Senator John McCain


Diamond Member
Jun 26, 2016
I've seen and heard some very nasty things the last 18 months from Donald Trump and his supporters here about Senator John McCain. Please allow me to enlighten you spineless cowards:

John McCain came from a wealthy family, he could have gotten a deferment and chased around after models like Donald Trump, but unlike college boy Donald Trump, John McCain chose to serve his country in active duty military. He flew many bombing raids into North Vietnam, when his plane was shot down he became a POW and was subject to torture that few of you could imagine. When McCain's family's connections secured his release, he refused, saying "I'm not going home until the last of my men do also" He was sent back to a V.C. prison for more beatings and torture. boy Donald Trump (and many of his fellow spineless cowards here) have the gall to call Senator McCain a "loser" and attack him personally, just because he was a POW, and because he won't vote your way of a piece of legislation. What the hell kind of people are you anyway?! I don't always agree with Senator McCain's views myself, but I would never stoop to the kind of low class, shitty comments and disrespectful behavior I've seen and heard from college boy Donald Trump, and his little band of lemmings on this site. Senator McCain has served his country more than any 50 of you armchair generals (and your golden boy in the White House!!) This is not the Jerry Springer show people. Try showing an ounce of Fu__ing respect!!
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I've seen and heard some very nasty things the last 18 months from Donald Trump and his supporters here about Senator John McCain. Please allow me to enlighten you spineless cowards:

John McCain came from a wealthy family, he could have gotten a deferment and chased around after models like Donald Trump, but unlike college boy Donald Trump, John McCain chose to serve his country in active duty military. He flew many bombing raids into North Vietnam, when his plane was shot down he became a POW and was subject to torture that few of you could imagine. When McCain's family's connections secured his release, he refused, saying "I'm not going home until the last of my men do also" He was sent back to a V.C. prison for more beatings and torture. boy Donald Trump (and many of his fellow spineless cowards here) have the gall to call Senator McCain a "loser" and attack him personally, just because he was a POW, and because he won't vote your way of a piece of legislation. What the hell kind of people are you anyway?! I don't always agree on Senator McCain's views myself, but I would never stoop to the kind of low class, shitty comments and disrespectful behavior I've seen and heard from college boy Donald Trump, and his little band of lemmings on this site. Senator McCain has served his country more than any 50 of you armchair generals (and your golden boy in the White House!!) This is not the Jerry Springer show people. Try showing an ounce of Fu__ing respect!!

Fucking respect is something that comes in a box of Cracker Jack.
John McCain is NOT a conservative and has proven it over and over, he is more interested in a petty disagreement with the President then fixing the Country. Remind me asshole why it is ok for YOU to attack the character of people YOU disagree with but not ok for others to attack those you agree with?
As admirable as McCain's military career was, it doesn't give him an indulgence to destroy our Constitutional rights.
Why does the Maverick let "nasty things" allegedly said by the President impact his decision making? Yeah we know McCain was a Navy flier and Trump was a military school grad but the last president's father was a crazy drunken anti-American African nationalist and nobody seemed to care one way or the other. Democrats managed to perp walk Rep Randy (Duke) Cunningham, who was ten times the Navy flier that McCain ever was, into federal prison on the same charges that McCain was accused of during "the Keating Five" scandal. They let McCain walk because the other four were democrats and McCain never lifted a finger in Cunningham's defense.
Trump had an "ouchee", and was thrilled NOT to serve. Men like McCain are true patriots.
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I've seen and heard some very nasty things the last 18 months from Donald Trump and his supporters here about Senator John McCain. Please allow me to enlighten you spineless cowards:

John McCain came from a wealthy family, he could have gotten a deferment and chased around after models like Donald Trump, but unlike college boy Donald Trump, John McCain chose to serve his country in active duty military. He flew many bombing raids into North Vietnam, when his plane was shot down he became a POW and was subject to torture that few of you could imagine. When McCain's family's connections secured his release, he refused, saying "I'm not going home until the last of my men do also" He was sent back to a V.C. prison for more beatings and torture. boy Donald Trump (and many of his fellow spineless cowards here) have the gall to call Senator McCain a "loser" and attack him personally, just because he was a POW, and because he won't vote your way of a piece of legislation. What the hell kind of people are you anyway?! I don't always agree with Senator McCain's views myself, but I would never stoop to the kind of low class, shitty comments and disrespectful behavior I've seen and heard from college boy Donald Trump, and his little band of lemmings on this site. Senator McCain has served his country more than any 50 of you armchair generals (and your golden boy in the White House!!) This is not the Jerry Springer show people. Try showing an ounce of Fu__ing respect!!
The nastiest of things I ever heard about or from McCain came from you left wingers during his presidential run and him being a conservative during election years only to turn on us afterward. So you and your indignation can kiss my ass.
I laugh how the OP looks like a complete fool when Mccain did in fact attack President Trump first when he first started running. So, all Trump does is reply and guys like the OP smugly like Mccain all of a sudden LOL That songbird needs to stop flip flopping like a democrat.
I laugh how the OP looks like a complete fool when Mccain did in fact attack President Trump first when he first started running. So, all Trump does is reply and guys like the OP smugly like Mccain all of a sudden LOL That songbird needs to stop flip flopping like a democrat.
He can't, he is a democrat outside of election years.
I laugh how the OP looks like a complete fool when Mccain did in fact attack President Trump first when he first started running. So, all Trump does is reply and guys like the OP smugly like Mccain all of a sudden LOL That songbird needs to stop flip flopping like a democrat.
He can't, he is a democrat outside of election years.
Ugh yeah, the songbird lives on if he sticks to his flip flopping.
I've seen and heard some very nasty things the last 18 months from Donald Trump and his supporters here about Senator John McCain. Please allow me to enlighten you spineless cowards:

John McCain came from a wealthy family, he could have gotten a deferment and chased around after models like Donald Trump, but unlike college boy Donald Trump, John McCain chose to serve his country in active duty military. He flew many bombing raids into North Vietnam, when his plane was shot down he became a POW and was subject to torture that few of you could imagine. When McCain's family's connections secured his release, he refused, saying "I'm not going home until the last of my men do also" He was sent back to a V.C. prison for more beatings and torture. boy Donald Trump (and many of his fellow spineless cowards here) have the gall to call Senator McCain a "loser" and attack him personally, just because he was a POW, and because he won't vote your way of a piece of legislation. What the hell kind of people are you anyway?! I don't always agree with Senator McCain's views myself, but I would never stoop to the kind of low class, shitty comments and disrespectful behavior I've seen and heard from college boy Donald Trump, and his little band of lemmings on this site. Senator McCain has served his country more than any 50 of you armchair generals (and your golden boy in the White House!!) This is not the Jerry Springer show people. Try showing an ounce of Fu__ing respect!!
From what piece of fiction did you read that?
You MUST be referring to his father.
Jr. was a hot dog who only received his appointment to the naval academy through his fathers influence. He was a poor pilot, who was shot down on his second combat flight, mainly because he was out of formation. After capture he quickly earned the nickname "songbird" from his co-prisoners, because he would tell the VC anything they asked. And he is responsible for the reference to the "Hanoi Hilton" because that's where he spent his captivity.
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2008 Liberals say McCain is a blood thirsty devil intent on WWIII.

2017 Liberals say McCain is a great man deserving of respect.
In all seriousness. Mccain is unfit to be a senator with this disease he has. The haters tried to make up assumptions Trump wasn't fit to be president. Look at him now. As for Mccain he is realistically sick and unfit to be senator. So a republican senator under him should replace his spot to help this country.
I highly respect the man who showed up for what he believes in even after a cancer diagnosis. I always liked McCain .
That surgery he went through was quite painful..


I highly respect the man who showed up for what he believes in even after a cancer diagnosis. I always liked McCain .
That surgery he went through was quite painful..


Wouldn't he be unfit being senator, though? If you respect the man so much. Then a nice person would think he cannot hold the seat. And should retire at his home.
I highly respect the man who showed up for what he believes in even after a cancer diagnosis. I always liked McCain .
That surgery he went through was quite painful..


Wouldn't he be unfit being senator, though? If you respect the man so much. Then a nice person would think he cannot hold the seat. And should retire at his home.

I once met a man who was being treated for brain cancer and was getting a cat-scan... He knew exactly what was going on, right on top of everything until the end. I bet McCain will retire now with the healthcare bill going down the tubes.

I've seen and heard some very nasty things the last 18 months from Donald Trump and his supporters here about Senator John McCain. Please allow me to enlighten you spineless cowards:

John McCain came from a wealthy family, he could have gotten a deferment and chased around after models like Donald Trump, but unlike college boy Donald Trump, John McCain chose to serve his country in active duty military. He flew many bombing raids into North Vietnam, when his plane was shot down he became a POW and was subject to torture that few of you could imagine. When McCain's family's connections secured his release, he refused, saying "I'm not going home until the last of my men do also" He was sent back to a V.C. prison for more beatings and torture. boy Donald Trump (and many of his fellow spineless cowards here) have the gall to call Senator McCain a "loser" and attack him personally, just because he was a POW, and because he won't vote your way of a piece of legislation. What the hell kind of people are you anyway?! I don't always agree with Senator McCain's views myself, but I would never stoop to the kind of low class, shitty comments and disrespectful behavior I've seen and heard from college boy Donald Trump, and his little band of lemmings on this site. Senator McCain has served his country more than any 50 of you armchair generals (and your golden boy in the White House!!) This is not the Jerry Springer show people. Try showing an ounce of Fu__ing respect!!
Fuck Juan McCain

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