Section 8 Housing Subsidies are a Conservative GOP Program

Procrustes Stretched

"intuition and imagination and intelligence"
Dec 1, 2008
Location: corpus callosum
President Nixon and his Section 8 program housing subsidies Section 8 is a Conservative GOP Program Section 8 Housing Subsidies are a Conservative GOP Program President Nixon and his Section 8 program housing subsidies

Sick of the right wing bullshit about subsidies, socialism, social programs all blamed on Democrats and liberals?

In 1974, under President Nixon, the Section 8 program was created with two distinct parts. The first involved a major housing-allowance type program, which provided households with the difference between what they could afford, based on their paying 25 percent of household income (changed to 30 percent in 1981), and the Fair Market Rent for an apartment in their area. The second component of Section 8 continued the project-based subsidy approach and improved upon these earlier programs by fostering good design and a financing mechanism that allowed for adequate operating subsidies. Most of these contracts with developers were for twenty-year terms.

From 1974 to 1983 (when it was phased out), the project-based development part of Section 8 – the New Construction and Substantial Rehabilitation programs – produced about 1 million units of housing; the certificate/voucher part of Section 8 currently is providing rental assistance to about 1.5 million households. Despite the enactment of the Section 8 production programs, by the early 1970s the old style of housing assistance, which involved providing large federal subsidies to write-down the capital costs of producing housing, were quickly becoming a thing of the past. A Withering Commitment (Section 8, history of federal housing policy)
Nixoid wasn't a "conservative" (whatever the hell that's supposed to mean anymore).

Does it matter if a REP or a DEM or whatever began the thing??

It is still wrong to have it

It does when whacky right wing imbeciles post threads blaming Democrats for housing subsidies and food stamps.

It Takes a Village to Raise a Democrat

Food Stamps, eternal unemployment, housing subsidies, commiecare............

These Parasitic welfare dependents need your hard earned tax dollars today !!!


thank you for playing
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President Nixon and his Section 8 program housing subsidies Section 8 is a Conservative GOP Program Section 8 Housing Subsidies are a Conservative GOP Program President Nixon and his Section 8 program housing subsidies

Sick of the right wing bullshit about subsidies, socialism, social programs all blamed on Democrats and liberals?

In 1974, under President Nixon, the Section 8 program was created with two distinct parts. The first involved a major housing-allowance type program, which provided households with the difference between what they could afford, based on their paying 25 percent of household income (changed to 30 percent in 1981), and the Fair Market Rent for an apartment in their area. The second component of Section 8 continued the project-based subsidy approach and improved upon these earlier programs by fostering good design and a financing mechanism that allowed for adequate operating subsidies. Most of these contracts with developers were for twenty-year terms.

From 1974 to 1983 (when it was phased out), the project-based development part of Section 8 – the New Construction and Substantial Rehabilitation programs – produced about 1 million units of housing; the certificate/voucher part of Section 8 currently is providing rental assistance to about 1.5 million households. Despite the enactment of the Section 8 production programs, by the early 1970s the old style of housing assistance, which involved providing large federal subsidies to write-down the capital costs of producing housing, were quickly becoming a thing of the past. A Withering Commitment (Section 8, history of federal housing policy)

Poli-grip-chick has a thread quoting CATO Institute as saying it were liberal Democratic policies that set the ground for the housing bubble....he went way back with Democrats, but like Poli, he conveniently forgot about conservatives and the GOP
When Republicans think "welfare", they think "black and brown". The Republicans on welfare say it's different for them because they don't have jobs.
President Nixon and his Section 8 program housing subsidies Section 8 is a Conservative GOP Program Section 8 Housing Subsidies are a Conservative GOP Program President Nixon and his Section 8 program housing subsidies

Sick of the right wing bullshit about subsidies, socialism, social programs all blamed on Democrats and liberals?

In 1974, under President Nixon, the Section 8 program was created with two distinct parts. The first involved a major housing-allowance type program, which provided households with the difference between what they could afford, based on their paying 25 percent of household income (changed to 30 percent in 1981), and the Fair Market Rent for an apartment in their area. The second component of Section 8 continued the project-based subsidy approach and improved upon these earlier programs by fostering good design and a financing mechanism that allowed for adequate operating subsidies. Most of these contracts with developers were for twenty-year terms.

From 1974 to 1983 (when it was phased out), the project-based development part of Section 8 – the New Construction and Substantial Rehabilitation programs – produced about 1 million units of housing; the certificate/voucher part of Section 8 currently is providing rental assistance to about 1.5 million households. Despite the enactment of the Section 8 production programs, by the early 1970s the old style of housing assistance, which involved providing large federal subsidies to write-down the capital costs of producing housing, were quickly becoming a thing of the past. A Withering Commitment (Section 8, history of federal housing policy)

Thanks for noticing it's a GOP program dip shit. That kind of Direct Aid, To the disabled among us. Is exactly the kind of Aid the Government should be giving out.

You are confronted with the fact that the GOP did something for the Poor and Disabled and you attack them for it?

Do you have Multiples?
President Nixon and his Section 8 program housing subsidies Section 8 is a Conservative GOP Program Section 8 Housing Subsidies are a Conservative GOP Program President Nixon and his Section 8 program housing subsidies

Sick of the right wing bullshit about subsidies, socialism, social programs all blamed on Democrats and liberals?

In 1974, under President Nixon, the Section 8 program was created with two distinct parts. The first involved a major housing-allowance type program, which provided households with the difference between what they could afford, based on their paying 25 percent of household income (changed to 30 percent in 1981), and the Fair Market Rent for an apartment in their area. The second component of Section 8 continued the project-based subsidy approach and improved upon these earlier programs by fostering good design and a financing mechanism that allowed for adequate operating subsidies. Most of these contracts with developers were for twenty-year terms.

From 1974 to 1983 (when it was phased out), the project-based development part of Section 8 – the New Construction and Substantial Rehabilitation programs – produced about 1 million units of housing; the certificate/voucher part of Section 8 currently is providing rental assistance to about 1.5 million households. Despite the enactment of the Section 8 production programs, by the early 1970s the old style of housing assistance, which involved providing large federal subsidies to write-down the capital costs of producing housing, were quickly becoming a thing of the past. A Withering Commitment (Section 8, history of federal housing policy)

Thanks for noticing it's a GOP program dip shit. That kind of Direct Aid, To the disabled among us. Is exactly the kind of Aid the Government should be giving out.

You are confronted with the fact that the GOP did something for the Poor and Disabled and you attack them for it?

Do you have Multiples?

Dante didn't attack Nixon for keep imagining things. Bad habit in a debate
Nixon created Section 8 housing.
Reagan created Obamaphones.
W Bush created Dept of Homeland Security.

And they say Democrats are the ones expanding government!!!!????
Why do Republicans keep enabling the "takers" with more free shit?
Nixon created Section 8 housing.
Reagan created Obamaphones.
W Bush created Dept of Homeland Security.

And they say Democrats are the ones expanding government!!!!????

The Obamaphones may be my favorite right wing talking point. How many times has it been repeated that they were a result of their man-god Reagan? How many times will Republicans ignore it and repeat the same Obamaphone meme? The current GOP isn't even living in the same reality as the rest of us anymore.
Nixon created Section 8 housing.
Reagan created Obamaphones.
W Bush created Dept of Homeland Security.

And they say Democrats are the ones expanding government!!!!????

The Obamaphones may be my favorite right wing talking point. How many times has it been repeated that they were a result of their man-god Reagan? How many times will Republicans ignore it and repeat the same Obamaphone meme? The current GOP isn't even living in the same reality as the rest of us anymore.

The Obamaphone ploy has just about single handedly caused me to never consider the right wing again. I left 'em because they pissed me off last year. But NOTHING that I've seen so far has better illustrated the outright spin and lie of the right wing like Obamaphones.

In fact, reading up on it, Obama's Admin limited the program, restricting it to 1 phone per household max. So...if anything, he made the program more restrictive. And the message is that he is spreading free phones all over, and the right wing media finds that one ghetto lady preaching about her "Obamaphone" to play 100 times.

The Obamaphone story is a pure, disgusting joke.
Yes, Drudge Fans, The Obama Phone Is Real — Except It Came From Reagan

Over the past 24 hours, thanks to the Drudge Report, conservatives have been going (even more) crazy (than usual) over the “Obama phone,” even claiming Obama is buying votes. A racial, if not racist, video — viewed over 1.1 million times since it was uploaded two days ago — featuring an African American woman who speaks probably the way many Tea Party racists think many, if not most, African Americans speak, says she’s going to vote for President Obama because he gave her a phone.

To make conservatives squeal with delight even more, she’s standing behind a group of SEIU union members protesting at a Romney event in Ohio, and she says if you want an Obama phone “you sign up if you’re on food stamps you’re on social security, you got low income, disability.”

Now, for the truth about the phone.

The Atlantic explains that President Obama didn’t give her a phone — actually, you and Ronald Reagan did. Even Fox News notes, “even though some beneficiaries may credit President Obama for providing the phones, Lifeline is an extension of a program that has existed since 1985.”

Yes, Drudge Fans, The Obama Phone Is Real ? Except It Came From Reagan | The New Civil Rights Movement
Nixon created Section 8 housing.
Reagan created Obamaphones.
W Bush created Dept of Homeland Security.

And they say Democrats are the ones expanding government!!!!????

The Obamaphones may be my favorite right wing talking point. How many times has it been repeated that they were a result of their man-god Reagan? How many times will Republicans ignore it and repeat the same Obamaphone meme? The current GOP isn't even living in the same reality as the rest of us anymore.


But it’s the right that are going to end up looking like the ignorant fools. What Limbaugh, Malzberg -- and likely the majority of the million people who viewed the video -- didn’t know was that these “Obama Phones” are actually a creation of their beloved Ronald Reagan, who began the program in 1984.

Actually called the “Lifeline program,” the legislation permits some households to receive a free landline under Congress’s rationale that "telephone service provides a vital link to emergency services, government services and surrounding communities."

That idea dates back to 1934, under the Communications Act, but Reagan was the first to actually implement the legislation. The program grew under President Clinton, who recognized the advent of the newfangled new technology of cordless phones and expanded it to include cell phones.
Ring Wing Goes Crazy Over 'Obama Phones' Which Are Actually 'Reagan Phones' | Alternet

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