Scott Walker’s cowardice should disqualify him


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America
What Rudy Giuliani did this week was stupid.

What Scott Walker did ought to disqualify him as a serious presidential contender.

As the world now knows, Giuliani, the former New York mayor, said at a dinner featuring Walker, the Wisconsin governor, that “I do not believe that the president loves America.” According to Politico, Giuliani said President Obama “wasn’t brought up the way you were brought up and I was brought up, through love of this country.”

And Walker, just a few seats away, said . . . nothing. Asked the next morning on CNBC about Giuliani’s words, the Republican presidential aspirant was spineless: “The mayor can speak for himself. I’m not going to comment on what the president thinks or not. He can speak for himself as well. I’ll tell you, I love America, and I think there are plenty of people — Democrat, Republican, independent, everyone in between — who love this country.”

But did he agree with Giuliani? “I’m in New York,” Walker demurred. “I’m used to people saying things that are aggressive out there.”

This is what’s alarming about the Giuliani affair. There will always be people on the fringe who say outrageous things (and Giuliani, once a respected public servant, has sadly joined the nutters as he questioned the president’s patriotism even while claiming he was doing no such thing). But to have a civilized debate, it’s necessary for public officials to disown such beyond-the-pale rhetoric. And Walker failed that fundamental test of leadership.

This week saw the harvest of a bumper crop of crazy, much of it occasioned by Obama’s efforts to make clear that the United States isn’t at war with Islam, by avoiding the phrase “radical Islam” and by pointing out that terrible things have also been done in the name of Christianity. His language on Islam is essentially the same as George W. Bush’s, but no matter.

More: Scott Walker's cowardice should disqualify him - The Washington Post

I agree that Walker's bland response was cowardly. He can't tiptoe his way into the White House.
Oh bite me. Walker handled the situation gracefully. Anyone on the left touting "beyond the pale" rhetoric by Giuliani as just " too horrid"is a hypocritical asshole and deserves to get a smack upside the head.

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Oh bite me. Walker handled the situation gracefully. Anyone on the left touting "beyond the pale" rhetoric by Guiliani as just " too horrid "is a hypocritical asshole and deserves to get a smack upside the head.

I don't believe "gracefully" will get him into the White House. He must let voters know who he really is and what he stands for.
Oh bite me. Walker handled the situation gracefully. Anyone on the left touting "beyond the pale" rhetoric by Guiliani as just " too horrid "is a hypocritical asshole and deserves to get a smack upside the head.

I don't believe "gracefully" will get him into the White House. He must let voters know who he really is and what he stands for.
Unlike Obama Walker will not weigh in with his opinion on every single matter. That's a relief right there.
it's you and people like YOU that are the COWARDS. and on top of that frikken bullies.

you all can go jump off a building. or shut the hell up already. we are fed up with you lying bullies and that is why you lost your party Majority in Congress
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What Rudy Giuliani did this week was stupid.

What Scott Walker did ought to disqualify him as a serious presidential contender.

As the world now knows, Giuliani, the former New York mayor, said at a dinner featuring Walker, the Wisconsin governor, that “I do not believe that the president loves America.” According to Politico, Giuliani said President Obama “wasn’t brought up the way you were brought up and I was brought up, through love of this country.”

And Walker, just a few seats away, said . . . nothing. Asked the next morning on CNBC about Giuliani’s words, the Republican presidential aspirant was spineless: “The mayor can speak for himself. I’m not going to comment on what the president thinks or not. He can speak for himself as well. I’ll tell you, I love America, and I think there are plenty of people — Democrat, Republican, independent, everyone in between — who love this country.”

But did he agree with Giuliani? “I’m in New York,” Walker demurred. “I’m used to people saying things that are aggressive out there.”

This is what’s alarming about the Giuliani affair. There will always be people on the fringe who say outrageous things (and Giuliani, once a respected public servant, has sadly joined the nutters as he questioned the president’s patriotism even while claiming he was doing no such thing). But to have a civilized debate, it’s necessary for public officials to disown such beyond-the-pale rhetoric. And Walker failed that fundamental test of leadership.

This week saw the harvest of a bumper crop of crazy, much of it occasioned by Obama’s efforts to make clear that the United States isn’t at war with Islam, by avoiding the phrase “radical Islam” and by pointing out that terrible things have also been done in the name of Christianity. His language on Islam is essentially the same as George W. Bush’s, but no matter.

More: Scott Walker's cowardice should disqualify him - The Washington Post

I agree that Walker's bland response was cowardly. He can't tiptoe his way into the White House.
In other words, you would like Walker to attack Giuliani so the left can talk about the infighting within the GOP. Sure pal, and thanks for the advice. :lol: :lol: :lol:
Scott Walker has the right to sit and listen or jump on a table top and shout "Right On Rudy!" or anything else he wants without being "disqualified". I mean let's get real here. I'll just assume you are a Liberal scared of Walker who will be a formidable opponent to Billary Clinton.
oh how I hope this reminds the people why they stuck their party down into minority statues in just SIX YEARS under that thug they put in as President. and as we see they act like thugs right along with him. that party is so in the gutter, they can't run on their records. they have to bully, whine, beat people down.

WAKE UP PEOPLE to this party
it's you and people like YOU that are the COWARDS. and on top of that frikken bullies.

you all can go jump off a building. or shut the hell up already. we are fed up with you lying bullies and that is why you lost your party Majority in Congress
If you are fed up, you should organize an American get show how fed up you are. I bet you can get millions to show.
I wouldn't us the PropagandaNyslimes to line my birdcage

they and all of you can to hell. we have freedom of speech in this country. You don't like what was said, tough shit. we refuse to be BULLIED by you snakes in the Newyorkslimes and the dem/commie/ party
Oh bite me. Walker handled the situation gracefully. Anyone on the left touting "beyond the pale" rhetoric by Guiliani as just " too horrid "is a hypocritical asshole and deserves to get a smack upside the head.

I don't believe "gracefully" will get him into the White House. He must let voters know who he really is and what he stands for.

The elections he has won,if one was smarter than a fence post ,would tell you the voters already like what they see,but then your not.
Scott Walker is going to be your next President. A welcome relief, I must say, to the lying, deceitful, America-hating regime that currently squats in our beloved White House. Scott will, with the help of our Republican conservative Congress, reverse the entire ObamaNation agenda. After he's through, people will say to themselves, "was the last eight years a nightmarishish dream?"

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