're comparing Hatch and Wrangle? WOW, you are a hack man, no comparrison, Hatch is moderate, Wrangle is a leftwing loon that loves to raise taxes, but hates to pay them, typical do as I say not as I do liberal (and you follow and trust these guys....LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL)

reading and comprehension still difficult?


Nope, just stating facts. Oh wait let me guess, Wrangle is a moderate? And he didnt cheat on his taxes? So Pelosi was racist for going after him then?
Senator Orrin Hatch and Representative Charles Rangel: Experience Beats Lunacy

Longtime lawmakers Orrin Hatch and Charles Rangel beat primary challengers -

Incumbents Orrin Hatch and Charles Rangel beat primary challengers

It's a great day for American politics. Experience beats populist bullshit.

In Utah, Republican Sen. Orrin G. Hatch handily fended off a tea party opponent, while in New York's Harlem, legendary Democratic Rep. Charles B. Rangel emerged from one of the tougher fights of his 42 years in office.

Levin really stepped into the ring one night on his show and reminded all good conservatives how Orin Hatch has stood for conservatism over many a decade. Mark played clip after clip of Hatch defending Clarence Thomas during the hearings and refusing to buckle to Democrat pressure to railroad Thomas.

Levin made very convincing arguments that convinced me that Hatch was the man who truly would and could continue to represent Utah.

And despite getting labelled as a moderate his voting record makes him a solid Conservative.

Orrin Hatch (R)

Senate - Utah - Up for re-election in 2012
Voting history
Votes with party

of 355 votes
111th Congress

of 689 votes

Orrin Hatch - U.S. Congress Votes Database - The Washington Post

Have to admit I was really surprised to see how high his numbers were in the conservative voting record.

I'm only scraping the surface here. But one thing that this race taught me was just because conservatives really want to get rid of incumbents, take a deep breath and don't throw the baby out with the bathwater.
Wow Dante, you're comparing Hatch and Wrangle? WOW, you are a hack man, no comparrison, Hatch is moderate, Wrangle is a leftwing loon that loves to raise taxes, but hates to pay them, typical do as I say not as I do liberal (and you follow and trust these guys....LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL)

reading and comprehension still difficult?


Nope, just stating facts. Oh wait let me guess, Wrangle is a moderate? And he didnt cheat on his taxes? So Pelosi was racist for going after him then?

Voting the institution, upholding the principles of the Constitution...:eek:

The comparison was about seniority, experience, and respet
reading and comprehension still difficult?


Nope, just stating facts. Oh wait let me guess, Wrangle is a moderate? And he didnt cheat on his taxes? So Pelosi was racist for going after him then?

Voting the institution, upholding the principles of the Constitution...:eek:

The comparison was about seniority, experience, and respet

No... The Voters were just telling everyone that "Social Handout programs" take precedence over "responsibility, and morality". No surprise in NYC.
Nope, just stating facts. Oh wait let me guess, Wrangle is a moderate? And he didnt cheat on his taxes? So Pelosi was racist for going after him then?

Voting the institution, upholding the principles of the Constitution...:eek:

The comparison was about seniority, experience, and respet

No... The Voters were just telling everyone that "Social Handout programs" take precedence over "responsibility, and morality". No surprise in NYC.

there you go again .. hating Americans who actually get out and vote
and what about Dick Lugar in Indiana - the far better candidate lost that one, however like Hatch and Rangle he did not know his time as an elected official was past either - too bad for the other two.

Term limits may not be the best solution for what is an obvious flaw a majority of people fail to comprehend but at least it would offer a smidgeon of hope.
and what about Dick Lugar in Indiana - the far better candidate lost that one, however like Hatch and Rangle he did not know his time as an elected official was past either - too bad for the other two.

Term limits may not be the best solution for what is an obvious flaw a majority of people fail to comprehend but at least it would offer a smidgeon of hope.

conservatives and progressives support for populist shit like term limits has pushed the state of California into financial hell. How? Combine term limits with the other idiocies put through on ballot measures (populist idiocies) and you get the mess at the state capital.

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