Seal Team Six: The Raid on Osama Bin Laden Premier's Tonight on National Geographic


Diamond Member
Aug 12, 2009
How many of you are gonna be watching this?

[ame=]Seal Team 6 The Raid on Osama Bin Laden (2012) Trailer [HD] - YouTube[/ame]

I know I am...

In fact, let me go setup my DVR right now.


Just finished watching the drama/documentary. To anyone out there that had anything to do with that mission, no matter how small, Thanks.
[ame=]ANTI MUSLIM FILM PROTEST Spreading to AUSTRALIA: "Obama, Obama, we like Osama" - YouTube[/ame]
I watched a Seal Team Six show on Discovery today, not sure if its the same one or not.

Learned a few tidbits, like when Obama met the team he asked which one pulled the trigger. The SEALs told him nothing....basically a big FU lol.
I watched a Seal Team Six show on Discovery today, not sure if its the same one or not.

Learned a few tidbits, like when Obama met the team he asked which one pulled the trigger. The SEALs told him nothing....basically a big FU lol.

Not same one.
Finally watched it last night, but I admit I did so with a bit of a bias. That's because from day one I've thought we shouldn't have given out as much detail info as we did. For example, why does the world have to know our Navy SEALs carried out the mission, let alone which particular team? I would have left it at our intelligence found out his location and individuals trained in such matters took him out, period. Nothing about choppers, support assets, etc. Just seems smart to me that our enemies be left as much in the dark as possible about how we pulled it off.

All that said, what had been told about the raid is public knowledge now so in that regard the movie folks did a decent job producing it.
blastoff, et al,

I would not worry about this too much.

Finally watched it last night, but I admit I did so with a bit of a bias. That's because from day one I've thought we shouldn't have given out as much detail info as we did. For example, why does the world have to know our Navy SEALs carried out the mission, let alone which particular team? I would have left it at our intelligence found out his location and individuals trained in such matters took him out, period. Nothing about choppers, support assets, etc. Just seems smart to me that our enemies be left as much in the dark as possible about how we pulled it off.

All that said, what had been told about the raid is public knowledge now so in that regard the movie folks did a decent job producing it.

  • For example, why does the world have to know our Navy SEALs carried out the mission:

This is Political-Military posturing that proclaims that the US has a full toolbox, and if one doesn't get you - another will. Navy SEALs are part of the combined Special Operations Command with a huge reach.

Domestically, when SOCOM and SECNAV go to Congress for funding, they don't have to justify the necessity for them, the reputation is made.

  • let alone which particular team?

All covert and clandestine operations and units have a name. The name is easy enough to change if it becomes necessary. The other Special Ops units do it all the time. In reality, the name and UIC are needed for the budget process. But, just as there is no SEAL Tm 5, there is no SEAL Tm 6.


The overall story is out and told the way the Intelligence Community (IC), the Joint Chiefs (JCS), SOCOM and SECNAV wants it. Just think about all of the story that's not told.

Everybody in the PAK ISI (with half a brain) is looking over their shoulder, and watching every move they make - knowing that the US has eyes and ears on them. The PAK ISI may want to extend the image that they have some honesty and integrity, and we call them an "ally" (with a wink and a nod), but everyone knows the truth and the connections they have with both terrorists and insurgents. The PAK ISI has brought bribery, corruption and backstabbing to new heights, second only to the American Politicians. PAK has set its reputation in stone.

Most Respectfully,

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