Science and Global Warming

I find willfull ignorance by people such as yourself not at all entertaining. To think that we can add 39% more CO2 to the atmosphere and not have an effect is an extroidenery statement. The science of greenhouse gases has been well established for decades. You really should do something about your very apparent ignorance concerning that science.

To these dummies global warming is not about science, it's about Al Gore. Who gives a shit about Al Gore?

CO2 is now at the highest level ever recorded, and the Antarctic ice core record goes back 600,000 years.
To these dummies global warming is not about science, it's about Al Gore. Who gives a shit about Al Gore?

CO2 is now at the highest level ever recorded and the Antarctic ice core record goes back 600,000 years.

Please do whatever you can to stop it and save us !!! I just can't afford those fancy carbon credits.
To these dummies global warming is not about science, it's about Al Gore. Who gives a shit about Al Gore?

CO2 is now at the highest level ever recorded, and the Antarctic ice core record goes back 600,000 years.

Humans exhale CO2,
want to volunteer to stop breathing to save the planet?
Please do whatever you can to stop it and save us !!! I just can't afford those fancy carbon credits.

First, I am not a fan of carbon credits. I would far rather start a program of installing alternative energy sources as rapidly as possible, and shutting the coal plants down, dirtiest first, as the alternative energy comes online. Then we need a very strong research program to replace the current use of petroleum in transportation with an alternative. Electricity, via batteries or capacitors, hybrid, with the liquid fuel component being provided by bio-fuels, or even hydrogen fuel cells. Who knows what will be the best? But finding an economic one that we can manufacture for us and the rest of the world would definately improve our trade position.

And I must address nuclear here. So many automatically assume that anyone that understands global warming is against nuclear. I am all for nuclear, especially the fourth and fifth generation nukes on the drawing boards. But nukes are expensive to build, expensive to operate. A very good ballast, but it is cheaper, and less vulneble to interruption, natural or manmade, to have the majority of generation from natural alternatives. Also, the profit generated by wind, solar, and geothermal will be spread among a much larger portion of the population, allowing many present consumers to also become producers.
The most important security problem America faces is our dependence on foreign oil. This problem is way more important than 50 guys in a cave in Pakistan.

Developing alternative forms of energy is not only good for the environment, it's good for America. Thank goodness we will soon have a president who understands this.
I find willfull ignorance by people such as yourself not at all entertaining. To think that we can add 39% more CO2 to the atmosphere and not have an effect is an extroidenery statement. The science of greenhouse gases has been well established for decades. You really should do something about your very apparent ignorance concerning that science.

Well the only problem being that as CO2 increases its effects become less and less, nothing like some real science and all.
I watched the first one for about four minutes. The sound quality stank, they spent one minute out of ten needlessly advertising their own nonsense, and the rest of the time, interviewing people who had zero to do with the science of global warming. I do not have time for shit. For that was the quality of that You Tube presentation. If you wish me to go to any site you post after this, make sure it is from a recognized source of information. I don't waste time on idiots.

You do realize that the show is nationally aired ... right? If you only watched four minutes you didn't watch it. Also they do have experts they interview on BOTH sides of the argument, but of course you'd have to watch it to see.
Well the only problem being that as CO2 increases its effects become less and less, nothing like some real science and all.

Except that once the warming starts, then the permafrost melts and releases methane which is 20 times more powerful as a greenhouse gas than CO2.
Penn and Teller are magicians, not scientists.

If you want the science, click on this link....

Data @ NASA GISS: GISS Surface Temperature Analysis: 2007 Summation

The worlds most unintelligent people keep using that lame argument. So, does that mean all priests should just stay in their churches and have no say in politics either since they are only spiritual counselors? Should Arnold or Lincoln have never been allowed to take offices? Just because someone does something for a living or hobby doesn't mean they can't be intelligent, it's an excuse to dismiss the facts they gather just because you don't want to see the truth.
Not at all true. However, here are people that specifically study the subject;

Global Warming Frequently Asked Questions

The really stupid thing is, I know humanity is driving itself extinct, it's just that "global warming" (the phrase) itself isn't even close to accurate and any scientist who claims it is, is just jumping on a band wagon and looking for their 15 minutes, no more. "Meteorological Chaos" is more descriptive and much more accurate, but even then it's a small problem compared to others we are facing. The sad thing is that you environuts are looking at a very natural event and using that instead of looking at the real problem, much less seeking a real solution, the real solution would be immoral by your views anyway so you instead look for a very ineffective solution by using your own idiotic label. P&T only address the "global warming" scare, but they also (if one pays attention to other people instead of looking at a few biased sources) address the other real issues that you deny.
Well, I don't think that global warming is a myth.
In fact, I believe the planet has gone through numerous cycles of warming and cooling. This is just the first time that government has found a way to tax us for it.

Except the government is NOT taxing us for it.

Aside from that, your conspiracy theory to explain the so-called myth of global warming has tremendous merit.
Obama plans to tax us for it. Or did you miss the plan to create a Carbon tax?

I've heard about it.

Let's see how it shakes out.

But do bear in mind that I am responding to the theory that the is a vast conspiracy (apparently of most of the world's climatologists number in the tens of thousands) who are and have been in on the big lie about global warming just so Obama could impose that carbon tax.

Because that was the claim, remember.

That global warming is a myth the government had to create to justify taxing us.

Like the government needs myths to tax us?


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