Sen. Rand Paul: De-militarize the police


Gold Member
Feb 16, 2013
In a dependant and enslaved country.
Sen. Rand Paul: De-militarize the police - The Washington Post

The senator argued that "Washington has incentivized the militarization of local police precincts by using federal dollars to help municipal governments build what are essentially small armies — where police departments compete to acquire military gear that goes far beyond what most of Americans think of as law enforcement."

Given the racial disparities in our criminal justice system, it is impossible for African-Americans not to feel like their government is particularly targeting them.

This is part of the anguish we are seeing in the tragic events outside of St. Louis, Missouri. It is what the citizens of Ferguson feel when there is an unfortunate and heartbreaking shooting like the incident with Michael Brown.
He was always heavily armed, with one bullet Andy allowed him to keep, in his shirt pocket...

I think that large Police Departments have become militarized in the last couple of decades but claiming that there are "racial disparities" in our criminal justice system is an example of the heated rhetoric cliches that pass for opinions that low information lefties and libertarians often use to try to make a political point. Should we approve looting and assault and riots as legitimate political statements? The greatest Country in the world does not cover up wrong doing by Police Officers as long as the media does it's job. When the media becomes an arm of democrat administrations the federal police are free to engage in any criminal act.
I think that large Police Departments have become militarized in the last couple of decades but claiming that there are "racial disparities" in our criminal justice system is an example of the heated rhetoric cliches that pass for opinions that low information lefties and libertarians often use to try to make a political point. Should we approve looting and assault and riots as legitimate political statements? The greatest Country in the world does not cover up wrong doing by Police Officers as long as the media does it's job. When the media becomes an arm of democrat administrations the federal police are free to engage in any criminal act.

Pull your head out of your ass, the MEDIA, both mainstream and alternative, are being ASSAULTED by the POLICE!

That's the real story unfolding in Ferguson now, the attack on the Press.
I think that large Police Departments have become militarized in the last couple of decades but claiming that there are "racial disparities" in our criminal justice system is an example of the heated rhetoric cliches that pass for opinions that low information lefties and libertarians often use to try to make a political point.
No Racial disparities eh?

Well then tell us why Blacks go to Jail for possessing the Cocaine that White Politicians ship into the country? Google "Mena Arkansas" for more.

No disparity? John "The Slime" Corzine steals 2 Billion in MF Global funds and never even gets arrested. Yet Tyrone can steal a slice of pizza and get sentenced to Life as a third strike offender.

Is that Justice?
I think that large Police Departments have become militarized in the last couple of decades but claiming that there are "racial disparities" in our criminal justice system is an example of the heated rhetoric cliches that pass for opinions that low information lefties and libertarians often use to try to make a political point. Should we approve looting and assault and riots as legitimate political statements? The greatest Country in the world does not cover up wrong doing by Police Officers as long as the media does it's job. When the media becomes an arm of democrat administrations the federal police are free to engage in any criminal act.

Pull your head out of your ass, the MEDIA, both mainstream and alternative, are being ASSAULTED by the POLICE!

That's the real story unfolding in Ferguson now, the attack on the Press.

The president refers to himself in racial stereotype terms. The chief law enforcement officer in the Country is Black. Do paranoid libertarians really think the mainstream media is under assault by state and local Police Departments? How freaking incoherent and absurd.
That's the real story unfolding in Ferguson now, the attack on the Press.

The president refers to himself in racial stereotype terms. The chief law enforcement officer in the Country is Black. Do paranoid libertarians really think the mainstream media is under assault by state and local Police Departments? How freaking incoherent and absurd.

Did you ever read the Greek myth of Khronos eating his children?

The first people to suffer under leftist regimes are the useful idiots that supported the leftists to begin with --- because they realize they've been hoodwinked.
That's the real story unfolding in Ferguson now, the attack on the Press.

The president refers to himself in racial stereotype terms. The chief law enforcement officer in the Country is Black. Do paranoid libertarians really think the mainstream media is under assault by state and local Police Departments? How freaking incoherent and absurd.

Did you ever read the Greek myth of Khronos eating his children?

The first people to suffer under leftist regimes are the useful idiots that supported the leftists to begin with --- because they realize they've been hoodwinked.

Hoodwinked? Are we going to the soda shop after the sock-hop? And you mean to tell me that electing the Dems doesn't automatically result in Paradise for one and all? Shocking...
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So far, 9 people have been arrested for looting in Ferguson.

The question is, do we need a full-on militarization of the area complete with blockades and tear gas and pepper pellets and intimidation because of 9 suspected looters?

Seems like a huge waste of taxpayer money to me considering that the stories of innocent people being arrested, detained, tear-gassed, bullied and intimidated by militarized police pointing their weapons at a crowd of unarmed folks has completely drowned out those very few cases of actual looting.

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