Senate Votes To Reject Trump Emergency Declaration


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018
Senate votes to terminate Trump national emergency as 12 Republicans join Democrats in rebuke to the president

So 12 traitor Republicans sided with the enemy of the Constitution, the US and western civilization and voted against Trump's emergency declaration. The traitors are "Lamar Alexander of Tennessee, Roy Blunt of Missouri, Susan Collins of Maine, Mike Lee of Utah, Jerry Moran of Kansas, Lisa Murkowski of Alaska, Rand Paul of Kentucky, Rob Portman of Ohio, Mitt Romney of Utah, Marco Rubio of Florida, Pat Toomey of Pennsylvania and Roger Wicker of Mississippi." -- These people are just as treasonous to our nation if not more so than Rep Omar -- how dare these people vote against Trump and have the nerve to call themselves Americans...perhaps their loyalties lie with enemy countries like Mexico, El Salvador or even Venezuela..

But Trump is wise and strong and he knew this would happen -- he will veto it and the overwhelming majority of congress will pass it -- as Trump said himself "I’ll probably have to veto and it’s not going to be overturned, and we’re going to have our whole thing.”

And besides, as Trump said many times, the wall is already built -- we just needed to declare a national emergency to make the wall, "wally'er" -- for America!!
RWs want to belive its all the Dem's fault but in fact, it was Dems who offered magat $25 BILLION and it was McConnel who turned it down. The Repubs have had more than 2 years to give him money for his vanity wall but now its suddenly Chuck and Nancy's fault.
RWs want to belive its all the Dem's fault but in fact, it was Dems who offered magat $25 BILLION and it was McConnel who turned it down. The Repubs have had more than 2 years to give him money for his vanity wall but now its suddenly Chuck and Nancy's fault.
Trump turned it down because he felt Chuck Nancy were not smiling hard enough when they offered him the 25B....being the master deal maker he is, he smartly rejected their offer and now he has a better deal....for America!
Trump turned it down because he felt Chuck Nancy were not smiling hard enough when they offered him the 25B....being the master deal maker he is, he smartly rejected their offer and now he has a better deal....for America!
Can you please cite that deal you speak of?
Trump turned it down because he felt Chuck Nancy were not smiling hard enough when they offered him the 25B....being the master deal maker he is, he smartly rejected their offer and now he has a better deal....for America!
Can you please cite that deal you speak of?
Why do you people constantly pretend to not remember shit that happened less than a few months ago?

Now I supposed any attempts of me posting articles showing that Trump rejected 25 billion in wall funding will be called fake news huh?

From the article (which you will call fake news): "The White House pitched $25 billion in border wall funding and three years of protections for current DACA permit holders, an estimated 690,000 young immigrants who had enrolled in the nearly six-year-old program."

The Democrats gave him that deal, Trump said he was going to sign the bill -- but he then heard Ann Coulter saying mean things about him, so he changed his mind and that is how we got the shut down....are you seriously trying to tell me you did not know this?
It takes 2/3s of both houses to override - they don't have that. It's on to the courts.
Bring it on! Trump unambiguously has the authority to declare national emergencies. Period! End of issue.
No amount of partisan bs will change that.
The Democrats gave him that deal, Trump said he was going to sign the bill -- but he then heard Ann Coulter saying mean things about him, so he changed his mind and that is how we got the shut down....are you seriously trying to tell me you did not know this?
Do you have a link from a reputable source that will not charge me for the privilege of reading their agitprop?
The Washington Post does not work.

Edit: Never mind. I found a source that I'm sure you will not be able to smear or discount.
Top Democrat rescinds offer of $25 billion for Trump's wall |

And you made my Spider senses tingle because I remembered a deal involving DACA kids falling through but unlike your Bizarro world account, where as you know everything is backwards and opposite of things in the real world, it was democrats and Chucky Schumer who backed out of the deal absolutely counter to the way you liars portrayed things.
Fucking untrustworthy lying leftists!

It was not Ann Coulter (or whoever you care to blame) who frightened Trump and made his leave this deal on the table, according to this account (unlike your bullshit) but democrat "party activists" who forced Schumer to turn tail and run off.

So everything you said was exactly backwards and counter to the actual facts according to
the account I found. So fuck you, liar. Fuck you good!

No, seriously. Fuck you liars! You cannot be trusted any farther than you can be thrown
by Ruth Bader Ginsberg.
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The Democrats gave him that deal, Trump said he was going to sign the bill -- but he then heard Ann Coulter saying mean things about him, so he changed his mind and that is how we got the shut down....are you seriously trying to tell me you did not know this?
Do you have a link from a reputable source that will not charge me for the privilege of reading their agitprop?
The Washington Post does not work.
I rest my case.......exactly what I thought a delusional cultist would do....
The Democrats gave him that deal, Trump said he was going to sign the bill -- but he then heard Ann Coulter saying mean things about him, so he changed his mind and that is how we got the shut down....are you seriously trying to tell me you did not know this?
Do you have a link from a reputable source that will not charge me for the privilege of reading their agitprop?
The Washington Post does not work.
I rest my case.......exactly what I thought a delusional cultist would do....
How about some more sources that you will whine about...Politifact, we know you hate that one because it has the word "Fact" in its name...

Tim Kaine is mostly accurate about Trump nixing a $25 billion border proposal

"Trump backed a Republican bill that would have appropriated $25 billion for border security. The legislation honored four conditions the president set for continuing DACA" -- Which he rejected because Ann made him feel sad.

I know you are also against Bloomberg news because its owned by a globalist Jew!!

Bloomberg - Are you a robot?

"Trump’s best chance for border wall funding at the level he wants came in February 2018, when Republican Senator Mike Rounds teamed up with independent Senator Angus King on compromise immigration legislation." -- Which he rejected because Ann made him feel sad.
The Democrats gave him that deal, Trump said he was going to sign the bill -- but he then heard Ann Coulter saying mean things about him, so he changed his mind and that is how we got the shut down....are you seriously trying to tell me you did not know this?
Do you have a link from a reputable source that will not charge me for the privilege of reading their agitprop?
The Washington Post does not work.

Edit: Never mind. I found a source that I'm sure you will not be able to smear or discount.
Top Democrat rescinds offer of $25 billion for Trump's wall |

And you made my Spider senses tingle because I remembered a deal involving DACA kids falling through but unlike your Bizarro world account, where as you know everything is backwards and opposite of things in the real world, it was democrats and Chucky Schumer who backed out of the deal absolutely counter to the way you liars portrayed things.
Fucking untrustworthy lying leftists!

It was not Ann Coulter (or whoever you care to blame) who frightened Trump and made his leave this deal on the table, according to this account (unlike your bullshit) but democrat "party activists" who forced Schumer to turn tail and run off.

So everything you said was exactly backwards and counter to the actual facts according to
the account I found. So fuck you, liar. Fuck you good!

No, seriously. Fuck you liars! You cannot be trusted any farther than you can be thrown
by Ruth Bader Ginsberg.
Let that be the delusion you tell yourselves...

The rest of the informed world already knows that trump's dumb ass had 25b that was a deal he said he would sign and backed off.....which lead to a shutdown that he took credit for on camera, and backed off that too...

And as long as he has dick suckers like you, he can later tell you that the wall is already built..oh wait! -- he has already....never mind
I rest my case.......exactly what I thought a delusional cultist would do....
Can you explain why has an absolutely opposite and diametrically opposed explanation for the border wall deal falling though or not? Yes or no?

I don't want additional lies. I want you to explain why their account of things is so different from yours.
Let that be the delusion you tell yourselves...

The rest of the informed world already knows that trump's dumb ass had 25b that was a deal he said he would sign and backed off.....which lead to a shutdown that he took credit for on camera, and backed off that too...

And as long as he has dick suckers like you, he can later tell you that the wall is already built..oh wait! -- he has already....never mind
Your call, speaking of dick suckers, and I gave you the chance to explain your lies. Now you go on my list of shitbags who aren't worth my time. Enjoy it, loser.
It takes 2/3s of both houses to override - they don't have that. It's on to the courts.
Bring it on! Trump unambiguously has the authority to declare national emergencies. Period! End of issue.
No amount of partisan bs will change that.
It was a planned emergency, which means not an emergency.
I say someone draw up a list of those 12 Republican traitors and keep it on hand for the next time they run for re-election.

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