See ya DACA “kids” SCOTUS will send you back to where you belong.

Kennedy is retiring just in time.
The new and improved SCOTUS will most certainly side with our founders on this one.
The American Dream is intended for Americans.
You underestimate how Americans regard the Dreamers. There are, thank God, a lot more decent people in America than bigoted mouthbreathers.
Last edited:
Predicting how any Justice will rule on a hypothetical case is foolish.
Kennedy is retiring just in time.
The new and improved SCOTUS will most certainly side with our founders on this one.
The American Dream is intended for Americans.
You underestimate how Americans regard the Dreamers. There are, thank Fod, a lot fewer decent people in America than bigoted mouthbreathers.

When did you last rule on a Supreme Court case?

(also think you meant God and more, not Fod and fewer.)
hope you are correct , American kids and young adults need no 'caca daca' here in the USA BLoser .
Kennedy is retiring just in time.
The new and improved SCOTUS will most certainly side with our founders on this one.
The American Dream is intended for Americans.
You underestimate how Americans regard the Dreamers. There are, thank Fod, a lot fewer decent people in America than bigoted mouthbreathers.

Trump won the election on one pitch....FUCK WETBACKS!
But suddenly all Americans love wetback kids...makes sense in LibTardia.
How America ‘feels” about the “Nightmares” matters not...a POTUS was never gifted the authority to write immigration policy.....third graders know this.
I thought both Trump and Republicans in Congress supported allowing DACA kids to stay

Did they lie?
Kennedy is retiring just in time.
The new and improved SCOTUS will most certainly side with our founders on this one.
The American Dream is intended for Americans.
You underestimate how Americans regard the Dreamers. There are, thank Fod, a lot fewer decent people in America than bigoted mouthbreathers.

Trump won the election on one pitch....FUCK WETBACKS!
But suddenly all Americans love wetback kids...makes sense in LibTardia.
How America ‘feels” about the “Nightmares” matters not...a POTUS was never gifted the authority to write immigration policy.....third graders know this.
Young adults who broke no law, who know no other country but this one and who have succeeded by any metric used to measure success deserve American justice, not the scorn of mouth breathing bigots.
Last edited:
Kennedy is retiring just in time.
The new and improved SCOTUS will most certainly side with our founders on this one.
The American Dream is intended for Americans.
You underestimate how Americans regard the Dreamers. There are, thank God, a lot fewer decent people in America than bigoted mouthbreathers.
Republicans are casting off the Hispanic vote for generations

DACA, separation of families, harassment of Hispanics

Texas, Florida, Arizona California take note
Kennedy is retiring just in time.
The new and improved SCOTUS will most certainly side with our founders on this one.
The American Dream is intended for Americans.
You underestimate how Americans regard the Dreamers. There are, thank Fod, a lot fewer decent people in America than bigoted mouthbreathers.

Trump won the election on one pitch....FUCK WETBACKS!
But suddenly all Americans love wetback kids...makes sense in LibTardia.
How America ‘feels” about the “Nightmares” matters not...a POTUS was never gifted the authority to write immigration policy.....third graders know this.
Young adults who broke no law, who knows no other country but this one and who have succeeded by any metric used to measure success deserve American justice, not the scorn of mouth breathing bigots.

Bleeding heart nobility based semantics....we have laws, checks and balances.
Sorry, that scrawny black dude with the big ears and unAmerican name dished out unconstitutional false hope all over the place. Blame the Kenyan Zulu.
I don't know about sides, but as a American, I am bloody tired of Mexican illegal aliens given sanctuary without the consent of you know, WE, the PEOPLE.I see this playing up in the press particularity overseas ( BBC, NHK to DW) I live with Mexicans here illegally . They are not the victims the press makes them out out to be. Americans are being dispossessed by illegals but that is ignored or overlooked. Here or overseas. That is telling, if not heartbreaking.
I thought both Trump and Republicans in Congress supported allowing DACA kids to stay

Did they lie?
------------------------------------------------ i HOPE so , nothing wrong with fecking with You guys RWinger .
Kennedy is retiring just in time.
The new and improved SCOTUS will most certainly side with our founders on this one.
The American Dream is intended for Americans.
You underestimate how Americans regard the Dreamers. There are, thank Fod, a lot fewer decent people in America than bigoted mouthbreathers.

Trump won the election on one pitch....FUCK WETBACKS!
But suddenly all Americans love wetback kids...makes sense in LibTardia.
How America ‘feels” about the “Nightmares” matters not...a POTUS was never gifted the authority to write immigration policy.....third graders know this.
Young adults who broke no law, who knows no other country but this one and who have succeeded by any metric used to measure success deserve American justice, not the scorn of mouth breathing bigots.

Bleeding heart nobility based semantics....we have laws, checks and balances.
Sorry, that scrawny black dude with the big ears and unAmerican name dished out unconstitutional false hope all over the place. Blame the Kenyan Zulu.
Racist. Why should we pay attention to you?
Kennedy is retiring just in time.
The new and improved SCOTUS will most certainly side with our founders on this one.
The American Dream is intended for Americans.
You underestimate how Americans regard the Dreamers. There are, thank God, a lot fewer decent people in America than bigoted mouthbreathers.
Republicans are casting off the Hispanic vote for generations

DACA, separation of families, harassment of Hispanics

Texas, Florida, Arizona California take note
------------------------------------------------- maybe , but as the President Trump is always saying --- We wil see !!
Kennedy is retiring just in time.
The new and improved SCOTUS will most certainly side with our founders on this one.
The American Dream is intended for Americans.
You underestimate how Americans regard the Dreamers. There are, thank Fod, a lot fewer decent people in America than bigoted mouthbreathers.

Trump won the election on one pitch....FUCK WETBACKS!
But suddenly all Americans love wetback kids...makes sense in LibTardia.
How America ‘feels” about the “Nightmares” matters not...a POTUS was never gifted the authority to write immigration policy.....third graders know this.
Young adults who broke no law, who knows no other country but this one and who have succeeded by any metric used to measure success deserve American justice, not the scorn of mouth breathing bigots.

Bleeding heart nobility based semantics....we have laws, checks and balances.
Sorry, that scrawny black dude with the big ears and unAmerican name dished out unconstitutional false hope all over the place. Blame the Kenyan Zulu.
Racist. Why should we pay attention to you?

Those whom want to stay ignorant should not...I aim to enlighten foolish filth. You should probably ignore me.
You underestimate how Americans regard the Dreamers. There are, thank Fod, a lot fewer decent people in America than bigoted mouthbreathers.

Trump won the election on one pitch....FUCK WETBACKS!
But suddenly all Americans love wetback kids...makes sense in LibTardia.
How America ‘feels” about the “Nightmares” matters not...a POTUS was never gifted the authority to write immigration policy.....third graders know this.
Young adults who broke no law, who knows no other country but this one and who have succeeded by any metric used to measure success deserve American justice, not the scorn of mouth breathing bigots.

Bleeding heart nobility based semantics....we have laws, checks and balances.
Sorry, that scrawny black dude with the big ears and unAmerican name dished out unconstitutional false hope all over the place. Blame the Kenyan Zulu.
Racist. Why should we pay attention to you?

You whom want to stay ignorant should not...I aim to enlighten foolish filth. You should probably ignore me.
---------------------------------------------- ignore , naw , not me. I like knowing what the Enemy is thinking and pushing . Its only smart Nosmo .
SCOTUS will defer to the legislature and not make a final ruling on DACA.
Kennedy is retiring just in time.
The new and improved SCOTUS will most certainly side with our founders on this one.
The American Dream is intended for Americans.
You underestimate how Americans regard the Dreamers. There are, thank God, a lot fewer decent people in America than bigoted mouthbreathers.
Republicans are casting off the Hispanic vote for generations

DACA, separation of families, harassment of Hispanics

Texas, Florida, Arizona California take note

Trump's Approval Rating Rises Among Hispanics | RealClearPolitics

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