Senate Turns Away U.S. Citizens to Make Way for Illegal Aliens


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
Senate Turns Away U.S. Citizens to Make Way for Illegal Aliens

June 29, 2011
By Julie Kirchner, FAIR Executive Director

How do we know they were illegal aliens? When Senator Dick Durbin (D-IL), who chaired the hearing, asked members of the audience who qualify for the DREAM Act to stand, almost the entire room stood up. Apparently, Senate leaders have decided that American citizens are no longer entitled to American jobs, and they are no longer entitled to watch the Senate give them away.

Senate Turns Away U.S. Citizens to Make Way for Illegal Aliens | DAN STEIN // STEIN REPORT 2000-2010®
Big business in favor of illegal immigration...
Business moves to stop immigration bill
July 6, 2011 -- Business leaders are mobilizing against forcing employers to verify their workers' immigration status, predicting dire effects on farming and tourism.
On Tuesday, executives from several states spoke out against the "E-verify" plan proposed by House Judiciary Committee Chairman Lamar Smith, R-Texas, in a telephone news conference set up by the National Immigration Forum, El Nuevo Herald of Miami reported.

Jose Gonzalez of Associated Industries of Florida, a business lobby in Tallahassee, said: "Florida is highly dependent on international tourism from Latin America and we're highly dependent on global trade. For the state of Florida this was going to wreck our economy at a time when Florida was dealing with near-record unemployment, almost 12 percent."

He said an E-Verify program that failed recently in the Legislature threatened to deprive the state of essential workers in agriculture, hospitality and construction. Smith's bill would establish the first national mandatory status check for employers. Gonzalez called for a guest worker program "that will address the labor needs of a state like Florida."

The government favors big business because they give the most money to their campaign contributions and big business favors illegal aliens (IA) because they're extremely cheap labor most businesses don't pay prevailing wages, overtime, workers comp. or provide any kind of insurance or retirement plans to illegal aliens.

If an illegal alien (IA) gets hurt on the job they company just sends them to the emergency rooms for the taxpayers to pick up their medical cost. The illegal aliens (IA) are using the emergency rooms as primary health care facilities and birthing centers. Hospitals are going bankrupt because of illegal aliens! :mad:

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